Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 4 Module 7
Оценка 4.9

Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 4 Module 7

Оценка 4.9
английский язык
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 4 Module 7
Самостоятельная работа Spotlight 4 Module 7

MODULE 7 “Days to remember!”



I. Вставь пропущенные слова.

shy, strong, loud, pretty, kind

1. He is very _____________! He always helps me with my homework.

2. Little Anna is a very _________ baby! Everyone likes her!

3. He shouts all the time! He’s a very ___________ person!

4. Nick is very ___________! He can carry big boxes!

5. Ben is very ______________! He never says a word!


II. Используй прилагательное в нужной форме.

1. This is the ________________(fast) car in the world.

2. Brian is ___________________(good) than me.

3. This is the _________________(big) toy shop in my town.

4. The blue dress is ____________ (nice) than the red dress.

5. Tim is _____________________(short) than Mike.


III. Раскрой скобки, поставь глагол в прошедшее время.

1. Mum ____________________ (make) a cake yesterday.

2. Peter _____________________(write) an e-mail to his friend last night.

3. I ________________________(see) your sister at the theatre last week.

4. The girls _____________________(buy) new T-shirts last Saturday.

5. Harry ________________________(eat) a salad for lunch.


IV. Построй отрицательное предложение.

1. Jenny rode a horse last Sunday. _______________________________________________________


2. Corky drank orange juice yesterday morning. _____________________________________________


3. We swam in the sea last summer. ______________________________________________________



V. Ask and answer.

1.  They went to the cinema yesterday. ___________________________________________________ 


2. He sang songs at school. ________________________________________________________    


3. Mike and Ben came home at 5 pm yesterday. ___________________________________________                                             


MODULE 7 “Days to remember!”

MODULE 7 “Days to remember!”
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