Тест по теме "Types of questions"
Оценка 4.9

Тест по теме "Types of questions"

Оценка 4.9
Тест по теме "Types of questions"
Types of questions.docx

 1. Form questions.

1. birthday / is / when / your?                                       8. many / How / cards / did / get / you?

2. do / What / like / you / presents?                          9.  mum / What / make / did / cake / your?

3. at the party / you / did / what / do?                            10.  like / you / parties / do / Why?

4. summer / are / this / where / you / going?                 11. of / afraid / are / swimming / you?

5.  take / going / to / what / you / are?                   12.  roller-skate / when / learn / you / to / did?

6. with / are / you / Who / going?                         13.  do / going / to / you / there / What / are?

7. you / stay / going / to / are / Where?                                            

2. Ask special questions to the sentences beginning with the words given in brackets.

 1. My sister eats sweets every day. (Who)

2. He won't go to the country this summer (Will)

 3. We were advised to come. (What?)

 4. I haven't seen Peter since Saturday. (Since when?)

5. She made a beautiful dress for herself  last week. (What?)

6.  By the end of the year he had read about twenty books. (How many)

7. He is followed by his friend everywhere. (By whom?)

 8. He didn't know how he could help his friend. (Why?)


3. Write general and alternative questions to the answers.

1. We went to the library.                                            3.  He is a driver.

2. We were playing a game.                                        4.  They came to this place a long time ago.


4. Complete the tag questions.

1. The books about animals are real fun, …

2. You really like reading magazines, …

3. You can go to the library tomorrow, …

4. Your mum thinks adventure stories are exciting, …

 5. You haven't seen «Harry Potter» yet, …

5. Correct the mistakes.   

1.  What Tony is writing?                                                      7. What Julia want to do?

2. What is writing?                                                                8.  Who does wants a cup of tea?

3. Who President John F. Kennedy killed?                           9.  Who's is this coat?

4. Whose your favorite actor?                                              10.   Arthur is 21, hasn't he?

5. You're a student, isn't it?                                                  11.  They live in Milan, doesn't it?

 6. They live in Milan, doesn't it?                                        12.  Does Diana like golf, doesn't she?


Form questions. 1. birthday / is / when / your? 8

Form questions. 1. birthday / is / when / your? 8
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