Science and Technologies
Оценка 5

Science and Technologies

Оценка 5
Разработки уроков
английский язык
8 кл—11 кл
Science and Technologies
Урок по английскому языку для учащихся 9-10 классов
Урок английского языка 10.doc

                          Тема:  Science and Technologies                              



 Цель урока:

 - Способствовать совершенствованию навыков чтения, аудирования; совершенствовать языковые навыки.

- Способствовать устному продуцированию, развивать умение учащихся работать самостоятельно, в парах и в группах в различных учебных ситуациях.

- Углублять и расширять знания учащихся по теме "Наука и технологии" развивать умение выражать личное мнение, развивать навыки работы с интерактивными и мультимедийными средствами.

                                                      Ход урока


T: Good morning, pupils! ...I am glad to see you. How are you?...I hope everybody is fine and ready to start our lesson.

You see that we have guests today. It is a good opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of English. Today, we are going to talk about great discoveries, important inventions, famous inventors and useful innovations.

By the end of the lesson you will be able to use active grammar and vocabulary from the subtopic to talk about inventions and discoveries; some learners will be able to remember the main facts about it.



T: Look at the blackboard and read these quotations. Which of them is connected with discovery? Who knows? (P.: «Eureka. I have found it!»It’s discovery. I think, Archimedes said about hydrostatic law of liquids and gases.) Great!!! Match with the picture.

T: Which of them is connected with invention? (P.: «Watson, come here. I can hear you. » It is an invention of first telephone. Alexander Bell called his assistant.) Good job!!! Match with the portrait.

T.: Which of them is connected with innovation? (P.: «You press the button, we do the rest» (It is an innovation. Camera was invented by George Eastman.) Thank you! You are clever pupils!


T: And what about inventions? What is an invention? Brainstorm answers.

                              something created by a person

Something new                 An invention is...          something that people use.

                     Innovation    Something designed    a device

                             Something  imagined

T: I think our list is complete, so develop a definition of invention. (An invention is the creation of a new device, process, or product.)

T: So, An invention is an item or tool that person created.

T: Well done. Who do we call an inventor? (An Inventor is a person who has invented smth) An inventor is someone who designs and makes new things.


1.     Vocabulary exercises.

Повторення й активізація лексичного матеріалу.

T: Well, and now we have a quick test to distinguish the difinitions of discovery and invention. Look at the board. Our test has 3 steps. 1) Match the words with the picture. 2) Choose and press “discovery” or “invention”. 3) Press finish. You work at your telephones. … So, what is your score? (10/10, 8/10) I hope, Pupils will do it quickly and correctly. Thank you, pupils! So you can distinguish these definitions on the board.

2.     Grammar. Past Passive.

T: And now, I’d like you to remember about the great scientists of the world and their inventions. Your task is to complete the sentences, mind the word order in Passive Voice. You work at your phones, 2 pupils can check on the board. But what is the most important invention from this list? I think, it’s discovery of penicilin.…Well done!!! Thank you, kids!


3.     Listening

a)    Pre-listening task

T: So, children! I have a problem. Some scientists consider penecilin is a discovery of modern life, but their opponents consider, it’s a medical invention.


T: Now, watch the video and listen information. Stop! (30 seconds.) So, what is the scientific idea of this video? (P.: It’s a discovery, that save millions of people in the world.)

Watch the video once again and choose the correct answer of task 1.( What is the task? Multiply choice) Work at the phones. Let’s check up.    Pupils, do you agree?                                                                      Great!!!

b)   Post-listening

T: So, mark if the sentances true or false at the task 3.

And choose the correct word to complete the sentences at the task 4. Press the button and we do the rest! What is your score? So you could listen to the information and do the test.

I think, the discovery of penicillin is one of the most important medical discoveries. Do you agree?                            Well done!


4.     Speaking

T: Now you will be split into groups. I know that you have prepared interesting facts about inventors. You will receive tasks for your researches. I have a magic box. Take coloured badges.( Give pupils different coloured badges, divide into 3 groups.)

Group  1 ( blue)

You are curious students, who know a lot of about famous scientists. Imagine, that pupil 1 visited scientific center in England and is ready to present his report about Maria Sclodowska-Curie. You are ready to put some interesting questions. Work hard in your group!


Group 2 (green)

T: Now I invite here our young researchers, who were in the archive and worked with information about Alexsander Bell’s life and work, they will tell us what they`ve learnt.

Group 3 (yellow)

Look at this unusual portrait on the board, name the scientist. What can you tell us about his childhood, his life, and inventions. Was he really genius?

T: You`ve got your task and you have 2 minutes to get ready to do it.

(Presentation of a dialogue )

T: Thank you, your dialogue was informative and interesting and you role-played it realistic and naturally.

5.     Doing a test

T: To sum up what you`ve learnt I suggest you doing a short test which will show how attentive you were.

T: Now you can read the names of the most famous inventors. Do you know what each of them invented?  Write the invention next to the name.

1) John Logie Baird


2) the Lumiere brothers

film (moving pictures)

3) Elisha Otis

the lift

4) Eadweard Muybridge

colour photography

5) the Wright brothers

the aeroplane

6) Aleksandr Graham Bell

the telephone

7) Aleksandr Popov


8) Thomas Edison

electric bulb

9) Yoshiro Nakamata

the computer disk

10)Robert Fulton

a steam boat

11) Samuel Morse

the Morse code

12) Isaac Singer

Kodak camera

13) George Eastman

a sewing machine

6.     Relaxation.

T: And now it’s time for fun. Some riddles for you. Try to guess who said these words:

1)    You can have any colour you want as long as it’s black. He was talking about cars. (Henry Ford).

2)    “Watson, come here. I want you”. This was the first telephone message. (Alexander Graham Bell)

3)    “You press the button, we do the rest.” He was talking about a camera. (George Eastman)

T: Good for you! But business before pleasure. So let’s continue our conversation about a wonderful world of science.

7.       HOMEWORK

T: So, write down your homework.

T: The editors of an international student magazine have asked you to write an article about people and inventions. They would like you to deal with the following:

* What experiences does the average person have of technology in their daily life?

* Do you think inventions help us, or do they just cause problems?

* How do you predict inventions will affect our lives in the future?

Write your article in about 200 words.


T:  I am sure that you understood that our life would be boring without inventing the things that brighten our days.  And who knows, maybe, one of you would soon become the second Einstein, Newton, Bell, Nobel.

Method “Press”.

T: Complete the sentences:

-         Today in the lesson I have got to know that …

-         I know such words as …

-         I am aware of the fact that …

-         The lesson was interesting because … (we worked in groups, listen to a radio programmer, discussed the role of modern technologies in our life).

T: I am also satisfied with your participation. Thank you for taking an active part in the discussion, showing high knowledge of the language.

T: It’s high time to give and receive compliments and marks:

-         I’d like to thank you for your work – you were really great!

-         You were superb today!

-         You’re special!

-         You’re amazing!

-         Great effort!

-         Far out!

-         Outstanding performance!

-         Fantastic work!

-         Well done!

-         Good for you!                                 

-    It’s a pity, you’re poor!

Тема : Science and Technologies

Тема : Science and Technologies

T: And what about inventions?

T: And what about inventions?

While-listening T: Now, watch the video and listen information

While-listening T: Now, watch the video and listen information

Group 3 (yellow) Look at this unusual portrait on the board, name the scientist

Group 3 (yellow) Look at this unusual portrait on the board, name the scientist

You can have any colour you want as long as it’s black

You can have any colour you want as long as it’s black

T: It’s high time to give and receive compliments and marks: -

T: It’s high time to give and receive compliments and marks: -
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