Урок введения и закрепления активной лексики, развитие коммуникативной способности на базе аутентичного материала, развитие умения инициировать и поддерживать беседу, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них.
1. Развитие способностей к коллективной работе в паре, воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу.
2. Привитие интереса и любви к родному краю, к здоровому образу жизни и занятию спортом, воспитание и умения выслушивать собеседника, стремиться к воспитанию профессионально важных личностных качеств обучающихся.
1. Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления, развитие способности к узнаванию и сопоставлению нового и ранее изученного.
2.развитие познавательной активности уч-ся, навыков самостоятельной и коллективной работы, приучать к самостоятельному поиску необходимой информации и фактов в реальных условиях.
- расширение знаний, кругозора студентов о спорте, тренировка лексики по теме: «Спорт. Олимпийские игры»Урок направлен на популяризацию здорового образа жизни, на расширение кругозора обучающихся по теме" Олимпийские игры"
Олимпийские игры.docx
The topic of the lesson is “Sport and Olympic games”.
Дата проведения:__________________
Основные задачи урока:
Развитие словарного запаса студентов;
Развитие коммуникативной компетентности (умение вести беседу, выстраивать диалог).
Оснащение урока:
Наглядные материалы.
Целевая установка:
Введение и закрепление активной лексики, развитие коммуникативной способности на базе аутентичного материала, развитие умения
инициировать и поддерживать беседу, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них.
1. Развитие способностей к коллективной работе в паре, воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу.
2. Привитие интереса и любви к родному краю, к здоровому образу жизни и занятию спортом, воспитание и умения выслушивать
собеседника, стремиться к воспитанию профессионально важных личностных качеств обучающихся.
1. Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления, развитие способности к
узнаванию и сопоставлению нового и ранее изученного.
2.развитие познавательной активности учся, навыков самостоятельной и коллективной работы, приучать к самостоятельному поиску
необходимой информации и фактов в реальных условиях.
расширение знаний, кругозора студентов о спорте, тренировка лексики по теме: «Спорт. Олимпийские игры»
Знания и умения, которые обучающиеся отрабатывают на уроке:
употребление лексики по теме;
чтение с целью получения информации;
умение понять значение неизвестных слов;
выражение предпочтения, собственного мнения;
умения строить диалог.
Межпредметная связь:
Связь с предметами: история, физическая культура, русский язык.
Использование регионального компонента:
Использование форм классной работы
Формы работы:
фронтальная работа (ответы и вопросы)
индивидуальная работа. ХОД УРОКА
The beginning of the lesson
1. Приветствие (1 минута)
T: Good afternoon! Glad to see you! How are you today?
P: I am fine (good, excellent, great, OK, all right, soso) thanks.
2.Организационныймомент (1 минута)
T: Today we continue speaking about Sport and the OG and you can see the topic on the blackboard.
Ученики переводят тему урока.
a) greeting
Ученики получают первую карточку: (3 минут)
b) topic: As you can see, the topic of our lesson is “Sport and Olympic games”.
good for
your legs
to keep fit
T: Let’s read them and translate the text (10 минут).
Do you agree or disagree?
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to
watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching gymnastics. I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey, volleyball and basketball. I also love
to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
II Введение новой лексики – 10 мин.
Цели этапа:
А. Познакомить учащихся с новыми словами, которые будут использоваться в дальнейшем как стимулы для
развития речи.
Б. Ввести новую лексику, которую учащиеся будут активно использовать для выполнения заданий.
Т: The aim of our lesson is to introduce and practice new vocabulary. To begin with let’s look at the screen.
Let’s read them and translate the word.
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer, championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, ice
hockey player, horse racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer, tennis player, volleyball
player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching, wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
III. Warmup (15 минут)
– Do you go in for sports regularly?
– What’s your favorite kind of sport?
– Have you ever watched the Olympic Games?
– Do you know what city was chosen to be the place of the Olympics in the year 2014? (эмблеманаинтерактивнойдоске)
– What sports would you play if you had more time?
Can you name the most popular Tuvian and Russian sportsmen?
Who of our fellow citizen won the bronze medal in the Olympic Games in London 2012?
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world. They are the symbol of peace are friendship.
Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the first time that the
Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
IV. Listening (15 минут)
Т: As for me, I’d like to represent you Mikhail Oyun ,a bronze medallist in London in 2012year. Have a look at his photo
(наинтерактивнойдоске). You will listen to the information about him and do exercises on the sheets of paper. There are some
unknown words, let’s read them. (словапредставленынаинтерактивнойдоске) Now answer the questions in Ex.1.
Ex.1:Answer the questions
What year Mikhael was born?
What medal he won?
In what year he finished of Olympic college?
What he became world champion?
(Проверка упражнения)
T: Now listen to the information once more and then say if the statements given to you are true or false. Correct the falseones
(ex. 2 в распечатках):
MikhaelOyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery.
He played in football player.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
He won a gold medal.
V. Speaking (монологическая речь) (15 минут)
Учащиеся слушают друг друга, записывают имя спортсмена на доске и задают дополнительные вопросы.
После представления учащимися всех презентаций:
T: Thank you! So we have learnt much about the sportsmen participants of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Let’s vote for them.
I’m sorry, but Mikhail Oyun isn’t going to take part in these Olympics, so there is no need to vote for him. Who is for …, raise
your hand. ит.д. The winner is …! Our congratulations ! (Обращаемся к ученику, чья презентация победила, как к
самому спортсмену)Are you happy? Can you give an interview to our newspaper? So, the reporter will ask you some
VI. Grammar (15 минут)
Упражнение 6 .
Вставьте слова в правильной форме.
Tom (to walk) home when the storm (to begin).
What (you \ to read) when they came in?
While I (to dig) in the garden, I (to hurt) my arm.
I (to wait) for my flight yesterday morning.
How fast (she\to drive) when the accident (to happen)?
We (to have) a dinner when she called.
At 10.35 we (to play) tennis in the club.
VII. Conclusion (3 минут)
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Today we have made and known a lot. So, what you like in our today’s lesson? What new things did you know?
Now, I want to put you marks.
Your home tasks for the next lesson will the crossword.
Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye. Sport
is Sport
Приложение 2
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and
jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching
I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey,
volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and
jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching
I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey,
volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and
jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching
I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey,
volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching
I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey,
volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and
jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching
I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey,
volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
I am Ann. I am not very fond of sports. I am a bit plump and it is difficult for me to run and
jump. I don’t to compete, but I like to watch sports on TV. Best of all I like watching
I am Alex. Sports play a great role in my life. I love every kind of sports football, hockey,
volleyball and basketball. I also love to play tennis. I go to our local tennis club every spare
minute and my dream is to become a tennis player.
Приложение 3
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer,
championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, icehockey player, horse
racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer,
tennis player, volleyball player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching,
wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer,
championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, icehockey player, horse
racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer,
tennis player, volleyball player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching,
wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer,
championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, icehockey player, horse
racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer,
tennis player, volleyball player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching,
wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer, championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, icehockey player, horse
racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer,
tennis player, volleyball player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching,
wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer,
championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, icehockey player, horse
racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer,
tennis player, volleyball player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching,
wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
Competition, archer, weightlifter, ballplayer, basketballplayer, boxer,
championship, chess player, football player, gymnast, icehockey player, horse
racing, judoist, karate man, runner, skating, skier, sports day, sumo, swimmer,
tennis player, volleyball player, healthy, goalkeeper, score, victory, coaching,
wrestler, trainer, skipper, player.
Приложение 4
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world.
They are the symbol of peace are friendship. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the
founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the
first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the
Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world.
They are the symbol of peace are friendship. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the
founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the
first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the
Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world.
They are the symbol of peace are friendship. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the
founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the
first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world.
They are the symbol of peace are friendship. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the
founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the
first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the
Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world.
They are the symbol of peace are friendship. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the
founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the
first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the
Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
THE OLYMPIC GAMES are the greatest international sports games in the world.
They are the symbol of peace are friendship. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is the
founder of the modern Olympics. The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the
first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the
Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow.
Приложение 5
Mikhael Oyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery.
He played in football player.
He won a gold medal.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
Mikhael Oyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery.
He played in football player.
He won a gold medal.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
Mikhael Oyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery. He played in football player.
He won a gold medal.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
Mikhael Oyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery.
He played in football player.
He won a gold medal.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
Mikhael Oyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery.
He played in football player.
He won a gold medal.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
Mikhael Oyun was born in 1980.
He is also famous for being a rock star.
He was 13 year old started archery.
He played in football player.
He won a gold medal.
In 1998 he graduated from the school of Olympic Reserve.
Упражнение 6 .
Вставьте слова в правильной форме.
1. Tom (to walk) home when the storm (to begin).
What (you \ to read) when they came in?
While I (to dig) in the garden, I (to hurt) my arm.
I (to wait) for my flight yesterday morning.
How fast (she\to drive) when the accident (to happen)?
We (to have) a dinner when she called.
At 10.35 we (to play) tennis in the club.
Упражнение 6 . Вставьте слова в правильной форме.
1. Tom (to walk) home when the storm (to begin).
What (you \ to read) when they came in?
While I (to dig) in the garden, I (to hurt) my arm.
I (to wait) for my flight yesterday morning.
How fast (she\to drive) when the accident (to happen)?
We (to have) a dinner when she called.
At 10.35 we (to play) tennis in the club.
Упражнение 6 .
Вставьте слова в правильной форме.
1. Tom (to walk) home when the storm (to begin).
What (you \ to read) when they came in?
While I (to dig) in the garden, I (to hurt) my arm.
I (to wait) for my flight yesterday morning.
How fast (she\to drive) when the accident (to happen)?
We (to have) a dinner when she called.
At 10.35 we (to play) tennis in the club.
Майкл Джеймс ОО уэн (англ. Michael James Owen; родился 14 декабря 1979
года в Честере, Англия) — английский футболист. Играл на позиции
нападающего. Ранее выступал за «Ливерпуль», «Реал Мадрид», «Ньюкасл
Юнайтед» и «Манчестер Юнайтед». В 2001 году признавался лучшим
футболистом года в Европе. В сборной Англии по футболу дебютировал в
возрасте 18 лет и 59 дней. Занимает пятое место в списке бомбардиров
сборной Англии по футболу, забив за неё 40 голов. Оуэн — единственный
игрок сборной Англии, забивавший голы на четырёх чемпионатах — двух
Европы и двух мира.
Майкл Оуэн родился в семье профессионального футболиста Терри Оуэна,
который выступал за «Эвертон». Семья Оуэна большая, у него два брата —
Терри и Эндрю, и две сестры — Карен и Лесли. Оуэн женат на своей подруге
детства Луизе Бонсалл, с которой познакомился ещё в школе. Воспитывает с
ней четверых детей: дочь Джемму Роуз, 1 мая 2003 года рождения, сына
Джеймса Майкла, 6 февраля 2006 года рождения, дочь Эмили Мэй, 29 октября
2007 года рождения, дочь Джессику, 26 февраля 2010 года рождения.
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
Sport and Olympic games
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