Тестирование по английскому языку
Оценка 4.9

Тестирование по английскому языку

Оценка 4.9
Тестирование по английскому языку


10-th form

Variant I

Choose the correct answer.

1. In the sentence, "I like dancing," what is the word "dancing"?

a. gerund         b. participle    c. adjective                 d. adverb                     e. infinitive

2. They haven’t had two children, ________ ?

a. did they       b. had they      c. have they                d. do they                    e. don’t they

3. Finish the question tag? 'Let's go for a walk, ________?'

a. shall we       b. don't we      c. let us                                   d. won't we                 e. will we

4. In the sentence "You'd better take an umbrella, it might rain" - 'd better =

a. would better            b. did better    c. had better                d. could better            e. food better

5. According to the proverb, 'There's no smoke without _______’.

a. matches       b. cigarettes     c. burning the dinner              d.  fire                         e. fire place

6. Which form of ‘walk’ starts this sentence? "________ is good for you."

a. To walk       b. Walk                       c. Walking                  d. Walked                   e. To walking

7. How long ________ you lived here?

a. have            b. has               c. been                        d. is                             e. do

8. What is a synonym of “rude”?

a. inpolite        b. dispolite      c. unpolite                   d. impolite                   e. anti-polite

9. John ate the meal, ________ the vegetables.

a. except from b. apart for      c. except for               d. apart                                     e. besides

10. Which of the following nouns is countable?

a. money         b. milk             c. people                     d. information             e. juice

11. She's the woman _______ came into the shop.

a. who             b. whom                      c. whose          d. which                      e. what

12. The Internet  is an amazing ________.

a. invent                      b. inventor      c. invention     d. inventive                 e. to invent

13. In which sentence is the Present Perfect used correctly?

a. I has bought a new computer.    b. I have buyed a new computer.    c. I bought a new computer.

            d. I have bought a new computer.      e. I have to buy a new computer.

14. The underlined word is:  “The letter written by her was full of mistakes”.

a. Gerund        b. Participle II c. Participle I              d. Infinitive                 e. Passive Infinitive

15. Choose the right variant:  A cold wind ____ for the last three days

a. has been blowing    b. blows          c. is blowing               d. blew                        e. have been blowing

16. By the year 2020 the population of the world ________ to 8 billion.

a. will increase   b. increases      c. will have increased         d. is increasing           e. would increase

17. If  the weather ________ sunny, we’d go to the beach.

a. had been      b. is                 c. were                        d. would be                 e. was

18. By the time I arrived at the station, the train _________.

a. had left                    b. has left        c. left              d. will leave                e. would leave

19. London’s major airport is … .

a. Stansted      b. Gatwick      c. Thiefrow                 d. Wimbldon               e. Heathrow

20. Which is the correct reported speech of - He asked, “Do you have a car?”

a. He asked do I have car?                 b. He asked do you have a car?                     c. He asked if I had a car.

            d. He asked if you had a car.  e. He asked if I have a car.

21. Finish the proverb, “Too many cooks … “.

a. make light work      b. save nine     c. spoil the broth         d. catch the worm       e. keep the doctor away

22. My brother has ________ my favorite dress.

a. lent              b. loaned         c. lend             d. adopted                  e. borrowed

23. Which word is odd?

a. huge            b. enormous    c. terrific         d. gigantic                   e. large

24. Find the synonym to the verb “run over”:

a. resemble      b. hit by a car  c. meet by chance       d. search          e. be friendly with

25. Finish the idiom: “Walking on the … “

a. air                 b. waters        c. cloud           d. weather       e. rain



TEST 10-th form Variant I

TEST 10-th form Variant I

Present Perfect used correctly? a

Present Perfect used correctly? a

Finish the idiom: “Walking on the … “ a

Finish the idiom: “Walking on the … “ a
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