The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The UK consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The capital of the UK is London, but every country has got its own capital. London is the
capital of England too. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. The capital of Wales is Cardiff and
the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
England is the largest country in the UK. It is the heart of Great Britain. Its land is 130,000
sq. km. Scotland is the second part of the UK. Scotland is smaller than England but larger than
Wales. Its land is 78,000 sq. km. Wales is the smallest country in the UK. Its territory is 20,800
sq. km. Northern Ireland is the fourth country in the UK. Its land is about 14,000 sq. km.
The population of the UK is more than 58 million people. 49 mln people live in England.
The population of Scotland is 5,3 mln people. Only about 3 mln people live in Wales. And the
least population is in Northern Ireland. It is only about 1,5 mln people.
The official language of the UK is English. People of England speak only English, but other
countries have their own native language. In Scotland people speak Scottish, in Wales – Welsh,
and in Northern Ireland – Irish.
The UK is a multinational country. People of different nationalities live on the territory of
the UK. But there are four main nationalities in the country. They are: the English, the Scottish
or Scots, the Welsh and the Irish.
Every country has got its own national symbol. The national emblem of England is red rose.
The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. The national symbol of Wales is a yellow daffodil.
A green shamrock is the national symbol of Northern Ireland.
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The UK consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The capital of the UK is London, but every country has got its own capital. London is the
capital of England too. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. The capital of Wales is Cardiff and
the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
England is the largest country in the UK. It is the heart of Great Britain. Its land is 130,000
sq. km. Scotland is the second part of the UK. Scotland is smaller than England but larger than
Wales. Its land is 78,000 sq. km. Wales is the smallest country in the UK. Its territory is 20,800
sq. km. Northern Ireland is the fourth country in the UK. Its land is about 14,000 sq. km.
The population of the UK is more than 58 million people. 49 mln people live in England.
The population of Scotland is 5,3 mln people. Only about 3 mln people live in Wales. And the
least population is in Northern Ireland. It is only about 1,5 mln people.
The official language of the UK is English. People of England speak only English, but other
countries have their own native language. In Scotland people speak Scottish, in Wales – Welsh,
and in Northern Ireland – Irish.
The UK is a multinational country. People of different nationalities live on the territory of
the UK. But there are four main nationalities in the country. They are: the English, the Scottish
or Scots, the Welsh and the Irish.Every country has got its own national symbol. The national emblem of England is red rose.
The national emblem of Scotland is a thistle. The national symbol of Wales is a yellow daffodil.
A green shamrock is the national symbol of Northern Ireland.