Study of histostructure of ray parenchyma .. rooting ability of Sievers apple (Malus sieversii) endemic species in green cutting

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Иконка файла материала 7. Study of histostructure of ra.PDF


I international journal ntain ecology

vol . 24 No.2

ISSN 1 2 1 0 - 3209



Prunel la

Pu bl ishers


Montana 201 5,

Study of histostructure of ray parenchyma

24, 70-73

rooting ability of Sievers apple (Malus sievel endemic species in green cutting


Anatomical photos of rays on the transver



longitudinal are taken The a



of obtained results is carried out and the pc


Zhetysu State University named after I Zhansugurov,

level of rooting of Sievers apple green c


Taldykqrgan, Zhansugytov 187 A, Republic of KazakhStan, Almaty oblast, e-mail• kanagatov201 Email 111

Abstract. Wild apple forests represent a unique gene pool of not only our country but the en-

by the histostructure of radial paren is identified

Key words. Histologic structure (histostructure) lary rays, green cuttings, Sievers apple


tire planet. Therefore, conservation of genetic resources and restoration of wild fruit forests



is an important task, and to solve it without

Sievers apple is listed in the Hed Book of Kaz,É


help of research and financial support is impos-

and protected by the International Union


sible. In the absence of urgent and effective steps

servation of Nature. It takes a special place


to study the biological features of wild Sievers

the valuable plant species of the               

apple structure and obtaining productive tech-                                                           

State National Natural Park (NŠNP) as          


nologies of reproduction, the area of apple trees

cant arrays of wild-fruit forests (1                                                


in the Dzhungar Alatau mountain range may

Sievers apple plantings ar+ located ar


be cut down by more than a third in 2030. One

of 900 - 1800 meters and represented by


of the effective ways of vegetative propagation

artayg, often dft;connected from each                   


of fruit crops is green cutting The established

ing from a few hundred squ¿re meters to


correlation between the structure Of medullary

tens of hectares The total area of wllü


rays and the degree of rooting with green cuttings

on the territory of the Zhongarv                                            State I


from different rooting ability of fruit plant sorts al-

Natural Park is 8,573 hectares


lows identifying the potential plant rooting with

The Department of scientific works anc


green cuttings. Therefore, the study of radial pa-

tain aguo•biodtversity of the Institute of


renchyma of Sievers apple trees and rooting de-

and  (IBP) of Ministry of


gree of green cuttings of this endemic species is

tion and Science conducted a survey and cc


an urgent problem, requiring a timely solution                 

the natural punty af apple tree             


The research aim is to study the structure

the Project of Kazakhstan Government. th


of medullary rays of annual shoots of the wild

Environment Facility and the UN r;evtžlopll


Sievers apple tree stem and to determine

gram in Kazakhstan Conservation insitu (


the potential degree of rooting with green cuttings.

tain agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan". The


Raw materials, storage, annual shoots, preparation

tion of mature and maturing' trees is up indicating a high disturbance degree of


of anatomical slices, staining and examination

struc ture of forests


of slides of medullary rays' histostructure are

70 - 80% of these most productive pl


conducted with proven conventional methods

are 'not provided with natural.          


in anatomy by means of modern microscopic

fore, the ecological condition                                                               fru


equipment. Counting, measuring and description

        estimated as unsatisfactory, It is a vety


of medullary rays are made with A. A. Yatsenko-

ger of losing unique forests that covet tiv


Khmelevsky's method. Statistical data processing

Of Dzungar Alatau since the C:etižCtgnu


was carried out with conventional biometry methods

Currently the study Of nat01aI            


As a result of the conducted research,

             cesses of Sievers fipple and development


the medullary rays of annual shoot stems

ing methods is particularly             


on transverse and longitudinal sections were

plopagation by seeds (20%) and             


examined on tangential and radial cuts. We also

shoot tootwg, (UO%) in VIVO The formati


calculated the number of rays, measurements

shoots does not absolutkly                                        I


of rays and ray cells. The description of radial

ing of cuttings and its shoot excitability.


parenchyma, which •is typical for the stem

the restotation of Sievers apple is just


of Sievers apple annual shoots, is conducted.

of creating forest crops, planting materia


© 2015 'Prunella Publishers


not     eftecttve result-s In the apple   territory' even forbidden. excavation Of root system In the greenhouse of • C)trnan" forestry Apple    of the Ile•Alatau National Natural Park. the survival tate of Sievers apple root shoots was only 2 petcent When ptopagatilltg plants       mass and industrial scale tot the tecovery of degtacied apple forests of Kazakhstan, it is necessary first to study biological chatactenstic$ of the plant itself

Currently the technology for the rooting of wild apple green cuttings is, unfortunately, poorly studied Green cuttings, as one of the most effective methods of fruit plant propagation. are based on the ability of green cuttings to form adventitious roots. The study of root-formation ability in vegetatively propagated plants were carried out by a number cf researchers 1968; Tarasenko 1991 etc ), which revealed different rooting ability of plants with green cuttings (Tarasenko 1991). During these researches attempts to explain the different rooting ability of plants on the basis of their phylogeny, life forms, genealogical bonds. taxonomy, etc. were made Among all life forms, including trees, there are spe-

Clas and vaneties with high and low root-formation ability Theref01ê, for each individual plant it is impossible to predetermine the degree of rooting

of greall cuttings, based on a life form or position in the taxonomic system.

Adventitious roots of trees and shrubs are formed with a stem of green cutting endogenously. AccordIng to the majority of researchers, the formation of root primordia in woody-shrubby dicotyledoncus occurs in the bark of stem opposite the multiIOW wide medullary rays (Tarasenko 1991; Faustov

and Ollov 1985; Orlov and Bakhtaulova 1995)_ Con-

sideling the specified topography of the initiation of root primordia, many authors associate the degree of radial parenchymatization of shoot stem with the light rooting of green cuttings. Thus, it is noted that the growth of adventitious roots depends

on the morphological structure of medullary rays. The plants with homogeneous rays, consisting of recumbent cells, farm the ptirnary tubercle of adventitious root more, rapidly than the plants with palisade and he terogeneous medullary rays, the structure of which is dominated by upright cells (Orlov 1995; Faustov arid Orlov 1985).

The established relation between the specific structure of stein medullary rays and formation of adventitious roots opens up the real possibility of forecasting the rooting of plants in their selection for green grafting (Orlov and Bakhtaulova 99b). Therefore, the study of the anatomical structille cf annual shoot stem and radial parenchyma of Sivers apple will allow determining the potential of plant propagation with green cuttings

Research object is the sterns of Sievers apple annual shoots from old age trees in the fruit forests of the Zhongar-Alatau Natural Park.


Material and Methods

Raw materials, storage, annual shoots. preparation of anatomical slices. staining and examination of slides of medullary ray histosttuctttre are oxy       mear.s of

Counting, measur.'ng ar,å lat'/ të t;s aæ by A A method Statžstical data processžncž was by conventional biometry methods;


Annual shoots develop from buds within ing season. They form the shoot system of plants and serve as sites for green grafting time for green cuttings of most fruit plants is (i of the intensive glowth of shoots in length, ing the fading phase of their lineal growth this period, the stems of shoots have, a anatomical structul€i , carnbiurn actively Gleen cuttings ate a leafy part of stem WI I h or more buds, so that the axial part of gleen cuttinq:; has a secondary anatomical structure.

Studying Sievers apple annual shoot stems, one can clearly see with the naked eye the diffelenc:e between the core and sapwood on the There is a xylem. consisting of vesseLs of sizes, in the heartwood The arrangement ot in the xylem is sporadic. The early wood of ring gradually transits to the late wood of anuual The apple tree year layer is slightly sinuous and 1. 1 1 ) even in width, then it narrows, then widens, tottning a ring of irregular shape, Apple has very'

In general, the radial palenchyma of annual shoot consists of primary and secondary medulla1Y rays Primary medullary rays are composed of cells of PI ecambial and cambial origins• they connect the core with the bark Secondary' medullary rays in the growth ofstcm wood, the are of cambial Oligin and do not teach the stem cote.

On the anatomical specimens, it is seen that while the primary medullary ray is developing, its histostructure is changing ill the composition of la dial cells. In the field of pre•cambial the medullary rays ate mainly composed of cells, elongated along the axis of stem (upri(lht cells), and then along the tay axis the ot cell often changes, becoming elongated along the rav axis (recumbent cells).

As a result of dividing isodiametlical radial inltials of cambium in the addition of medullary rays;, less high upright and isodiametric (square) tadjally elongated (recumbent) radial c:elLq Thus the addition of medullary rays in the oržtoq eny Of shoot appears as a result of vatiúus real tange• ments of radial initials of cambium

72 fore, they occur only in the secondary wood and are 1995). Obtained data showed that the radial parenA S Bakhtaulova, short and single-row by structure (Table 1). chyma of Sievers apple is predominantly presented B K ()ksjkbayev

Zh Zh Kanagatov &

A Zh I)zhankuldukova

                                                                                                Transverse section            Tangential section

Indicators of medullary rays

Total number of medullary rays on the cut

                              Number of primary rays               170.6 ± 3.5    100 0

                                             Including: Single row                              152 ±           80 8

18.6 ± 1.4

Table 1. The number of medullary rays in the stem wood of the apple tree on transverse (on the cut) and tangential (in the view of microscope at          magnification) anatomical slices.

On the tiansverse anatomical slice, of radial renchyma of Sievers apple wood consists of pntnary and secondary medulla1Y rays. On row arrangement (width) of primary rays these are singE doublerow, which ale dominated by single-row (891%) and double-row. All of them, howevelt ate formed by the pre-cambium as single-row rays in the initial stages of shoot growth. Further gyowth of the wood increases the amount of rows in 10 9 pct cent of ptjmarj rays, and they become  The forma tion and growth of secondary medullary raya occul in the surnmer-autumn period of vegetation; thereThe radial parenchyma of Sievers apple is predominantly presented by single-row homocellular medullary rays of upright 01 square cells, There are also double-row medullary rays, in which the structure of boundary layers (top and bottom) is formed by square and upright cells. Recumbent radial cells are arranged in the middle part, Recumbent radial cells include cells, the radial ans of which is bigger in 2 0 - 2 2 times more than the vertical one. Such rays are called heterocellular Recumbent cells of heterocellular rays form the layers of two types In the first type the cells are arranged with lying offset rows as in "bricking", and the second type of recumbent cells lie in the parallel rows without displacement Therefore, these heterocellulal rays are divided into heterocellular irregular and heterocellular regular (Table 2)

by single-row homocellular palisade medullary rays Double-row rays are characterized as her.erocellular, the structure of which has recumbent ('elk; found only in the middle part, The presence of heterocel• lular rays of a regular type determines the possibility of forming meristematic tubercles of adventitious roots in green cuttings

Using the available data, the plants with medullary rays, folded by recumbent cells, easily root wil.l• green cuttings. The plants with heterocellular illegular, upright or recumbent, but in the form of " brick ing", have always a medium or hard rooting abilit\ with green cuttings. It is possible to determine Iha the Sievers apple refers to the species of the difficul rooting ability with green cuttings

Direction of anatomical stem sections

                           Transverse                                     Longitudinal

Raw of a ray

                                                           Tangential                        Radial

                      width           length          height          width

Single raw     35 45.5 0 6

Table 2. The size of cells of medullary rays in the wood of Sievers apple stem, in microns.

Being based on the obtained findings of medul lary rays in the cross section (double-row - 10.9% )

To determine the ratio of magnitudes of radial cells (width, height, length), width was taken as 1 and length and width are calculated to its value. So, the ratio of magnitudes of radial cells of Sievers apple medullary rays was 1 : : 1 2 This ratio allows to make a conclusion about the predominance

of medullary rays of square cells in the structure


The position about the existence of dependence in the root-formation ability of green cuttings from the structure of stem radial parenchyma allows using the testing of medullary rays as a preliminary

diagnostic tool aimed at searching new plants, suitable for green grafting (Orlov and Bakhtaulova in the tangential section (double-row - 19 2%) can assume that the potential root-forming abj ity of the Sievers apple tree with green cuttir:c will be no more than 15%. Taking into accotž: that in the addition of double-row rays, recumbE! cells are found in the middle palt only in cer t.?rays, and the root-formation ability of green tings will be significantly lower than their nurn±î The obtained results are confirmed by the whereby the rooting of Sievers apple green tings was 12%


SOI the main diagnostic parameters, pc•:• to the difficult rooting of Sievers apple, are -

Faus-,ov V.V. and Orlov P.N. 1985: Initial stages of differen aaäcr. cf adventitious roots in green cuttincs v: ž,c. . . . . p:anas in che processing by growth regulato::; -I ACM. A: 123 - 138.

Komissarov, D.A 1968. Biological bast.s fot the cf woody plants by cuttings US Dep. Cornm C :eannc-

              References                                                                   house Fed. SCL and Tech. lní, Springfield VA

Otlov P.N. and Bakhtaulova AS. Features ot sLructtY(: of stem medullary rays of Apple varieties With rooting. TACA, Moscowß