МКОУ «Калининаульская СОШ им. Героя России Гайирханова М.М.»
открытый урок в 7 классе
Сюжетно-ролевая игра “Незабываемое путешествие по Лондону”
Учитель: Кодочиева З.И.
Цель урока: развивать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся, воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка и уважение к культуре, традициям и истории другого народа.
Задачи урока:
1. Практиковать речевую
деятельность: монологическую, диалогическую, аудирование.
2. Активизировать лексику по теме “Лондон”.
3. Развивать:
а) творческую фантазию,
б) инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности,
в) познавательный интерес.
4. Воспитывать уважение к культуре английского народа.
Тип урока: сюжетно-ролевая игра, виртуальная экскурсия по столице страны изучаемого языка
Оснащение урока:
Слайдовая презентация по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона», карта «Виды Лондона», фотографии достопримечательностей Лондона
Teacher: Good-morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.
I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready for the lesson. So let’s begin our lesson.
And first, look at the pictures on the blackboard. What do you think about the theme of our lesson? What will we talk about?
What places of interest do you know?
-The theme of our lesson is “Round London. Sightseeing Tour”. Сегодня мы продолжим изучение Лондона, обобщим всё что мы знаем о Лондоне и лондонцах. Я приглашаю вас на виртуальную экскурсию по столице изучаемого языка. Я попросила бы вас быть внимательными. В конце урока мы будем выполнять тест, но вы сможете его выполнить только в том случае, если будете внимательны на уроке.
So welcome to London! Let’s remember the words on the topic “ London” (учащиеся получают задание на отдельных листках)
- Repeat the words after me
-Read the words yourself in the alphabetical order and read them as quickly as you can.
address Great Britain north
historical Big Ben conservative
double-decker interesting palace
London snobbish friendly
monument reserved emotional
underground well-mannered tourist
- How do you understand the words “reserved”, “well-mannered” and “conservative”?
- What people have such qualities?
- And what about Russian people? What can you tell about them?
- Great! And now let us see if you know British cities. Match the beginnings and the endings of the words.
Man - - ford
Liver- - bridge
Lon- - chester
Ox- - don
Cam- - pool
(выполнение задания)
- How clever of you! Now answer my questions:
1. What is the difference between the UK and Great Britain?
2. What is the capital of England?
3. What is the famous drink in Great Britain? (tea)
4. How do we call a person who doesn’t show his feelings? (reserved)
5. How do we call a person who doesn’t like change? (conservative)
6. What river is London situated on? (the Thames)
- I see you know a lot about Britain. So let’s have an imaginary excursion to London.
- But at first, answer my question: “What would you expect to see in London? (From books and television I know that London is a beautiful city. There is smog hanging in London. The weather is changeable. I had expected the Londoners are reserved, serious and very conservative.)
- So imagine that you’re a group of Russian school children going to London. And you, Rostislav, imagine that you have already visited London several times. Will you, Marina , speak to Rostislav?
Marina: I say, Rostislav, I’m going to London in a few days.
Rostislav: I hope you’ll enjoy your trip to London.
Marina: Let’s hope for the best. I’d like you to tell me something about London.
Rostislav: With great pleasure. I visited London several times. There are many places of interest in the capital of Great Britain.
Marina: What do you advise me to begin with?
Rostislav: The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace are a must. You should watch the Changing of the Guard which takes place every day.
Marina: Thank you for the information. I’ll follow your advice.
Teacher: Thank you, Rostislav and Marina. I like your dialogue. And now imagine that Nina is the owner of the hotel in London in which we are staying. We are going on an excursion round London and the owner of the hotel wants to tell us a few words about London traffic. So let’s listen to Mrs. Barker (Nina). Нина сообщит нам дополнительные сведения о Лондоне, которые она самостоятельно подготовила.
Mrs. Barker: First of all, traffic in London differs from that of the Continent. In England we keep to the left side of the road and not to the right. You can see many buses, cars and taxis in the streets. There have been no trams in London since 1952. There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double-decker and the red single-decker. Some double-deckers have automatic doors and you pay the driver when you go in. In single-deckers you buy your ticket from a machine in the bus. But most London buses have a conductor who will come round and collect fares. Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are already five passengers standing.
Teacher: Thank you, Mrs. Barker. I think that you understood what Mrs. Barker said. Let’s find English equivalents to the sentences:
В Лондоне два вида автобусов: это красные двухэтажные и красные одноэтажные.
В большинстве лондонских автобусов есть кондукторы, которые ходят и собирают плату за проезд.
Кондуктор может вас не пустить, если 5 человек уже едут стоя.
Mrs. Barker: And now let me introduce your guides to you. Their names are Veronica, Denis and Munira . They will tell you about London.
(Просмотр слайдовой презентации о Лондоне.)
Veronica: Welcome to the British capital! Welcome to our round London sightseeing tour.
(1-е фото)
Denis: The London Underground is the oldest one in the world. The first line was opened in 1870. It was like a tube, that’s why it was called the Tube. English people call the old lines the Tube, the new lines the Underground.
(2-е фото)
Veronica: A Famous clock-tower Big Ben was built in 1859. It was called after Sir Benjamin Hall, the chief commissioner of works who was a very tall man.
(3 фото)
Munira: The first red double-deckers appeared in London streets in 1956
(4 фото)
Denis: The last great project of the 20th century was Millennium Dome the exhibition centre opened on the 1st of January, 2000.
(5 фото)
Munira: This is the map of London. London lies on the river Thames. The population of the city is over seven million people. London consists of three main parts: the City, the West End and the East End. The City is the most important commercial and financial centre of the country; there are banks and offices of companies from all over the world. The West End is a district where most of the theatres, bars, restaurants and hotels are situated. In the East End there are most of the factories and docks.
(показ 6-го слайда)
Veronica: Now we are in Trafalgar Square. It was so named in memory of the victory in the battle of Trafalgar. The Victory was won at the cost of Nelson’s life. In the middle you can see Nelson’s monument – a tall column with the figure of Nelsons on its top. The column is guarded by 4 bronze lions. There is a building of the National Gallery of Art and behind it is the National Portrait Gallery. The Square is a location for public meetings.
(7–й слайд, фото Елизаветы II)
Denis: This is the Queen of England, Elizabeth the Second
Teacher: Our last stop is the Tower of London. Meet our guide here. Munira, will you tell us about the Tower of London, please?
(8-й слайд)
Munira: (о Лондонской крепости) The famous Tower of London was built in the 11th century. It stands on the bank of the river Thames. In the past it was a fortress, a royal palace and then a prison. Now the Tower is a museum.
Teacher: Our excursion is coming to the end. We haven’t talk about Londoners. What can you tell about them? What are they like? (Предположения учащихся)
Let’s remember some English proverbs. Look at the screen and pronounce them.
(используется компьютерная презентация)
-“East or West home is best”
-“The Englishman’s home is his castle”
How do you understand the proverbs? Do you know the same Russian proverbe?
And now let’s do a short quiz: “Britain and the British” (выполнение теста)
1. What’s the current Queen’s name?
a. Queen Ann I
b. Queen Elizabeth II
c. Queen Margaret II
2. Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?
a. Buckingham Palace
b. Piccadilly Circus
c. Victoria and Albert Museum
3. What is a double-decker?
a. a bus
b. a disco
c. a taxi
4. Which Liverpool band was so popular in the 60’s?
a. The Beatles
b. The Police
c. The Rolling Stones
5. In Britain, cars are driven on the ____________side of the road.
a. left-hand
b. right-hand
c. wrong-hand
6. Agatha Christie wrote lots of______________.
a. detective stories
b. plays
c. poems
7. Manchester United is a popular _____________ team.
a. basketball
b. football
c. handball
8. Whose monument stands on Trafalgar Square?
a. Admiral Nelson’s
b. Karl Marx’s
c. William Shakespeare’s
Teacher: I hope you’ve had wonderful time. Did you like our trip to London? What mark can you give yourself for the lesson? Your home task is
Ex.17, p.42
Ex. 19,p. 43-44 in Workbook
The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.
Задания для учащихся к уроку «Незабываемое путешествие по Лондону»
I Read the words yourself in the alphabetical order and read them as quickly as you can.
address Great Britain north
historical Big Ben conservative
double-decker interesting palace
London snobbish friendly
monument reserved emotional
underground well-mannered tourist
II Match the beginnings and the endings of the words.
Man - - ford
Liver- - bridge
Lon- - chester
Ox- - don
Cam- - pool
III Traffic in London differs from that of the Continent. In England we keep to the left side of the road and not to the right. You can see many buses, cars and taxis in the streets. There have been no trams in London since 1952. There are two main kinds of buses in London: the red double-decker and the red single-decker. Some double-deckers have automatic doors and you pay the driver when you go in. In single-deckers you buy your ticket from a machine in the bus. But most London buses have a conductor who will come round and collect fares. Double-deckers have seats for 65 people. Only five people are allowed to stand when the seats are full. So the conductor may stop you getting on the bus if there are already five passengers standing.
Find English equivalents to the sentences:
В Лондоне два вида автобусов: это красные двухэтажные и красные одноэтажные.
В большинстве лондонских автобусов есть кондукторы, которые ходят и собирают плату за проезд.
Кондуктор может вас не пустить, если 5 человек уже едут стоя.
IV Do a short quiz: “Britain and the British”
9. What’s the current Queen’s name?
d. Queen Ann I
e. Queen Elizabeth II
f. Queen Margaret II
10. Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?
d. Buckingham Palace
e. Piccadilly Circus
f. Victoria and Albert Museum
11. What is a double-decker?
d. a bus
e. a disco
f. a taxi
12. Which Liverpool band was so popular in the 60’s?
d. The Beatles
e. The Police
f. The Rolling Stones
13. In Britain, cars are driven on the ____________side of the road.
d. left-hand
e. right-hand
f. wrong-hand
14. Agatha Christie wrote lots of______________.
d. detective stories
e. plays
f. poems
15. Manchester United is a popular _____________ team.
d. basketball
e. football
f. handball
16. Whose monument stands on Trafalgar Square?
d. Admiral Nelson’s
e. Karl Marx’s
f. William Shakespeare’s
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