Тесты по английскому языку на тему «Our Galaxy» для каждого вида речевой деятельности
1. Прочитайте, что пишут научные журналы о космосе.
Подберите к текстам заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.
1) What we should know the history of our civilization? It is hard to find a year without wars. Social, economic and political contradictions have more than once hurled human society into bloody wars. And with every war the destructive power of the weapons is growing. Today our beautiful "blue" planet has a tremendous volume of explosives. We have no right to forget about this and should do our best to support the just, peace-loving policy of our government and by all means try to protect our planet.
2) Our Galaxy contains more than 100,000 million stars of different types, like others, it was formed several million years after the explosion of the Universe. Approximately 5,000 million years ago, when the Galaxy already had its modern form, our Sun appeared somewhere in the Universe. It was just an ordinary star which got its own planetary system. Modern astronomy is incapable of discovering, by means of direct observation, planets around stars situated within the radius exceeding four light years.
3) The topic of UFO has become very popular recently. The UFO problem originated in the West, which is quite natural - the press in those countries is too keen to publish "sensations". When real sensations are not available they are invented. Unfortunately, many people believe these tales. The idea of intelligent beings from other planets visiting us is very thrilling. Facts, however, show that if this intelligence exists, it must be at such a vast distance from us that it is practically out of our reach.
4) Suppose we send a radio signal and thanks to some unthinkable chance it is received by another civilization, and not only received but understood. This, however, will happen a million years after we have sent the signal. Let us now imagine that the civilization decides to reply. The probability of our receiving the reply is negligible. However, let us assume that we have received and understood it. What then? It would be a message from an intelligent that lived a million years before this moment.
a. Message from Space.
b. Intelligent beings from other planets.
c. «Blue» planet.
d. Alien race.
e. An unusual star.
1 – c, 2 – e , 3 - , 4 – a .
2. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 — лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.
The hypothesis that our human kind is unique and lonely, at least in our Galaxy, A ____. But it does not follow from this that there is no point in trying В ____ in the Universe. The search should continue. A number of scientists, in our country and especially abroad, are engaged in the problem. However, it is hardly necessary to give it too much attention because, if intelligence does exist somewhere, it must be at a tremendous distance away from us of the order С ____.
There are many scientists who believe in the existence of intelligence elsewhere in the Universe and who hold that the probability of planetary systems existing around some star D ____. They refer to the fact that our solar system came into being "only" 5,000 million years ago while there are objects in the Universe that have existed approximately 20,000 million years and on which life and maybe even intelligence could have originated.
This throws doubt on the possibility of our Earth being visited in the remote past E ____, and of the unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
We should never forget that we are the supreme expression of a unique dialectical process of the development of matter, if not throughout the Universe, then at least in a vast part of it. The awareness of this uniqueness should help people to see the surrounding world in a different way and to give serious thought to environmental protection and F ____.
1. of millions of light years
2. is not so small
3. is sufficiently valid
4. to find intelligent life
5. a vast part of it
6. to the barbarity and pointlessness of wars
7. by intelligent travelers from other planets
Пропуск |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Часть предложения |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
6 |
3 вопроса на множественный выбор (из 6 позиций);
2 вопроса на соответствие (по 6 позиций);
2 вопроса на последовательность (по 6 позиций);
Вопросы на множественный выбор (из 6 позиций):
1) Which are seven planets the closest from the Sun?
a) Venus |
d) Saturn |
b) Uranus |
e) Earth |
c) Mercury |
f) Mars |
2) Which are seven planets the closest from the Sun?
a) Venus |
d) Saturn |
b) Uranus |
e) Earth |
c) Mercury |
f) Mars |
3) Which are seven planets the closest from the Sun?
a) Venus |
d) Saturn |
b) Uranus |
e) Earth |
c) Mercury |
f) Mars |
Вопросы на множественный выбор (из 6 позиций):
1) Which are seven planets the closest from the Sun?
a) Venus |
d) Saturn |
b) Uranus |
e) Earth |
c) Mercury |
f) Mars |
Ответ: с
2) When did Yuri Gagarin become the first person in space?
a) March 18,1965 |
d) April 11, 1961 |
b) June 16, 1963 |
e) October 4, 1957 |
c) April 12, 1961 |
f) August 21, 1965 |
Ответ: с
Вопросы на соответствие (по 6 позиций);
1. Match the planets with their distance from the sun.
1) Uranus |
a) 12,756 km |
2) Earth |
b) 6,794 km |
3) Mercury |
c) 120,000km |
4) Mars |
d) 4,878km |
5) Saturn |
e) 12,102 km |
6) Venus |
f) 51,800 km |
1 - f, 2 - a, 3 - d, 4 - b, 5 - c, 6 - e.
2. Match the words with the descriptions.
1) Telescope |
a) occurs when a high mass star reaches the end of its life and explodes. |
2) Asteroids |
b) An icy dwarf planet that can’t clear debris from its orbit. |
3) Supernova |
c) tool that astronomers use to see faraway objects |
4) Constellations |
d) have been called "dirty snowballs." |
5) Comets |
e) an area of the celestial sphere as defined by IAU in the early 20th century. |
6) Pluto |
f) a minor planet of the inner Solar System. |
1 – c , 2 – f , 3 – a , 4 – e , 5 – d , 6 – b.
Вопросы на последовательность (по 6 позиций).
1. Расставьте события в хронологическом порядке. Укажите ответ в виде последовательности цифр выбранных элементов:
1) Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman on space.
2) Svetlana Savitskaya was the first woman to walk in space.
3) Sputnik 1 was the first satellite in space.
4) Aleksei Leonov was the first person to walk in space.
5) Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space
6) Laika was the first animal to orbit the Earth.
1) Sputnik 1 was the first satellite in space - 1957
2) Laika was the first animal to orbit the Earth. - 1957
3). Yuri Gagarin was the first person in space - 1961
4) Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman on space. -1963
5) Aleksei Leonov was the first person to walk in space. - 1965
6) Svetlana Savitskaya was the first woman to walk in space. – 1984
2. Расположите планеты по количестве спутников в порядке возрастания. Укажите ответ в виде последовательности цифр выбранных элементов:
1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Uranus
4. Neptune
5. Earth
6. Mars
1. Earth - 1
2. Mars - 2
3. Neptune – 14
4. Uranus - 27
5. Saturn – 63
6. Jupiter - 67
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