They leave their homeland in pursuit of adventure, he said. or those who have nothing to lose, or ambitious people, eager to create a higher position for themselves; embarking on enterprises that go beyond the framework of everyday life, they strive to improve their affairs and cover their name with glory; but such things are either beyond my strength or humiliating for me; my place is the middle, that is, what can be called the highest stage of a modest existence, which, as he was convinced by many years of experience, is for us the best in the world, the most suitable for human happiness, freed from need and deprivation, physical labor and suffering falling to the lot of the lower classes, and from luxury, ambition, arrogance and envy of the upper classes. How pleasant such a life is, he said, I can already judge by the fact that all, placed in other conditions, envy him: even kings often complain about the bitter fate of people born for great deeds, and regret that fate did not put them between two extremes - insignificance and greatness, and the sage speaks in favor of the middle, as a measure of true happiness, when he prays to heaven not to send him either poverty or wealth. I only have to look, said my father, and I will see that all the misfortunes of life are distributed between the upper and lower classes, and that the least of them falls to the lot of middle-class people who are not subject to so many vicissitudes of fate as the nobility and the common people; even from illnesses, bodily and mental, they are more insured than those whose illnesses are caused by vices, luxury and all kinds of excesses, on the one hand, hard work, want, poor and insufficient nutrition, on the other, being, thus, a natural consequence of lifestyle. The middle state is the most favorable for the flourishing of all the virtues, for all the joys of being; abundance and peace are his servants; he is accompanied and blessed by his temperance, temperance, health, peace of mind, sociability, all kinds of pleasant entertainments, all kinds of pleasures. A person of an average condition goes through his life path quietly and smoothly, not burdening himself with either physical or mental overwork, not selling himself into slavery for a piece of bread, not tormented by the search for a way out of tangled situations that deprive the body of sleep, and the soul of peace, not consumed by envy. without secretly burning with the fire of ambition. Surrounded by contentment, he easily and imperceptibly glides to the grave, judiciously tasting the sweetness of life without an admixture of bitterness, feeling happy and learning by everyday experience to understand this more and more clearly and deeply.
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