К учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой “English –V”
Цель урока: в ходе индивидуальной и парной работы с дидактическими материалами актуализировать и развивать знания учащихся о здоровье и здоровом образе жизни.
1) практика речевой деятельности (монологической, диалогической); умение высказываться логично и связно, умение анализировать и выражать свое мнение;
2) обучение чтению с извлечением детальной информации;
3) активизация лексического (“Health and body care ”) и грамматического (модальный глагол «should») материала.
4) развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования.
1) развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, анализировать, воображать;
2) развитие умения работать в парах.
1) воспитание у учащихся интерес к здоровому образу жизни;
2) воспитание уважения к мнению других, умения слушать;
3) воспитание отрицательного отношения к вредным для здоровья привычкам.
Формы здоровьесберегающих технологий: физминутки, музыкотерапия (песня), психологическая поддержка, комфортная психологическая среда.
Урок,7кл-Здоровье (конкурс).doc
: “The World of Health”
К учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой “English –V”
Цель урока: в ходе индивидуальной и парной работы с дидактическими материалами
актуализировать и развивать знания учащихся о здоровье и здоровом образе жизни.
1) практика речевой деятельности (монологической, диалогической); умение высказываться
логично и связно, умение анализировать и выражать свое мнение;
2) обучение чтению с извлечением детальной информации;
3) активизация лексического (“Health and body care ”) и грамматического (модальный глагол
«should») материала.
4) развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования.
1) развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать, анализировать, воображать;
2) развитие умения работать в парах.
воспитание у учащихся интерес к здоровому образу жизни;
2) воспитание уважения к мнению других, умения слушать;
3) воспитание отрицательного отношения к вредным для здоровья привычкам.
Формы здоровьесберегающих технологий: физминутки, музыкотерапия (песня), психологическая
поддержка, комфортная психологическая среда.
Оснащение урока:
1) учебник, 7кл, авт. Верещагина И. Н.;
2) интерактивная доска, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор;
3) раздаточный материал (задание к аудированию, чтению и т.д.);
4) плакат – тело человека;
5) лепестки цветочка, цветок, конверт “Вредные привычки”.
Методы: интерактивный, словесный, наглядный, практический.
Тип урока: комбинированный (урок закрепления и обобщения изученного материала и ознакомления
с новыми лингвострановедческими реалиями).
Форма урока: традиционный урок с применением презентации.
План урока
I. Объявление темы и цели урока.
1) Фонетическая зарядка.
2) Речевая зарядка.
II. Основная часть.
1) Практика аудирования (задания с использованием интерактивной доски)
2) Практика говорения (диалогическая речь). Проверка домашнего задания.
3) Физминутка.
4) Активизация лексикограмматического материала.
5) Чтение.
6) Итоговый тест по теме “Здоровье – лучшее богатство”.
III. Подведение итогов урока. Эпиграф: Health is the greatest wealth.
Ход урока
I. Оргмомент. (слайд 1)
Teacher: Good morning! How are you today? Are you fine?
Teacher: That’s nice. Let’s start our lesson. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. I want to invite you to the
World of Health. We’ll speak on the topic “Health and body care”.
Teacher: Look at the board. Can you read and translate the epigraph of our lesson? (слайд 2) Choose the
right translation of it.
“Здоровье не купишь”.
“Лучше быть здоровым, чем богатым”.
“Здоровье – величайшее богатство”.
Teacher: Well done! Look at the board. There is a plan of the lesson on it. (слайд 3) You will know
something interesting and new for you. We’ll revise lexical and grammar structures. At the end of our
lesson we should make The Flower, choosing the right words. (указать на доску, на цветок). I hope that
our lesson will be important and useful for you. You see that your health is in your own hands. The English
people say: “Health is the best wealth”. They are right! We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it.
1. Фонетическая зарядка. (слайд 4)
Teacher: There are exercises that are useful not only for your body but also for your tongue. Listen and
repeat after me.
[e]chest, pressure, health, head
[Λ]lung, pulse, blood, tongue
[o] a doctor, cough, body, to nod
[ei] a patient, to break, pain, ache
2. Речевая зарядка. (слайд 5)
Teacher: Now, boys and girls agree or disagree with my statements. Look at the board. You can see an
example how you can answer my statements.
1) If you have a sore throat, you should go for a walk.
2) Smoking is a bad habit.
3) You should eat the right food.
4) Eating too much sweet is good for your health.
5) If you are ill, you should consult a doctor.
6) Morning exercising is a bad habit.
7) You shouldn’t go in for sports to be healthy.
8) Eating fruits and vegetables is healthy.
9) You should smoke and take alcohol to keep fit.
10) Sweets, chips and cola keep you healthy.
II. Основная часть.
1. Аудирование.
Teacher: Now, children, your task is to listen to the text and then do some exercises. On the board you see
new words. (слайд 6)
To be healthy is very important. You can work, learn and have fun only when you are healthy. Health is
the man’s greatest wealth.
Good and bad habits To be healthy you need vitamins. You should eat fruit and vegetable. The English say “An apple a day
keeps the doctor away”. It is because apples have vitamins and are good for your health. The most
important vitamin is vitamin С. You can find it in lemons, oranges and even in cabbage.
There are things you should not eat much. They are chocolate, pasta, cakes and sweets. They have much
fat and sugar.
Маnу people walk or cycle in their free time. Physical exercises help you keep fit, have a good figure.
They also help you lose weight. Extra weight can cause serious problems, such as heart problems and
There are a lot of advertisements both on TV and in newspapers of different pills which can help you
become slim in two weeks. But taking medicine without a doctor’s control is dangerous.
There are also some bad habits, which can ruin your health. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and
taking drugs. Nowadays it becomes more and more popular to be healthy and slim. Every person should
decide what he can do to be healthy.
pasta – блюдо из макарон
fat – жир
lose weight – сбавлять вес
extra weight – лишний вес
cause – послужить причиной
diabetes – диабет
advertisement – реклама
pill – таблетка
dangerous – опасный
ruin – разрушать
drug – наркотик
Teacher: Now, let’s do our tasks on this text. On your table there are papers with your tasks. The first task
1. Choose the right variant.
1) You can work, learn and have fun only when you are __
a) happy b) healthy c) sad
2) To be healthy you need __
a) money b) time c) vitamins
3) You can find vitamin C in __.
a) chocolate and sweets b) lemons and oranges c) bread and cheese
4) __ help you keep fit, have a good figure.
a) physical exercises b) reading and watching TV c) sweets and cakes
5) Extra weight can __
a) be good for our health b) cause laugh c) cause serious problems
6) There are also some bad habits __ which can ruin your health.
a) sports, reading and dancing b) smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs c) eating healthy food
Teacher: The second task is to fill in the blanks. You can do it in written form or if you are ready we can
check it right now. (слайд 7)
2. Complete the sentence with one of the words below.
cakes and sweets health lose weight eat vitamin C energy
heart problems free medicine doctor drugs vitamins
To be healthy is very important. __ (1) is the man’s greatest wealth. To be healthy you need __ (2). You
should __ (3) fruit and vegetable. The English say “An apple a day keeps the __ (4) away”. The most
important vitamin is __ (5). You can find it in lemons, oranges and even in cabbage.
There are things you should not eat much. They are chocolate, pasta, __ (6). They have much fat and
sugar. This food gives a lot of __ (7). If you do not work it out, it becomes fat in your body.
Маnу people walk or cycle in their __ (8) time. Physical exercises help you keep fit, have a good figure.
They also help you __ (9). Extra weight can cause serious problems, such as __ (10) and diabetes. There are a lot of advertisements both on TV and in newspapers of different pills which can help you
become slim in two weeks. But taking __ (11) without a doctor’s control is dangerous.
There are also some bad habits, which can ruin your health. They are smoking, drinking alcohol and
taking__ (12).
Keys: 1) health; 2) vitamins; 3) eat; 4) doctor; 5) vitamin C; 6) cakes and sweets; 7) energy; 8) free; 9) lose
weight; 10) heart problems; 11) medicine; 12) drugs
3. Teacher: Well done! Now, boys and girls, tell me –What do we do to be healthy according to this text?
2. Практика говорения (диалогическая речь) (слайд 8)
Teacher: Now let’s check your home task. Your homework was to make dialogues between a doctor and a
patient. Who wants to begin? Who wants to be a doctor? Who wants to be a patient?
Doctor, please take your medical dressing gown, medical devices and your firstaid set.
3. Физминутка.
Teacher: I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest and remember a wonderful English song “Head and
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes, knees and toes!
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes, knees and toes!
Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose!
Head and shoulders,
Knees and toes, knees and toes!
(повторить 2 раза). Ребята поют и одновременно показывают те части тела, о которых поется в песне.
T.: Thank you.
4. Активизация лексикограмматического материала. (слайд 9)
1) Teacher: I see that you don’t like doctors at all. But sometimes it is necessary to visit them. Today we’ll
go to the British hospital. First we should revise our vocabulary on the topic. Look at the human body.
Come to the board, name and write the parts of the body – ear, arm, toe, eye, head, leg, foot, lip, nose,
shoulder, neck. (Учащиеся подходят, называют и подписывают одну из частей тела.)
Teacher: Thank you. Well done!
2) Teacher: Let’s speak about healthy food and junk food. (слайд 10) When we go to the supermarket we
see a lot of fresh food, frozen food, food in boxes. Let’s be the experts and divide different kinds of food
into 2 categories: healthy food and junk food.
fish, chips, fruit, milk, vegetable, CocaCola, hambugers, salad, hot dogs,
meat, porridge, pizza, sweets, soup.
Teacher: Let’s read the words – healthy food, junk food. (слайд 11)
3) Teacher: Now let’s do the following task using your knowledge on the topic “Health and body care”
(слайд 12)
Match the word with its definition.
1) A place where we get medical help. (hospital)
2) A state of being well. (health)
3) Things you take to recover. (medicine)
4) A person who gives us medical help. (doctor)
5) А саг that takes a patient to the hospital. (ambulance) 6) A part of a body that helps us to smell. (nose)
7) One of the two organs of breathing in the chest of a man or an animal. (lung)
8) A person who needs a medical help. (a patient)
3) Teacher: Now it’s time to revise your grammar rules. Let's make Health Code. Here are some cards.
Now let’s discuss and tell us what we should and shouldn’t do to be healthy. Complete the sentences with
should/ shouldn’t. On the board we see examples. (слайд 13)
You eat vegetables and fruit.
You drink hot milk and honey.
You eat unfresh food.
You sleep 8 hours a day.
You go to bed late.
You do morning exercises.
You walk too much in cold weather.
You drink cold water.
You air the room.
You clean teeth.
You drink much coffee.
You eat a lot of sweets (salt).
You watch TV too much.
14. You wash your hands before you eat.
15. You go in for sports.
16. You work on your computer too much.
5. Чтение.
Teacher: Your mind, like your body, needs exercises too. Reading is a wonderful way to exercise your
mind. Let’s read the text on page 213, exercise 22.
Ronald is really ill
Last Thursday morning Ronald Bell took part in the football match. The game was really exciting and
Ronald’s team won. The weather that day wasn’t fine at all. It was rather cold, there were dark clouds in
the sky and it even started to rain several times.
When Ronald came home he felt that something was wrong with him. He had a terrible headache, a sore
throat and he had a bad pain in his legs. He felt so bad that he decided to go to bed without dinner. His
mother understood that Ronald was ill and phoned Doctor Green. “Doctor, I think Ronald has fallen ill.
Could you come?”
Doctor Green visited the Bells the next morning. She was a nice woman of about 35. She came into
Ronald’s room and asked him how he felt. Then she took the boy’s pulse, listened to his heart and lungs:
“You feel pretty bad, don’t you?” she asked. “Terrible”, Ronald nodded. He said that sometimes when they
had had a test at school he could pretend to be ill, just because he didn’t want to go to school. But it was
not his “trick” illness this time. The doctor examined the boy’s throat and tongue. Ronald said that he had a
stomachache and a pain in the right side.
Doctor Green took the boy’s temperature. It was rather high. His throat was red and it was difficult for
him to swallow and to breathe. Ronald’s mother asked if it was flu or tonsillitis. But Doctor Green told her
not to worry. She said it was neither flu nor tonsillitis. It was just a bad cold.
“Ronald is running a high temperature. He is sneezing and coughing now, but I’m sure, he will be much
better in a few days. It is not serious. I am going to prescribe some medicine for his headache and his sore
throat. Please, Mrs Bell, go and buy the medicine. And you, Ronald, should stay in bed for 3 days at least.
Drink warm milk with honey or mineral water. Then you will recover soon. Cheer up! I’ll send a specialist
to have a look at your right side. Buy!” With these words she left the room. 1. Choose the correct answer.
The text is about….
a) health and body care
b) Ronald’s illness
c) Ronald’s free time
d) Doctor Green
2. Choose the correct word. (слайд 14)
1) __ morning Ronald Bell took part in the football match. last Thursday/next Thursday
2) The weather wasn’t ___. bad/fine
3) It was cold and cloudy and it started to ___. snow/rain
4) When Ronald came __ he felt that something was wrong with him. home/ to school
5) Ronald said that he had a __. stomachache/toothache
6) His throat was red and it was difficult for him to __. stand/swallow
7) Doctor Green told his mother that Ronald had ___ a cold/ a pill
8) Ronald should __ for 3 days. drink cold water/stay in bed
3. Put the sentence in a logical order according to the text.
1. The doctor’s advice.
2. The weather on the football match day.
3. The doctor’s visit.
4. Ronald’s feeling (symptoms) when he came home.
5. The mother’s call to the doctor.
Key: 2; 4; 5; 3; 1
5. Физминутка. (слайд 15)
Teacher: I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest. You can see some English proverbs. They are connected
with the topic of our lesson. Match the proverb with its translation.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. – По яблоку в день – и обойдешься без доктора.
Good health is above wealth. – Здоровье дороже денег.
A sound mind in a sound body. – В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Кто рано ложится и рано встает,
здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.
Live not to eat, but eat to live Не жизнь для еды, а еда для жизни
Wealth is nothing without health . Богатство без здоровья — ничто.
Teacher: Great!
6. Итоговый тест.
Teacher: And now let’s answer Crazy Questions. Choose the right variant. Then make a key word –
1. How do we call “a pain in the head”? (слайд 16)
backache (n)
toothache (g)
headache (h) 2. A part of a body that helps us to see the word. (слайд 17)
lip (a)
eye (e)
tooth (o)
3. A feeling of being hurt. (слайд 18)
pain (a)
fun (y)
laugh (i)
4. A thing you take to recover. (слайд 19)
sweets (m)
a medicine (l)
books (r)
5. The right food keeps you… . (слайд 20)
well (t)
ill (k)
funny (p)
6. Never … to be healthy. (слайд 21)
laugh (x)
eat (l)
smoke (h)
(слайд 22) – HEALTH
Teacher: Very good! You’ve answered all these questions well. Now let’s come to the blackboard with
your letters and try to make a keyword. Put your letters on the blackboard. So, we have The Flower of
HEALTH. But we see something wrong with our flower. It needs petals. Your last task is to choose the
right petal. All the rest we must put into this envelope (Bad habits). – What factors does our health depend
on? (environment, sport, sleep, rest, food, vitamins. Bad habits – junk food, smoking, alcohol, drugs)
III. Подведение итогов урока. (слайд 23)
Teacher: Thank you for your work. You've learned interesting facts about healthy and unhealthy food. You
have shown us your knowledge in the sphere of medicine. And we hope that you will take care of your
health not only at the lessons but also in everyday life.
Tell me please: What have you learnt at our lesson?
I have learnt that …
Write down your homework: At home you will read and translate the text on page 229230, ex.7. (слайд
Your marks for the lesson are: ...
(слайд 25)
Teacher: Our lesson is over. I wish you good health and happiness. And don’t forget that “Good Health is
Above Wealth”! Good bye! (слайд 26)
Relaxation. My dear girls and boys! You will be healthy and wealthy in the nearest future. Put your hands
on the desk, sit straight, close your eyes, breathe quietly, relax, please!
Imagine: you are healthy and wealthy. Your eyes are shining. Your skin is healthy. You have a good
figure and a good gait. You have a trained body and good biceps. Open your eyes! How are you? What else
can you say about yourself? [baiseps] бицепс
Mother's Knives and Forks
These are mother's knives and forks,
This is mother's table,
This is sister's lookingglass,
This is the baby's cradle.
cradle [creidl] колыбель
P: Good morning!
D: Good morning! Come in! Sit down, please! What's the matter?
P: I've got a sore throat and a headache.
D: Have you got a temperature?
P: Yes, I have got.
D: Open your mouth. I want to look at your throat. Oh, it looks sore.
D: Can you help me?
Р: Of course I can
D: Will I recover, doctor?
P: Yes. You should take the medicine three times a day after meals.
D: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.
P: Goodbye.
Doctor: Would you like to come in?
Patient: Thank you (кашель)
D.: That cough sounds really very bad. How long have you had it?
P.: For about two weeks.
D.: I think I should listen to your chest and to your lungs. Breathe in deeply, that’s right…and again please.
Sit down, I’m going to take your blood pressure. Do you ever take any exercise?
P.: Not regularly.
D.: Now I want to take your pulse. Stand up, please. Do you smoke?
P.: No, I don’t.
D.: OK. Take this medicine 3 times a day after meals.
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
Тема урока в 7 классе : “The World of Health”
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