Методическая разработка
учебного занятия
по дисциплине
«Английский язык»
Тема: «Fortune’s Steer Wheel»
«Колесо Фортуны»
Составитель Чепурных Т.А., преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ ЧЭнК
Данное методическое пособие – разработка учебного занятия по
страноведению, по теме «Fortune’s Steer Wheel» интегративного типа по
дисциплинам «Иностранный язык», «География», «История», «Литература».
Тип занятия: деловая игра.
В ходе учебного занятия ставится и достигается цель учебного занятия:
формирование у обучающихся умений выполнять действия и роли деловой
игры, понимать и критически осмысливать прочитанный текст, уметь
высказывать оценочное суждение об исторических событиях английской
Образовательными ресурсами являются учебные пособия
В качестве учебного оборудования служат раздаточный материал,
Организационный этап. Приветствие, проверка отсутствующих, число,
день недели.
Good afternoon, dear students! You’re welcome to our lesson. Wouldn’t you like
to say me the date and the day of the week? Who is absent?
II. Мобилизующий этап (4 минуты). Целеполагание, выставление основных
этапов занятия, задачи работы обучающихся. Ведение в дисциплину. Речевая
зарядка. Повторение изученной лексики по теме.
Dear friends, we are to work and play. Our theme is «Fortune’s Steer Wheel».
(Колесо Фортуны). Our lesson is defined as a business game. We have to
remember the history of Great Britain, some facts of its modern life, we must train
to read the texts and translate them, then read a text about Francis Drake and
discuss it. Our program is very vast. I hope we’ll get it over. So, off we go!!!
Everybody on board!
1 First, we have to repeat words for the topic “Travelling”.
III. Проведение деловой игры «Fortune’s Steer Wheel» 45 минут.
3.1. Старт в городе Плимут. Для того, чтобы наша шхуна отплыла и
отправилась в кругосветное путешествие, мы должны ответить на три вопроса
Imagine you’re a sea officer. Our team is on about going round the world. Some
Stop 1: give some facts to make our ships going
name the full name of the country
where is the UK located
who is the head of the UK
3.2.Историческая отмель. Чтобы не сесть на мель, мы должны хорошо
разбираться в истории Великобритании в целом, а в частности в истории
города Лондон. В предложенных текстах есть пропуски, их нужно заполнить
словами, данными снизу.
Stop 2: be careful! We are near the Historical Shallow. To get rid of the shallow,
you have to fill in the blanks with the words given below.
Historical shallow
(Историческая отмель)
1. The capital of Great Britain is ………………
2. London is about …………..years old
3. London was built by …..
4. The most famous sights of London are …………………..
5. The Tower of London was built …………………
6. The Great Fire in London was ………………………
7. The United Kingdom of Great Britain combines …………..countries.
8. There are ……………..people living in London.
9. The biggest cities of Great Britain are …………………..
10.The symbol of England is ………….
Keywords : 4, 2000, red rose, Manchester, Liverpool, Belfast, Edinburgh,
Romans, 1666, London, Tate Gallery, 1066, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace,
8800000, National Gallery, Trafalgar Square
3.3.Рифы. Каждая страна имеет свой жизненный уклад, свои особенности,
свои характерные черты. Ваша задача разобраться в одном из явлений
британской жизни и рассказать своим друзьям об особенностях страны.
2 Stop 3: Every country has its character and customs. You are to read the text,
translate it and retell the story
1) Albion is the oldest known name of the island of Great Britain. Today, it is still
sometimes used poetically to refer to the island. The name for Scotland in the
Celtic languages is related to Albion. Another story tells us that Britain was born
under the constellation (many stars) Albion. Albion means white, clean. The
definition “foggy” is known because of the thick sea fog that one can see on the
island. Warm waters of the Gulf Stream meet cold waters of the North Sea, get
cool and give a lot of fog. There are many days when the fog is thick and you
can’t see at arm’s length. You can be late for lesson or for work but not none
dares to find the path in the white fog.
legend of
2) The Loch Ness monster, also called “Nessie”, is a creature that is supposed to
live in Loch Ness, the largest lake in the Northern Scotland. Since Roman times
a mysterious sea creature has been alive
through numerous sightings of the animal. When the Romans came to Scotland
in the first century the Picts were the main inhabitants. They were fascinated by
animals and spoke of a strange beast swimming in one of the lakes in the
Scottish highlands. The first references go back to the sixth century when a man
was supposedly saved from the swimming beast of Loch Ness. Nowadays many
expeditions are held to learn something about Nessie. But nobody has seen the
3) A kilt is a type of kneelength skirt with pleats at the back, originating in the
traditional dress of Gaelic men and boys in the Scottish Highlands. It is first
recorded in the 16th century as the great kilt. The small kilt or
modern kilt emerged in the 18th century. Since the 19th century, it has become
associated with the wider culture of Scotland. If you want the truly authentic
experience, there are a whole host of kilt accessories which will give you the
total 'look'. These include: the belt, the sporran or purse, kilt knife traditionally
kept inside the socks, kilt pin, hose kneelength woolen sock, shoes and a
cap called TamoChanter
4) A sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat,
placed on or between slices of bread. Sandwiches are a popular type of lunch
food, taken to work, school, or picnics to be eaten as part of a packed lunch. The
origin of the word 'sandwich' for an item of food may have originated from a
story about John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. He liked to play cards and
3 could play the whole day without interrupting. It is said that in
approximatelly1762, he asked for meat to be served between slices of bread, to
avoid interrupting a gambling game. But soon people may have started
ordering “the same as Sandwich”, and the name stuck !
5) The word "Christmas" is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But
although Christmas is a Christian celebration, it is also true to say that it is an
unusual combination of pagan and Christian ceremonies. A Christmas tree
stands in everybody's living room at Christmas. Around the base of the tree lie
the gifts and toys wrapped up in bright colourful paper. Giving presents goes
back to Roman Saturnalia when good luck gifts of fruit, pastry or gold were
given to friends on New Year's Day. In Britain the traditional day to give
presents is December 26th and is now known as Boxing Day. Christmas is the
best holiday for children. They have a lot of fun, gifts and guests.
a festival of the dead.
All Hallows Day
It is celebrated on the 31
death and supernatural. It is very popular with
So this holiday
in America. On that day children wear
children and teenagers
and masks. They dress up as witches, ghosts, ghouls,
fancy costumes
bats, evil spirits, and skeletons and frighten people. They say “Trick or Treat”. If
they get a treat, they go away. But if they don’t, they play tricks. The main
pumpkin with a
candle placed inside.
The 1
6) T his holiday started in Ireland.
is JackOLantern or
is associated with
of Halloween
st of October.
st of November is
3.4. Почтовый пролив. Наши моряки заметили предмет на волнах. Оказалось,
это бутылка с письмом. Но соленая вода разрушила письмо, оно развалилось
на части. Вам нужно составить части письма, чтобы можно было прочитать
Stop 4: Mail Stream. You see, it’s something in the water! Ouch, it’s a bottle with
a letter. Whose letter is this? And who is it to? The salty water made the reading
impossible. Try to compile the letter.
April, 22nd Dear Ann, Mexico MexicoWe hope to return to
England very soon. We are in a bountiful land.
Everything is o.k. Francis. Mexico Liverpool, England.
Mexico Missis Ann Drake, Frame Street,
Подведение итогов игры
4 Наша деловая игра подошла к завершению. Можно сказать, что на нашей
шхуне не было лентяев и трусишек, все были на высоте положения, все смогли
справиться с заданиями. Френсис Дрейк был бы доволен тем, что у него такая
команда. Но мы не все знаем о самом Дрейке. Наш следующий этап будет
направлен на изучение нового материала.
Our business game is over. You did it well. Everybody could show us the bravery
and knowledge. Francis Drake could be very proud of you. Congratulations!
It’s time to get knew facts, read and discuss the history of the first sailor who went
round the world.
Предъявление нового материала. Работа с текстом.(20 минут)
Прогнозирование содержания текста. О чем может быть текст? Задать
вопросы Дрейку на английском языке
What is he famous for?
Where did he travel?
How did he travel there?
Чтение текста о Френсисе Дрейке с полным понимаемым прочитанного. В
предложенном упражнении соединить слова с фактами из текста.
Read the text, try to understand it.
Find in the text following word and explain how they are connected with F.Drake.
Plymouth ,the Golden Hind ,the Pacific, the New World, the Moluccas Islands,
Elizabeth I
Read the text once more and put the sentences in order how they are in the text
Закрепление изученного материала . Говорение ( 15 минут)
Контроль усвоения материала по теме в процессе рассказа
Работа с картой. Составление высказывания по теме.
Francis Drake first travelled across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. He
travelled all around South America and then sailed to North America before
travelling to the Moluccas Islands in the Pacific. He then sailed around the
southern tip of Africa and finally returned to England. I’d like you to tell us the
story of this brave captain
VI. Подведение итогов работы, выставление оценок
Рефлексия. (4 минуты)
Наше занятие подошло к финишу. Но мы не можем просто уйти и забыть нашу
работу, после занятия должно остаться чтото, что может показать, что мы
работали не зря.
У вас есть таблицы, которые нужно заполнить
5 6
Разработка учебного занятия "Колесо Фортуны"
Разработка учебного занятия "Колесо Фортуны"
Разработка учебного занятия "Колесо Фортуны"
Разработка учебного занятия "Колесо Фортуны"
Разработка учебного занятия "Колесо Фортуны"
Разработка учебного занятия "Колесо Фортуны"
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