Конспект урока разработан для учащихся 8 класса. Это урок систематизации полученных знаний по теме: "Why is English so popular?". Урок проходит в виде ролевой игры, где представители различных англо-говорящих стран приехали на пресс-конференцию представить свою страну и пообщаться с корреспондентами. Они представляют свои страны интересными презентациями и рассказами. Переводчик помогает им общаться с представителями прессы. Эту разработку можно использовать не только на уроке, но и во внеурочной деятельности по предмету. Этот материал актуален, так как формирует коммуникативные навыки по предмету, развивает устойчивый интерес к изучению английского языка, способствует воспитанию толерантного отношения к иноязычной культуре.Разработка открытого урока по теме:" Why is English so popular?"
«Why is English so popular? »
(«Почему английский язык так
Название работы:
Автор: Юргилевич Наталья Владимировна
Место работы: МБОУ СОШ №5
с.Прикумское Минераловодского района
Ставропольского края
Должность: учитель английского языка
Дата выполнения: Февраль, 2014 г.Цель урока:
Формирование коммуникативной компетенции
Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с мнением разных людей из разных
стран о значении английского языка;
Задачи урока:
Развивающие задачи:
– развивать языковые способности и устойчивый интерес к изучению
английского языка;
– расширять кругозор обучающихся при помощи мультимедийных средств,
информации из Интернета;
– развивать практические умения работать в группе.
Воспитательные задачи:
– способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношения к иноязычной
– способствовать воспитанию сотрудничества при коллективной работе;
– способствовать обогащению внутреннего мира учащихся.
Образовательные задачи:
коммуникативные потребности учащихся;
формирование речевых навыков, обеспечивающих познавательно
Актуальность и целесообразность использования медиапродукта:
интенсификация учебновоспитательного процесса (увеличение
количества предлагаемой информации.)
повышение эффективности усвоения учебного материала за счет
одновременного изложения учителем необходимых сведений и показа
демонстрационных фрагментов (подача материала двумя способами:
аудиально и визуально);
Тип урока урок обобщения, систематизации знаний, умений, навыков.
Вид урока ролевая играМетоды и приемы метод монологического изложения, диалогический
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 8 класс
УМК: К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфман, Английский язык: Счастливый
английский.ру/Happy English.ru: учебник англ. яз. для 8 класса общеобраз.
учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2010.
Форматы файлов, содержащихся в архиве: docx.
Необходимое оборудование и материалы для урока– операционная среда –
Microsoft Windows XP, проектор, карта мира, флажки англоговорящих
стран для зарубежных гостей, бейджики для журналистов и корреспондентов.
Зарубежные гости
1.John Denver an American businessman
2.Victoria Jackson an English historian
3.Julie Roche a Canadian actress
4.William MacWizard a Scotland student
5.Karina Kapuran Indian schoolgirl
6.Ondamooroo an ambassador from Africa
1.Pamela Newman a correspondent from the newspaper “The Times”
2.Jack Elliot a correspondent from the BBC channel
3.Valerie James a correspondent from the newspaper “Daily Week:
4.Mary Gross a correspondent from the newspaper “Morning Star”
Гости из России
1.Организационный момент:
Teacher: Goodmorning, children. Nice to meet you. Take your seats.
Ход урока:
2. Объявление темы, целей и задач урока:
Today we are having an unusual lesson. We’ll take part in the talk show, which is
called ”Why is English so popular?” The aim of our lesson is to organize a
discussion about the popularity of English.
Today we are going to meet people from Englishspeaking countries: the USA,
England, Canada, Scotland, India and Africa. A translator Ms.Morozova will helpme at our talk show. So, meet our guests. (входят по одному гости в костюмах.
Учитель их представляет.)
Зарубежные гости
1.John Denver an American businessman
2.Victoria Jackson an English historian
3.Julie Roche a Canadian actress
4.William MacWizard a Scotland student
5.Karina Kapuran Indian schoolgirl
6.Ondamooroo an ambassador from Africa
(корреспонденты и гости сидят за столами, у каждого бейджики. Напротив
каждого гостя стоит флажок страны, которую он представляет)
And there are also many correspondents, who came from different countries.
We have guests from Russia. You may take part in our discussion and ask
questions, if you have any. So, let’s start.
3. Повторение и актуализация опорных знаний.
We all know that English today is more widely spoken and written, than any other
language in the world. English is used by at least 750 million people and about half
of those speak it as a mother tongue. Look at the map. Name Englishspeaking
Northern Ireland
The Republic of Ireland
The U.S.A.
New Zealand
4. Проведение токшоу.
Some people think that English is very important nowadays. It can help you in
your future profession or to communicate with people from other countries. Others
think that you don’t have to learn English, because you can live without it. So, the
question is: “Is English so important? If so, why? Well, our first guest is an
American businessman.Ролик: The United States of America is one of the biggest countries in the world.
The official name of America is the USA. Its capital is Washington, DC. America
was discovered by Christopher Columbus. The native Americans were the Indians.
The official language in the USA is English.
Businessman: Hello! My name is John Denver. I think that English is so popular
because it is the language of America. The world has to understand America,
because it is one of the biggest and strongest countries. Everybody wants to do
business with America.
Correspondent 1: Hi! I am Pamela Newman, a correspondent from the newspaper
“The Times”. I’d like to ask you a question. How many rich people are there in
Businessman: You see, six out of ten richest people in the world are Americans.
Besides the dollar is the most popular currency in the world.
Guest from Russia 1: Меня зовут Николай Иванов. Какой сейчас курс
Translator: How many roubles are there in one dollar?
Businessman: There are 36 roubles in it.
Teacher: O’K. Thank you very much Mr.Denver. Correspondents, have you got
any questions?
Guest from Russia2: В какой фирме вы работаете? Что она производит?
Translator: What firm do you work in? What does it produce?
Businessman: My firm is called Microsoft. It produces computers.
Teacher: Thank you, Mr.Denver. Our next guest is an English historian.
Ролик: The official name of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Nothern Ireland. It consists of Scotland, England, Wales and Nothern Ireland. The
capital of England is London. London is the capital of Great Britain too. The
official language is English.
Historian: Let me introduce myself to you. I am Victoria Jackson. I am an English
historian. I think that English is so popular because it has words from other
languages. It is like many European languages, that’s why people can learn it
easily. There are Scandinavian words, such as: cake, window, seat, cup, kitchen.
French words: country, fruit, letter etc.
Correspondent4: My name is Mary Gross. I am a correspondent from “The
Morning Star” What language group does English belong to?
Historian: English is a Germanic language. English grammar is still very similar
to German.
Correspondent1: What language did the English alphabet come from?Historian: It came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to
England from Ireland.
Correspondent1: Where can you find Celtic words?
Historian: You can only find Celtic words in the names of places and rivers, such
as Avon, the Thames etc.
A teacher: Thank you, Mrs.Jackson. And our next guest is an actress from
Ролик: Canada is a country of lakes. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The
population of Canada is over 24 million people. The main towns are: Montreal,
Toronto, Edmonton, etc. The official languages are English and French.
Actress: Hi, everybody! My name is Julie Roche. I am an actress from Canada but
I live and work in the USA. I think that English is very important because many
films are in English. Besides, our producers pay much money to make films.
Correspondent3: I’d like to ask you a question. What is Hollywood? What is it
famous for?
Actress: Well, Hollywood is the biggest film producer in the world. The most
popular films in the world are American.
Guest from Russia 2: Позвольте мне не согласиться с вами Я считаю, что
российские фильмы также популярны и наши актеры не хуже американских.
Translator: You see, I disagree with you. I think that Russian films are popular
too and there are many famous actors in Russia.
Actress: Of course. I watched many Russian films. They are really good.
Correspondent4: Who is your favourite Russian actor?
Actress: My favourite Russian actor is Boris Korchevnikov.
Teacher: Thank you, Mrs Roche. Have a seat. And now there is an advertisement.
Рекламная пауза.
(Learn English! You’ll be able to travel around the world and visit many
different countries!)
Teacher: Well, meet our next guest, a Scotland student.
Ролик: Scotland is a land of songs. It is the northern part of Great Britain. The
capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The population is over 5 million people. The
biggest city is Glasgow.
Student: My name is William MacWizard. I am a student from Scotland,
Edinburgh. I am 16 years old and I go to the University. Students from different
countries study there. So, we have to understand each other. That’s why we speakEnglish, because it is an international language, and we can easily communicate
with each other.
Correspondent1: Mr.MacWizard, I’d like to ask you a question. What does your
surname mean?
Student: Mac means the son. MacWizard is the son of the wizard.
Correspondent2: Why do you put on a srirt?
Student: It is our national suit. This skirt is a kilt. Men in Scotland wear it. The
tartan of my kilt is blue, brown and white.
Correspondent3: Do you have a motto of your clan?
Student: Of course we do. It is “Speak and do well”.
Teacher: Thank you, Mr.MacWizard. Meet our next guest, an Indian schoolgirl.
Ролик: India is a British colony. It became independent in 1950. The capital of
India is Deli. The biggest towns are Bangapor and Madras. India consists of 25
states and 7 territories.
Schoolgirl: Hi! I am Karina Kapur. I came from India. I am 15 and I go to school.
Our school is allgirls school. We study Mathematics, Literature, Indian, Cooking,
and Dancing and of course English. Besides English is our official language.
Correspondent4: Do you wear a school uniform?
Schoolgirl: No, we don’t have to wear a uniform because I study at state school.
Pupils who go to private schools, must wear a uniform.
Teacher: Thank you, Mrs.Capur. And our last guest is an ambassador from Africa.
Ролик: Africa is a large continent. It is wellknown for its Sakhara desert and wild
animals: giraffes, lions, elephants. It consists of 4 parts: southern, northern,
western, and eastern. Africans live here.
Ambassador from Africa: My name is Ondamooroo. I am an ambassador from
Africa. I am from the tribe YumbaMumba. People in Africa speak English too. It
is our official language. You see, our people are very poor. Our life is very
difficult. Many people die from the diseases. Our children can’t read or write. We
don’t have schools and hospitals. Dear people, help us, please.
Guest from Russia 3: Скажите пожалуйста, чем ваши люди зарабатывают себе
на жизнь?
Translator: Tell me please, what do your people do for a living?
Ambassador from Africa: Our people grow fruit and vegetables, have domestic
Correspondent 1: What do people usually do at their free time?
Ambassador from Africa: Our people are fond of sport and dancing very much.
Teacher: O’K. I think that people from all countries will help your people.Подведение итогов:
So, we have heard all points of view, and we see that English is so important
because you can communicate with people from different countries, you can read
books and newspapers in English. It can help you in your future. So, let’s learn
English! Our talk show is over.
Домашнее задание:
Your hometask is to write about the importance of English. Thank you, see you
next time!