Types of speech activity
Оценка 5

Types of speech activity

Оценка 5
Types of speech activity
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 Types of speech activity


Allaniyazova Raya Uskinovna

English language teacher, school №15, Chirchic, Uzbekistan



A foreign language as one of the means of communication and cognition of the surrounding world occupies a special place in the system of modern education due to its social, cognitive and developing functions.

Due to the fact that the position of English in the world as a leading means of international communication is increasingly strengthened, and there are no significant trends to stop or slow down this process, the problem of using effective methods of teaching English is extremely important.

In the modern sense, the learning process is considered as a process of interaction between a teacher and students in order to familiarize students with certain knowledge, skills, abilities and values.


An integrated approach to teaching English allows you to include in the program reading texts of various topics, composing dialogues and monologues, solving problem situations, developing projects and writing letters, both friendly and official, listening to audio recordings. Thus, teachers achieve the maximum assimilation of information in the classes themselves [1].

When learning English at the initial stage, sound recording plays a very important role. It gives children the opportunity to hear genuine speech in English. And since children of primary school age have a well-developed ability to imitate, the sound recording also gives them a role model. This has a beneficial effect on the quality of their pronunciation, as well as on the formation of the ability to understand speech by ear.

Mastering listening provides an opportunity to realize educational, educational and developmental goals. It allows you to teach students to carefully listen to the sound of speech, to form the ability to anticipate the semantic content of the statement and thus cultivate a listening culture not only in a foreign language, but also in their native language. The educational value of the formation of the ability to understand speech by ear is that it positively affects the development of the child’s memory, and, above all, auditory memory is so important not only for learning a foreign language, but also for any other subject.

Listening also contributes to the achievement of the educational goal, providing children with the opportunity to understand statements, no matter how elementary, in the language of another people.

Listening also serves as a powerful tool for teaching a foreign language. It makes it possible to master the sound side of the language being studied, its phonemic composition and intonation; rhythm, stress, melody.

Being closely related to other types of speech activity, listening plays an important role in the study of a foreign language, and especially in communicatively oriented learning.

Speaking is the most difficult type of speech activity, the mastery of which is associated with great difficulties. These difficulties are due to the complexity of the process of generating a speech utterance, which is far from easy to proceed in the native language, since it is associated with the formulation of thought by means of the English language [2].

At the initial stage, training in a monological form of communication involves the ability to describe an object, person, phenomenon; make a message on the topic; talk about read / listened; express your emotions: like / dislike, etc.

As for the dialogical form of communication, it involves the ability to greet the interlocutor and respond to his greeting; ability to politely say goodbye; the ability to introduce someone to someone; express consent / disagreement to do something; ability to congratulate on the holiday; regret an apology; express joy, delight, pleasure / displeasure, etc.

Dialogue is a process of communication between two or more interlocutors, each of which in turn acts as a listener and a speaker. Dialogical speech cannot be planned, programmed, it is more situationally determined. She is characterized by great emotionality and expressiveness. The dialogue is connected with a number of skills that ensure the course of the conversation:

- stimulating the interlocutor to say: What are you doing? I’m going home, and you? Will you open the window?

- Speech stimulus response: No, I'm going shopping. I don’t know, where he lives. What shall I do? So am I. Who are you writing to?

- Deployment of a replica-response to give the statements the character of a conversation.

The methodological component of the content of teaching speaking includes the ability to use supports, consciously perform the operations necessary for speaking, as well as the ability to create their own supports for the successful implementation of statements.

Also, at the initial stage, pronunciation is formed. In most methods, training begins with an oral lead - students only listen and say that it does not interfere with the gradual learning of the alphabet. Each letter passed is given a transcription. Every student should be able to know and independently read it.

A letter is understood as the student’s mastery of the graphic and spelling systems of a foreign language for fixing speech and language material in order to better memorize it and as an assistant in mastering oral speech and reading [3].

The graphics of a letter when teaching a foreign language involves teaching children half-print. First of all, the teacher introduces students to the letter, calls it, says. What sounds it can make, recalls words familiar to students where this letter is.

Students experience difficulties in mastering grapheme-phonemic correspondences in English: the letter “a” transmits 7 phonemes, and the sound [f] can be transmitted by the letter combinations f, ff, ph, gh.

Written works, descriptions are carried out even in the case when students do exercises that qualify as creative. They do not need to be taught written speech as an independent type of speech activity.

Examples of exercises: complete the sentence; write 3 sentences on the model; write sentences, supplementing them with words, data in brackets; to agree or disagree with the statements; write questions to the text; answer questions in writing; write out sentences.

At the initial stage of learning to read, the primary task of the teacher is to teach schoolchildren to use the graphic system of the studied foreign language for self-scoring of the text and, thus, provide them with the opportunity to learn the educational material through visual perception, creating visual complexes in the memory of students in the form of words and other units of visually perceived printed material. For the initial stage, the graphic design of the text and its illustrativeness are very important, that is, the location of the printed material that would correspond to the reading formation mechanism - the gradual expansion of the reading field (eye-span), etc., and the connection of the support in the form of a picture that contributes to a better reading comprehension.

Students learn the letters of the English alphabet: they must be able to name the letter and the sound that it conveys. In English, the consonant ratio (letter - sound) is usually unambiguous, for example: p [p], b [b], m [m], etc. There is no such direct correlation in vowels and some consonants (w, c, g), and they present the greatest difficulty for students, since each of the vowels, for example, transmits several sounds. The same can be said about letter combinations: some of them stably transmit one sound, for example: sh [s], ck [k], ch [ts], ph [f], and others - different sounds: th [θ], [ð].

For the initial stage, the educational value of texts, their moral potential is the first and main requirement: to what extent do the texts contribute to the upbringing of children in the broad sense of the word and the formation of moral and ethical standards of behavior.

The second, no less important requirement is the cognitive value and scientific content of the text.

The third requirement is to match the content of the text to the age of the students. An attempt to include texts that meet this requirement can be traced in textbooks of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th grades. So, in the 3rd grade, taking into account the age of the children, their interest in fairy tales, both in the textbook and in the reading book are included fairy tales, where the characters are animals.

The fourth requirement is related to the language of the text. At the initial stage, and especially in the first year of studying the English language, given the difficulties of English spelling, reading instruction should be based on lexical and grammatical material previously learned orally. This allows you to remove the difficulties associated with reading comprehension, and pay more attention to the technique, expressiveness of reading.

So, we considered concepts such as the method of teaching the English language and the types of speech activity of younger students in English classes. We examined the main types of work in English lessons at the initial stage of training: listening (listening to recordings), reading, writing, as well as speaking (monologic and dialogical), and also analyzed such methods of teaching younger students English as verbal and playful.



1.   Бабанский Ю.К. Оптимизация процесса обучения? М.: Педагогика, 1977. – 257 с.

2.   Гез. Н.И. Роль условий общения при обучении слушанию и говорению//Иностранные языки в школе. – 1981. – №5. – с. 32.

3.   Средства и методы обучения. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://5ballov.qip.ru/referats/.



Types of speech activity

Types of speech activity

The educational value of the formation of the ability to understand speech by ear is that it positively affects the development of the child’s memory,…

The educational value of the formation of the ability to understand speech by ear is that it positively affects the development of the child’s memory,…

She is characterized by great emotionality and expressiveness

She is characterized by great emotionality and expressiveness

Examples of exercises: complete the sentence; write 3 sentences on the model; write sentences, supplementing them with words, data in brackets; to agree or disagree…

Examples of exercises: complete the sentence; write 3 sentences on the model; write sentences, supplementing them with words, data in brackets; to agree or disagree…

So, in the 3rd grade, taking into account the age of the children, their interest in fairy tales, both in the textbook and in the…

So, in the 3rd grade, taking into account the age of the children, their interest in fairy tales, both in the textbook and in the…
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