“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
Оценка 4.9
Научные работы
английский язык
9 кл
Познакомившись со множеством объектов, расположенных в окрестностях Больших Вязём, связанных со страницами Великой Отечественной войны, например могилы погибших от бомбежек жителей, здания бывших госпиталей, обелиски, и мемориалы и т.д., был составлен туристический маршрутный лист.Познакомившись с информационными источниками различных изданий, материалами школьного музея о таких объектах на территории Больших Вязём, составили туристический маршрут, состоящий из 5 объектов.
Designing the Tourist Route in Bolshie Vyazemy.docx
(143050, Московская область, Одинцовский район, поселок Большие
Вязёмы д.49)
тел. 8 (498) 6940615
(предмет – английский язык)
Лунякова Елизавета Эдуардовна
Московская область,
г. Голицыно,
ул. Советская, д.48, кв.79
Арутюнян Ани Гагиковна,
учитель английского языка
МБОУ Большевязёмская гимназия
Большие Вязёмы 2015
1. Introduction. Justification of the project...............................................2
2. Content..................................................................................................4
Theoretical section............................................................4
2.1.1. Plaques placed on Bolshevyazemskaya
2.1.2. Monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.............5
2.1.3 Bed of honor.......................................................... 6 Victory Park.......................................................6
2.1.510. Obelisk of memory to fellow villagers.............7
section .............................................................................8
3. Conclusion.......................................................................................9
4. Appendices........................................................................................10
5. List of the used literature...................................................................19
1 1. Intruduction.
«Cognize your country, your brook or your hill. Do
not be afraid that their size… Because the large
grows from the small».
А. Е. Fersman
In the conception «Ecopolice Odintsovsky» There
is a section named "The Cultural sphere".
Its tasks:
The development of the tourism potential of Odintdovo destrict and making
it one of the cultural centers of Moscow region and Russia;
Preservation and development of cultural and historical traditions, promotion
of cultural and historical heritage of the population;
To provide historical continuity of cultural values and ideals of generations.
Its intention:
The development and preservation of cultural values of the society and
promoting patriotism based on local history knowledge.
My project called "Creation of the tourist route in Bolshie Vyazemy" is the
2 realization of this section.
It is going to be 70 years since the Great Victory of our people over
fascism, and in Bolshie Vyazemy there are many objects associated with the
Great Patriotic War.
Route planning of the sightseeing tour in Bolshie Vyazeny’s area.
Identification and study of facilities in Bolshie Vyazemy that are associated
with the Great Patriotic War.
To study of the sources with information about Bolshie Vyazemy and to
describe the objects associated with the Great Patriotic War.
To develop my creativity when creating a project and its presentation,
attract my classmates
To promote patriotism based on local history knowledge through the
organizing and conducting tours for students and visitors to school.
Methods: Information retrieval;
Stages: 1 Choosing a theme, developing of plan, defining the activities and
3 sources of information to obtain results.
2 Searching and work with information sources.
3 Accumulation and processing of information material,
consultation and correction of work.
4 Making work conclusions.
5 Public presentation of the work.
6 Practical Perspectives.
Product of the project: itinerary with the accompanying information cards for
each route object.
1. Content.
2.1. Theoretical section. Describing the objects.
There are many objects in Bolshie Vyazemy that can tell us about the past
of our homeland, about the importance of Vyazemy in the Great Patriotic War.
You can see overgrown craters from bombs dropped by German planes, the
graves of residents who died during these bombings and fires, the buildings of
former hospitals, obelisks, plaques and memorials in Golitsyno and in Bolshie
Vyazemy’s surroundings. But I chose the most interesting facilities in
Vyazemy’s area with a convenient location for excursions for students.
After finding enough information about interesting sights in Bolshie
Vyazemy and analyzing their location, historical and cultural value, I created a
tourist route, which includes 5 objects.
OBJECT 1: Plaques on Bolshevyazemskaya gymnasium. ( app. №2)
Name: Plaques
Adress: Bolshevyuazemskaya gymnasium’s building, Bolshie Vyazemy,
Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
Used nowadays: Plaques.
4 Historical information:
There are two plaques on the gymnasium’s building with the names of its
graduates Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Molchanov and Afghan soldier
Andrey Egorov, who died in 1983 because of execution of the international
Alexey Molchanov was born on March 29, 1924 in Bolshie Vyazemy, he
used to study in our school. Here, in the parachute school he received the first
pilot skills. In 1941, Molchanov was drafted into the Red Army. In 1944 he
graduated from the Tambov Air Force Pilot School.
During the war, he made 91 sorties to attack enemy troops and sank 2
ships of low tonnage.
Alex was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, the Order of the Red
Banner, three Orders of the Patriotic War 1st Class, Order of the Red Star and
several medals.
Andrey Egorov was born September 30, 1964 in Dubky village in
Odintsovo district, Moscow region. First, he studied in Golitsynskaya high
school and then in Bolshevyazemskaya school. After a military conscription he
served in landing troops.
Shard of a broken mine seriously hurt Andrey in the head. Guard
lieutenant, deputy political commissar company died on the way to hospital.
He was posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star.
The school museum keeps Andrey’s personals, as well as his desk.
OBJECT 2: The monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. (app. №3).
Name: The monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
Was built: in 1975 for the 30th anniversary of the victory.
Odintsovo district, Moscow region,
Bolshevyazemskaya gymnasium’s
territory, Bolshie Vyazemy,
5 Brief description:
In 1975 for the 30th anniversary of the victory of the means of pioneers and
komsomol of Bolshevyazemskaya High School (wastepaper collection) was
built a monument to Zoya Kosmodemjyanskaya.
Here in Bolshie Vyazemy on the 4th of November in 1941, following a group of
komsomol volunteers for the front line of the Western direction stopped for the
night a young partisan Kosmodemyanskaya Zoya and her friend Claudia
Miloradova. They stopped in the house number 42 on the Petrovskoe highway.
It was the last location at the intersection of the front line. There she
wasperished, but we still remember her heroism. According to memoirs of the
mistress of the house number 42, Zoya was a short skinny girl, who looked like
a shorthaired boy in a cotton padded jacket and trousers. In the evening after
supper Zoya with Claudia went outside and were looking at the sky in the side
behind the front. They seemed to have a presentiment of the events that will put
the name of Zoya and her companions in the chronicle of the Great Feat of
Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 19411945, which 70th anniversary
of the end our country will celebrate in 2015.
OBJECT 3: Mass grave. (app. №4)
Name: The bed of honor.
Was built: in 1952.
Address: Bolshie Vyazemy, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
Used nowadays: Monument to soldiers who died the Great Patriotic War, the
venue of Memorial Day.
Brief description:
The bed of honor consists of two burials. The first burials were made in the
years of the Great Patriotic War for the soldiers who died of wounds in
hospitals, located in Bolshevyazemskaya School (now Golitsyn police station)
6 and in the estate of Golitsyn (now the MuseumReserve of Pushkin). During the
Great Patriotic War Bolshie Vyazemy was on the front line. Although the
German army did not reach to Bolshie Vyazemy, the surroundings were badly
hit by bombing and shelling.
Injured had been evacuated from the front lines, passing the area of Kubinka
Mozhaisk Zvenigorod. In 1985 the monument was restored to the 40th
anniversary of Victory. There are 127 buried people.
OBJECT 4: Victory Park (app. №7)
Name: Victory Park
Was built: in 2010
Adress: Institute street, Bolshie Vyazemy, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
Used nowadays: Park
Brief description:
In 2010, in honor of the 65th anniversary of Victory local residents
organized this park. In the middle of the park there is a memorial stone on
which is written «Laid in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the
Great Patriotic War." It is located among the 65 lindens and every year people
plant a new tree. It is planned to develop the park, for example place benches
and make a playground. There are also conductions of commemorative events
associated with the Victory Day.
Students of Bolshevyazemskaya gymnasium are caring about the park. In
summer they water the trees to help them grow stronger, as they are planted in
memory of our grandfathers who have died defending our country.
OBJECT 5: The obelisk of memory to fellow villagers.
(app. №6)
Name: The obelisk of memory to fellow villagers.
7 Bas built: in 1968
Адрес: Bolshie Vyazemy, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.
Used nowadays: Obelisk
Brief description:
The obelisk was built with funds raised by the villagers of Bolshie Vyazemy,
Malye Vyazemy and Sharapovka village. The initiator of the project was a great
patriot Nazarov Nikolai Fedorovich. The monument itself is a halfarch with a
towering obelisk. At the top of the obelisk you can see a fivepointed star.
Below there is a carved text: "Glory to those who perished in the battles for the
Motherland in 19411945." In addition, there are 263 names of the villagers
who were killed or died of wounds in hospitals. There are also four plaques
with the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union, who were the residents of
Bolshie Vyazemy district:
Grigoriev Gregory Sergeevich
Ivanov Dmitry Trofimovich
Bilyukin Alexander Dmitrievich
Molchanov Alexey Mikhailovich
2.2. Practical section.
After exploring the objects in the Bolshie Vyazemy’s surroundings I have
compiled a route that includes the sights which are described in the previous
section. Itinerary can be found in the appendix at number 1.
The text for excursion was made based on the descriptions of these
8 objects. I have organized a tour for students of 8 "A" class, from which they
learned about the past of Bolshie Vyazemy during the Great Patriotic War. The
tour lasted 45 minutes. Students enjoyed it, they got a lot new information.
Pupils helped me to take photos for this project.
Photo from the tour is presented in Appendix number 6.
3. Conclusion.
It is known that tourism is one of the largest export industries. It second
only to the oil and the automotive industries. Our district is a unique space for
the development of tourist infrastructure. If you combine all the cultural
«point» of the district and turn them into a single exhibition space, you get the
pride of the district and Moscow region. The district has 163 historical and
cultural monuments and among them there are 36 objects of cultural and
historical heritage. Combining this space allows the organization of many
tourist routes, taking into account the specifics of visited sights, the search for
new solutions to promote the facilities of Odintsovo district, to save our
environmental, to care about education and cultural level of all age groups and
social groups of our neighborhood. My project is one of the attempts to create
such a tourist route. Perhaps tourism will become the leading sector in the
region. I finish my project with the words of the great Alexander Pushkin:
"Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality." I hope the
materials of my excursion helped you to complete picture of the history of
our homeland and people who create it and carefully preserving.
In addition to the material of the route there is a detailed presentation,
so it can be used in other educational institutions in the class hours on the
eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
9 3. Appendices.
Appendice №1. Itinerary.
10 Appendice №2. Plaques on Bolshevyazemskaya gymnasium.
Photo 1.
Photo 2
11 Appendice № 2. Memorial to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya.
Photo 3.
Photo 4.
12 13 Appendice №3. The bed of honor.
Photo 5.
Photo 6.
14 Photo 7.
Photo 8.
15 Photo 9.
Appendice №4. Victory Park.
Photo 10.
16 Photo 11
Photo 12.
17 Photo 13 Photo 14
Appendice № 5. Obelisk of memory to fellow villagers.
Photo 15.
18 Photo 16.
Photo 17.
Photo 18.
19 Appendice №6 . The excursion.
20 5. List of the used literature.
Одинцовская земля./Серия «Энциклопедия сел и деревень
Подмосковья»,/ Под. Ред. К. А. Аверьянов, Н. Н. Митронов и др.;
– М.: Энциклопедия российских деревень, 1994.
2. Попадейкин В. И., Струков В. В., Тарунов А. М. Тропами
Подмосковья. – 4е изд., доп. и перераб. – М.: Московский
рабочий, 1989.
3. Молева Н. М. Земля и годы. – М.: Московский рабочий, 1990.
4. Бояр О. П., Краснов Н. А. и др. Звенигород. Путеводитель. – М.:
Советская Россия, 1974.
5. Боркова С. Н. Заповедная звенигородская земля. – 3е изд.,
перераб. и доп. – М.: Московский рабочий, 1
6. www.odintsovo.info
7. http://bvyazemy.ru
21 8. http://tutnedaleko.ru
22 23
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
“Разработка туристического маршрута в Больших Вяземх”
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