Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме “Mother’s day”, для 2 класса, для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Для повторения изученного материала предложены разнообразные виды деятельности,с учетом возрастных особенностей и способностей учащихся, направленные на развитие критического мышления, языковых и творческих способностей.Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме “Mother’s day”, для 2 класса, для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Для повторения изученного материала предложены разнообразные виды деятельности,с учетом возрастных особенностей и способностей учащихся, направленные на развитие критического мышления, языковых и творческих способностей.
Mother’s day.docx
Mother’s day lesson plan
Supplies: Art supplies and construction paper for homemade cards
Mother’s day puzzle
Mother’s day songs
Mother’s day vocabulary worksheet
Objectives: Students will be able to do the following:
Identify when and how Mother’s day is celebrated.
Write adjectives about mothers.
Solve a puzzle “Chocolate cake” using ABC code.
Sing songs about mothers.
Design and create a homemade Mother’s Day cards
Teacher: Soon we will have a very good holiday: Mother’s day!
The finest word in the world is MOTHER.
Mother is always necessary to you during all your life…
P1 Who said “Good night when you were a child?”
Chorus My mother.
P2 Who dressed your dolls in clothes so gay and showed you how to play?
Chorus My mother.
P3 Who ran to help you when you fell?And who could funny stories tell?
Chorus My mother.
P4 Who sits at your head when you are in bed?
Chorus My mother.
P5Who is so nice, who is so kind? Another so dear you’ll never find!!!
Chorus My mother.
Musical minute: Let’s sing the song: Hugs and Kisses
Teacher: How can you describe your Mum. What adjectives do you need?Teacher: Complete the worksheet with the adjectives. Task 1
Teacher: Decorate the card for Mums. You’ve gotsix petals, write adjectives, describing your
mothers and glue them on the card.
Task 2
Musical minute. Let’s sing a song: You are my sunshine.
Teacher: We can congratulate our mothers in different ways. Let’s watch the play «Helping
Musical minute. Let’s sing a song: Happy Mother’s day
Teacher: What gifts or presents you can make for your Mum?
Let’s make a Chocolate cake
But instead of letters we’ve got numbers. Help us to decode the words.
Let’s cook the cake: name the ingredients. Here is a cake!
Teacher: Let’s present the best poems for mothers:
You know poems with congratulations, you’ve got cards and you know what presents give
your Mums and how to cook a chocolate cake.
Now you are ready to congratulate your Mums.
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