Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему "Food and drinks"
Оценка 5
Руководства для учителя
английский язык
8 кл
План-конспект урока разработан по обновленной программе обучения английскому языку. Данный урок поможет учащимся познакомиться с национальной кухней Казахстана, закрепить навыки слушания, говорения, чтения; позволит расширить представление о национальной кухне Казахстана, Великобритании.й. Использование на уроках наглядного материала (картинок, карточек, рисунков) помогает учащимся лучше усвоить новую лексику.
Food and drinks.docx
Lesson plan
Shortterm plan
Food and Drinks
Grade: 8
Theme of the lesson:
Learning objectives
that are achieved at
this lesson(Subject
School: №
Teacher’s name:
Number present:
Food and Drinks of Kazakhstan
8.C3 respect differing points of view
8.C6 organize and present information clearly to others
8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics
8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives
Students will be able to:
To focus on Kazakhstan food (namely hospitality in Kazakhstan)
Success criteria
o learner can answer the questions about their favorite food
o 80% of learner’s answers in listening task are correct (vocabulary,
spelling, grammar)
o Learners are expected to be able to know and demonstrate kitchen
o Students can match 5 out of 7 sentences in Reading
action verbs
Values instilled at the
Respect for peer voice and differing opinions;
ICT skills
Active Board
Previous learning
Food and Drinks
Course of the lesson
stages of the
1 min
Planned activities at the lesson
1. Organizational moment.
Teacher notes students’ presence and informs the students
about lesson objectives.
Active Board
Power Point Presentation Cards with kitchen verbs
Active Board
Power Point Presentation
New Headway
9 min
5 min
10 min
2. Warmup: Mime game. Teacher splits students into two
groups so that they will compete. The groups stand in rows, so one
student from each team should show the action which is written on
the card? His team should guess it.. This demonstrates the
students’ readiness for the lesson as their homework was to learn
the kitchen action verbs. Each correct answer bring a point to the
team, each incorrect answer takes the point out from the score.
Teacher; What are you doing?
Student: I am grating.
Teacher: What are you grating?
Student: I am grating cheese.
Grate Scoop
Peel Pour
Squeeze Stir
Bake Sift
Spread Knead
Slice Add
3.Students speak about their favourite dish.
What is your favourite dish?
How often do you cook it?
Can you cook it completely yourself or does anybody help
Students do Listening Task: Part 1 is the same for everyone.
Before doing Part 2 teacher asks students who wants to do a
challenging task in which the questions are a bit more
difficult, student do not only state the facts but analyze them.
Part 1. Listen and match each person with their favorite
A. Marian
B. Graham
C. Lucy
D. Gavin
E. Sally
Part 2. Answer the questions about these people:
6. Who travels a lot?
7. Who likes sweet things?
8. Who had her favorite food on holiday?
9. Who prefers vegetables?
10. Who likes food from his own country?
15 min
Part 2.(Challenging Task) Answer the questions about these
6. Why does he travels a lot?
7. What sweet things does she like eating?
8. Who had her favorite food on holiday and in what
9. What vegetables does she prefer?
10. Who likes food from his own country and what does he
cook when he is back at home?
4.Reading the text about Kazakh hospitality
Teacher distributes the text “Hospitality in Kazakhstan”. Learners’ task is to spread the sets of cards on the table, read
the beginning of the text and find its logical ending. Students
agree on the criteria, 5 sentences out of 7 possible will mean
that they coped with the task and achieved the learning
They work in pairs, formed by finding the beginning and
ending of the Kazakh dishes:
Shelpek – The thin rolled out dough fried in fat
Shubat –the drink made of camel milk
Beshbarmak – boiled horse or mutton meat welded in the
boullion with slices of rolled out pastry
Sorpa – strong boillion
Kuyrdak – roast of liver, lung and meat with potatoes
Having made their choice the students move to another
desk where they can change the ideas of other students
Students work together with a partner, then they move
clockwise and check what their classmates have done. They
move until they check everybody’s work and make possible
corrections. On returning to their own place they agree or
disagree with the changes that had been made by their
classmate. Teacher checks the text with all the students.
Hospitality has always been
a main character trait of
Kazakh people. Even if you
have just a minute to pop in to
a Kazakh house, an owner
Respectful attitude to the
guests contributed to the fact
Traditionally, meal is served
at a low round table, called
dastarkhan. First and
foremost, in order to quench
thirst of the guest a hostess
Then, table will be filled
with baursaks balls of dough,
prefried in boiling oil, samsa
triangular pastries with meat,
kausyrma a kind of thin
Here, to be objective, we
should say that tea never grew
on the territory of Kazakhstan,
it was introduced to the Steppe
of Kazakhstan from the
After a longdrawn tea
will still ask you to sit down
and offer a fragrant tea with
that traditional Kazakh feast
took a shape of a ceremony, non
inferior to world famous
Chinese tea ceremony.
will treat him with a bowl of
beverage, either kymys a drink
based on fermented mare's milk
or shubat the main ingredient
of which is camel milk.
filled with meat and onions,
raisins, kurt (small, salted
cheese balls) and, of course, tea.
but despite this, tea quickly
gained popularity among the
local population. And today, in
fact, it is one of the main drinks
in Kazakh society.
will be complemented by ceremony, assortment of dishes
on the festive table
The main dish of Kazakh
cuisine, with which owners
welcome their guests is
6. Students’ feedback
meat dishes: kazi, shuzhuk,
zhal, zhaya, karta, kabyrga. The
above dishes are traditionally
prepared from horse meat or
the name of this dish is
translated from Kazakh as “five
fingers” because of a manner to
eat the dish by hand
7. Homework: revise vocabulary
5 min
Differentiation – how
do you plan to give
more support? How
do you plan to
challenge the more
able learners?
Assessment – how
are you planning to
check students’
Health and safety regulations
Allow thinking
More support:
able learners with a
less dense definition
written on a worksheet
so they can read.
Moreable learners:
group’s findings.
All groups
Change groups
change group dynamics
if necessary.
Summarize the
health promoting techniques
discussion. Did the
group dynamics
work? Did each
learner contribute to
the discussion? If
not, why not? (e.g.
what to do; not so
confident speaking
interested in topic;
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
Were the lesson
objectives realistic? Did all
learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned
differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make
from my plan and why? Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will
inform my next lesson?
Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1) What influence does multinational culture have on the Kazakh cuisine?
2) Which Kazakh sweets did the presentation table treat overseas audience with?
3) When was Library of Congress Cooking Club established?
4) How many people attended the presentation?
5) They told not merely about food, but also about …
Appendix 2.
1)Hospitality has always been a main character trait of
Kazakh people. Even if you have just a minute to pop in
to a Kazakh house, an owner
2)Respectful attitude to the guests contributed to the fact
3)Traditionally, meal is served at a low round table,
called dastarkhan. First and foremost, in order to
quench thirst of the guest a hostess
4)Then, table will be filled with baursaks balls of
dough, prefried in boiling oil, samsa triangular
pastries with meat, kausyrma a kind of thin pastries
5)Here, to be objective, we should say that tea never
grew on the territory of Kazakhstan, it was introduced to
the Steppe of Kazakhstan from the outside,
6)After a longdrawn tea ceremony, assortment of
dishes on the festive table
7)The main dish of Kazakh cuisine, with which owners
welcome their guests is besbarmak,
a)will still ask you to sit down and offer a fragrant tea
with sweets.
b)that traditional Kazakh feast took a shape of a
ceremony, non inferior to world famous Chinese tea
c)will treat him with a bowl of beverage, either kymys
a drink based on fermented mare's milk or shubat the
main ingredient of which is camel milk.
d)filled with meat and onions, raisins, kurt (small,
salted cheese balls) and, of course, tea.
e)but despite this, tea quickly gained popularity among
the local population. And today, in fact, it is one of the
main drinks in Kazakh society.
f)will be complemented by meat dishes: kazi, shuzhuk,
zhal, zhaya, karta, kabyrga. The above dishes are
traditionally prepared from horse meat or lamb.
g)the name of this dish is translated from Kazakh as
“five fingers” because of a manner to eat the dish by
Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему "Food and drinks"
Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему "Food and drinks"
Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему "Food and drinks"
Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему "Food and drinks"
Разработка плана урока по английскому языку на тему "Food and drinks"
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