Самостоятельная работа на тему: "Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке"
Оценка 4.9

Самостоятельная работа на тему: "Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке"

Оценка 4.9
Самостоятельная работа на тему: "Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке"
степени сравнения наречий.docx

Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке


Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. I hope you know him well —  (better, more well) than anybody else.
  2. He spoke English badly — (worse, more badly) than I thought.
  3. I can’t understand what you’re saying. Could you speak a bit (slowlier, more slowly) ?
  4. A snail is (slower, more slow) than a tortoise.
  5. I am very fat and I know I must eat (less, least).
  6. This is (shortest, the shortest) way to the center.
  7. I’d like to change mobile phones (oftener, more often).
  8. Yesterday I came home (early, earlier) than usual.
  9. If you want to find your way (easilier, more easily),  you should buy a map.
  10. It is (easy, easier) to learn poems when you are younger.
  11. Next time I’ll do it  (good, better).
  12. It is (more boring, the most boring) book of all I’ve ever read.
  13. You study (worst, the worst) in your group.
  14. You should practice (more, most).
  15. The monkey is (funnier, more funny) than the kitten.


Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант использования степени сравнения наречий. 

1.       Alisа smiles even (most brightly / more brightly) than the sun.

2.       The new teacher explains the rules (more completely / completely) than our book.

3.       Jack arrived (latest / most late) at the airport.

4.       Jillian usually climbs (highest /higher) of all the other climbers in her group.

5.       Andrew is speaking even (more louder / louder ) than usual.

6.       Melody dances (most gracefully / more gracefully) of all the girls.

7.       Of all three, Mike runs (fastest / faster).

8.       Of all two, Mike runs (fastest / faster).

9.       Harry swims (slower / slowest) of all the boys in the swimming team.

10.   Yesterday the President spoke (more calmly /calmly) to Congress than usual.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте наречие в нужной степени сравнения.

1.       Unfortunately, it’s becoming _______ (hard) and _______ (hard) to find a well-paid job.

2.       This phrase is _______ (widely) used in spoken Russian than in written.

3.       Your test isn’t good. You can do _______ (well) than you did.

4.       We walk _______ (fast) than usual to catch the train.

5.       I know Daniel _______ (well) than you do.

6.       I used to play tennis _______ (often) than now.

7.       Could you move a bit_______ (far) away for me to sit here too?

8.       Mary is driving _______ (slowly) than usual, as the road is wet.

9.       Of all the group Jimmy did _______ (badly) in the examination.

10.   Could you speak _______ (distinctly), please?

Упражнение 4. Скажите, какие из следующих предложений составлены верно, исправьте ошибки.

1 I hope that next time you’ll speak to your uncle more politely. 2. Peter usually comes to his classes most late of his classmates. 3. Who can solve this problem most quickly? 4. This time he listened to his little sister patienter than usual. 5. Could you speak a little slower, please? 6. When I was a very young child I thought that to sing best meant to sing loudest. 7. I think that now I see the whole problem much more clearly. 8. Who lives more near to the school — you or your friend? 9. Alice goes to the theatre frequentest of us all. 10. Will you raise your hands a bit higher, please? I can't see them. 11. In December it snows oftener than in November. 12. He knows three languages but he speaks English easiest. 13. Last night I slept peacefullier than before. 14, Could you come to school more early and water the plants tomorrow? 15. This new computer works most fast and can solve problems in no time.

Упражнение 5. Translate.

  1. Ты не мог бы вести машину быстрее?
  2. Поезд прибыл раньше, чем обычно.
  3. Моя сестра помогает маме чаще других членов нашей семьи.
  4. Из пяти спортсменов Вася прыгнул выше всех.
  5. Миссис Финч разговаривает с медсестрами терпеливее всех других врачей.
  6. Наша собака лает громче соседской.
  7. Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я.
  8. Анна говорит по-английски лучше Васи.


Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке

Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке

Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я

Мой брат пишет бабушке чаще, чем я
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