Оценка 4.7


Оценка 4.7




1.     How many types have got all styles?

2 types: oral and written.

2.     What is preciseness?

Preciseness is a basic property of a scientific and technical text, and it should be strictly maintained in translation. A translator must be fully aware of what s/he is translating to render precisely the content of the text. Special attention must be paid to terms*. To translate precisely, it is not enough to know an equivalent of the term. It is crucial to know the exact place of the concept, denoted by the term, in relation to other concepts. Therefore, translators in science and technologies have to specialize in a foreign language and a particular subject field.

In fact, there are two types of translators: linguist translators and engineering translators. The former usually require penetration into the subject matter, the latter need good language skills.

3.     What is clear logic in translation?

Clear logic is achieved through a system of logical connections and interrelations. A stock of linking phrases will help a translator make a connection between a point in the past and future, to refer a receptor forward or back. For example, As we will see… – Как будет видно… As I said earlier… - Как было сказано раньше… Linking phrases help to develop a point (Moreover… – Кроме того… Despite this… - Несмотря на это…According to our estimates,… - Согласно нашим подсчетам…)

4.     What is scientific text?

 Scientific texts are a part of. informative texts as they provide information for their readers. The purpose of such texts is to. discuss a scientific problem which forms the subject of their study.

5.     What is impersonality?

Impersonality is a measure of the extent to which the producer of a text avoids reference to him/herself or to the receptor. Such avoidance is far commoner in written than in spoken texts, and in Russian than in English. Using impersonal and indefinite structures, passive constructions, infinitive clauses, etc. provides the impression of the impersonal and objective style. Several experiments were run. – Было проведено несколько экспериментов.

6.     What is formality?

This feature results from the author’s tendency to avoid connotative words in the scientific text.  

7.     What kind of style called bureaucratic style?

The basic function of this style is to regulate interrelations between the State and its citizens, among citizens, the community and its members, between governments, parties, enterprises, etc. This style serves in two spheres of activity:

1) administrative and legislative spheres;

2) business, public life, and community service. Respectively, there are two substyles: officialese and commercialese, or business language.

The substyles are presented by the following genres: law, treaty, agreement, contract, act, bylaw, decree, constitution, charter, edict, interim, instruction, memorandum, certificate, letter, fax, telex, business plan, etc. These genres have a mostly written form.

The distinctive features of texts of this style are accuracy, standardization, directive character, impersonality, clear structure. 

8.     What is accuracy in bureaucratic style?

Accuracy is the utmost requirement of the bureaucratic style, for the ambiguity of documents can cause disastrous effects in business and community. A translator is responsible for making an accurate translation as close as possible to the source text. Even small details should not be neglected. For example, country names. If the source language document contains the full name of the State, it should be translated in full; if the name is shortened, the translation must be equal: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии; the United Kingdom –

Соединенное Королевство (not Великобритания); Great Britain – Великобритания (not Англия). The only exception to the rule is Britain, translated as Англия, as the word Британия in Russian is stylistically marked.

9.     What is standard character in bureaucratic style?

To produce a translation of good quality, it is necessary to use standard terms. There may be concepts in law and business which exist in one country yet not in another. In this case a translator, producing the nearest accepted equivalent in the target language, makes footnotes, which give immediate reference to the item in question and draw the reader’s attention to the fact.

The standard character of the “officialese” is made up of a number of set phrases, which must be kept in the translator’s memory: on behalf and instruction of… - от имени и по поручению; I have the privilege to introduce…- имею честь представить…; Mr. X has the floor – слово предоставляется г-ну Х; the motion is open to debate – вопрос выносится на обсуждение; I second the motion – я поддерживаю предложение. 

10. What is directive character of bureaucratic style?

The directive character of the bureaucratic style occurs by using the modal verb shall in English (even American English) and either the so-called directive present verb: The right of ownership for the goods and all risks of loss and damage to the goods shall pass from the Sellers to the Buyers … право владения товаром и все риски, связанные с потерей или повреждением товара, переходят от Продавца к Покупателю… or modal adjective in Russian: Packing shall secure full safety of the goods … Упаковка должна обеспечивать полную сохранность





This feature results from the author’s tendency to avoid connotative words in the scientific text

This feature results from the author’s tendency to avoid connotative words in the scientific text

I second the motion – я поддерживаю предложение

I second the motion – я поддерживаю предложение
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