Theme of the lesson: Times of my day
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 3.L8 understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics
3.S1 make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics
3.W4 write with support short basic sentences with appropriate spaces between words
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Identify the main idea of a short story on general and curricular topics
Most learners will be able to:
Give short, basic description
Some learners will be able to:
Understand short, narratives
Success criteria Finds the sentences to the pictures
Writes the daily routines
Completes the sentences using the verbs in Present Simple
ICT skills no ICT skills are focused on this lesson
Previous learning Personal pronounsРазработка урока по разделу Время
Short plan 18.docx
Longterm plan unit:
Unit 3. Time
Date: 06.1110.11
Grades: 3 A, B, V, G, D, E
Theme of the lesson: Times of my day
Learning objectives(s) that this
lesson is contributing to
Lesson objectives
Success criteria
Short plan 18
Gymnasium № 41
Teacher name: Kazanzhidi O.F.
Number present:
3.L8 understand short, narratives on a limited range
of general and some curricular topics
3.S1 make basic statements which provide personal
information on a limited range of general topics
3.W4 write with support short basic sentences with
appropriate spaces between words
All learners will be able to:
Identify the main idea of a short story on general and
curricular topics
Most learners will be able to:
Give short, basic description
Some learners will be able to:
Understand short, narratives
Finds the sentences to the pictures
Writes the daily routines
Completes the sentences using the verbs in
Present Simple
ICT skills
Previous learning
no ICT skills are focused on this lesson
Personal pronouns
1 min
Planned activities
Organizational moment
Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and
take their places.
Good afternoon? Glad to see you.
How are you?
What is the day today?
What the weather like today?
5 min
Warming up
(D) Teacher demonstrates the pictures on the theme
“Daily routines”. Learners label the words. Then 2
learners go out the classroom and teacher takes away 2
pictures. Learners should guess what pictures are missing.
5 min
Start up activity:
[I, f] Task. Learners complete the table using active
Card for each learner vocabulary and write what they do in the morning, in the
afternoon and in the evening
In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
• creates the table;
• writes the vocabulary.
(G, f) Task. Learners reads the sentences on the cards and
put them to the pictures. Then learners read the sentences
chain by chain.
Cards with sentences
about daily routines
and pictures for each
• reads the sentences;
• puts the sentences to the pictures;
• listens to the reading of the classmates;
(P, f) Task. Fill in the gaps. Use the words from the table.
1.I ________ up in the morning.
2. Tom ________ to school.
3.We _________ dinner. Dana ________ lessons.
4. They ______ to bed.
5. My friend _______ his homework.
6. I _______ my mum.
7. She ______ supper.
8.I __________ with my friends.
9. You ______ TV.
10. Marat ________ the book.
11. I _________ my teeth.
12. We ______ home.
(W) Energizer:
Stand up! Clap! Clap!
Arms up! Clap! Clap!
Step! Step! Arms down!
Clap! Clap! Please, sit down
(I) Wrap
up .
Sheets with task for
each learner
Card for reflection
27 min
2 min
Разработка урока на тему: "Time. Times of my day"
Разработка урока на тему: "Time. Times of my day"
Разработка урока на тему: "Time. Times of my day"
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