Развитие медицины в 20 веке
Оценка 4.8

Развитие медицины в 20 веке

Оценка 4.8
Развитие медицины в 20 веке
методическая разработка практического занятия.docx








Методическая разработка

практического занятия для преподавателя

Учебная дисциплина: Иностранный язык (английский)

Тема: Развитие медицины в 20 веке.

Специальность:   34.02.01. Сестринское дело
































Вид занятия: практическое 

Продолжительность занятия 90 мин

Тема: Развитие медицины в 20 веке

Цели занятия:
Образовательная: овладение медицинской терминологией; лексическим материалом; формировать потребность познания материала; закрепление полученных знаний.

Развивающая цель:

Развивать навык воспроизведения монологической речи;

Развивать умение пользоваться грамматическим материалом в общении на иностранном языке;

Воспитательная цель:

Сформировать живой интерес к дисциплине;

Воспитывать языковую культуру общения.

После изучения темы студент знает:

1.Новые лексические единицы по теме «Развитие медицины в 20 веке»
1.Читать тексты и диалоги без словаря, содержащие лексику по пройденной теме
2.Участвовать в несложной беседе по теме.

Формирование компетенции: ОК 4, 5, 6, 8

ПК 1.1 - 1.3, 2.1 - 2.3, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1 - 3.3

Оснащение занятия:

1.Рабочая программа

2.Методическая разработка для преподавателя

3. Раздаточный материал

Литература, рекомендуемая для самоподготовки:

1.Л.Г.Козырева, Т.В.Шадская «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»- Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2012

2. С.А.Тылкина, Н.А. Темчина «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»- Москва, «АНМИ»,2010

Межпредметные связи:

Русский язык и культура речи. История.














Хронокарта занятия



Организационный момент. Целевая установка

3 мин

Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)

1 ’m glad to see you! ( We are glad to see you too.)

How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

I’m fine, thank you. Who is absent today? (Kate is absent.)

Why is she absent? (She is ill.)

Today we shall learn to give advice and find out what a good pupil is.



Мотивация занятия

5 мин

Приложение 1


Контроль исходного уровня знаний

10 мин

Приложение 2


Самостоятельная работа студентов

42 мин

Приложение 3


Осмысление и систематизация полученных знаний

20 мин

Приложение 4


Подведение итогов занятия

5 мин

По результатам проведенного занятия студент должен усвоить учебный материал по теме «Развитие медицины в 20 веке» выучить новые лексические единицы, подготовить сообщение


Задание на дом

5 мин

Подготовить сообщение о развитии медицины в 20 веке


Приложение 1

I’m glad to see you. I hope you are all ready for your English lesson. Today we will talk about the development of medicine in the 20th century and the rapid growth of science. We will discuss the most important scientific and medical discoveries, some methods of treating diseases, new directions in various fields of medicine. Good luck.







































Приложение 2

Словарный диктант.
Записать и перевести на русский язык слова:

slight fever 

general discomfort


stiff neck    

stiff back   


incubation period 


main symptoms   






incubation period 

cause of typhoid  

























Приложение 3


Read and translate some new words and text on the printouts. Translate them.


a plethora

discoveries and advances





combating infection

physician and surgeon





German measles


the blood test


открытия и достижения




командная работа

борьба с инфекцией

врач и хирург

коробка передач




Немецкая корь


анализ крови


Medicine In The 20th Century

The 20th century produced such a plethora of discoveries and advances that in some ways the face of medicine changed out of all recognition. In 1901 in the United Kingdom, for instance, the life expectancy at birth, a primary indicator of the effect of health care on mortality (but also reflecting the state of health education, housing, and nutrition), was 48 years for males and 51.6 years for females. After steady increases, by the 1980s the life expectancy had reached 71.4 years for males and 77.2 years for females. Other industrialized countries showed similar dramatic increases. By the 21st century the outlook had been so altered that, with the exception of oft-fatal diseases such as certain types of cancer, attention was focused on morbidity rather than mortality, and the emphasis changed from keeping people alive to keeping them fit.


The rapid progress of medicine in this era was reinforced by enormous improvements in communication between scientists throughout the world. Through publications, conferences, and—later—computers and electronic media, they freely exchanged ideas and reported on their endeavours. No longer was it common for an individual to work in isolation. Although specialization increased, teamwork became the norm. It consequently has become more difficult to ascribe medical accomplishments to particular individuals.


In the first half of the 20th century, emphasis continued to be placed on combating infection, and notable landmarks were also attained in endocrinology, nutrition, and other areas. In the years following World War II, insights derived from cell biology altered basic concepts of the disease process. New discoveries in biochemistry and physiology opened the way for more precise diagnostic tests and more effective therapies, and spectacular advances in biomedical engineering enabled the physician and surgeon to probe into the structures and functions of the body by noninvasive imaging techniques such as ultrasound (sonar), computerized axial tomography (CAT), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). With each new scientific development, medical practices of just a few years earlier became obsolete.


Infectious diseases and chemotherapy

In the 20th century, ongoing research concentrated on the nature of infectious diseases and their means of transmission. Increasing numbers of pathogenic organisms were discovered and classified. Some, such as the rickettsias, which cause diseases like typhus, are smaller than bacteria; some are larger, such as the protozoans that engender malaria and other tropical diseases. The smallest to be identified were the viruses, producers of many diseases, among them mumps, measles, German measles, and polio. In 1910 Peyton Rous showed that a virus could also cause a malignant tumour, a sarcoma in chickens.


There was still little to be done for the victims of most infectious organisms beyond drainage, poultices, and ointments, in the case of local infections, and rest and nourishment for severe diseases. The search for treatments was aimed at both vaccines and chemical remedies.

Dramatic though they undoubtedly were, the advances in chemotherapy still left one important area vulnerable, that of the viruses. It was in bringing viruses under control that advances in immunology—the study of immunity—played such a striking part. One of the paradoxes of medicine is that the first large-scale immunization against a viral disease was instituted and established long before viruses were discovered. When Edward Jenner introduced vaccination against the virus that causes smallpox, the identification of viruses was still 100 years in the future. It took almost another half century to discover an effective method of producing antiviral vaccines that were both safe and effective.


In the meantime, however, the process by which the body reacts against infectious organisms to generate immunity became better understood. In Paris, Élie Metchnikoff had already detected the role of white blood cells in the immune reaction, and Jules Bordet had identified antibodies in the blood serum. The mechanisms of antibody activity were used to devise diagnostic tests for a number of diseases. In 1906 August von Wassermann gave his name to the blood test for syphilis, and in 1908 Charles Mantoux developed a skin test for tuberculosis. At the same time, methods of producing effective substances for inoculation were improved, and immunization against bacterial diseases made rapid progress.




Приложение 4


1.Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text.


little to be done for

the most infectious organisms

the case of local infections

nourishment for severe diseases

vaccines and chemical remedies





striking part

the first large-scale immunization

a viral disease

before viruses were discovered

vaccination against the virus that causes smallpox

the identification of viruses was still 100 years in the future

the process by which the body reacts against infectious organisms

the role of white blood cells in the immune reaction

antibodies in the blood serum


2. Сompose some sentences from these words.


1.     improvements between scientists, was reinforced by enormous, of medicine, the rapid progress, in communication, in this era, throughout the world.


2.     was it common ,no longer for, an individual to ,work in isolation.


3.     specialization, increased, teamwork, became, the norm, although


4.     has become ,it consequently ,more difficult, to particular individuals,to ascribe medical accomplishments.


Методическая разработка практического занятия для преподавателя

Методическая разработка практического занятия для преподавателя

Вид занятия: практическое

Вид занятия: практическое

Хронокарта занятия 1

Хронокарта занятия 1

Приложение 1 I’m glad to see you

Приложение 1 I’m glad to see you

Приложение 2 Словарный диктант

Приложение 2 Словарный диктант

Read and translate some new words and text on the printouts

Read and translate some new words and text on the printouts

CAT), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

CAT), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text

Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text
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