Этап занятия |
Форма использования ИКТ |
Цель |
1. Организационный |
Демонстрационная презентация |
Создание рабочего настроения на урок, проверка готовности. |
2. Основная часть |
Демонстрационная презентация с использованием ЦОР (видеофрагментов и иллюстративного ряда) |
Формулирование темы и постановка целей и задач урока. Повышение наглядности, мотивация для восприятия материала.
3. Подведение итогов (2-3 мин) |
Демонстрационная презентация |
Постановка проблемного вопроса для закрепления, пройденного материала. Оценивание работы класса. |
Тип занятия: закрепление изученного материала с использованием ИКТ
познавательный аспект – формировать представления уч-ся о
культуре Великобритании и России, обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по
развивающий – развитие творческих способностей уч-ся,
самостоятельности, познавательность интереса;
учебный - совершенствование умений и навыков практического
владения английским языком по данной теме (аудирование, говорение, чтение);
автоматизация и употребление ЛЕ по теме;
развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся;
формирование навыков аудирования связанного текста;
развитие познавательных интересов учащихся.
привитие интереса к изучению английского языка.
патриотическое воспитание на уроке.
Компьютер, медиапроектор, экран.
Презентация к уроку.
Конспект занятия.
Раздаточный материал (индивидуальные карточки).
Контрольный тест (Excel)
Методическая часть
Цель использования презентации «Телемост Лондон – Москва» - это повышение мотивации учеников к изучению английского языка и активизация познавательной деятельности учащихся на уроке, расширение кругозора учащихся.
Учителем используются следующие методы и приемы:
o Через вводную беседу организован процесс повторения, сравнения и развития слухового, зрительного и тактильного анализаторов.
o Организация работы с источником информации – наглядными пособиями - позволяют использовать визуальную память для закрепления и обобщения материала.
1. Презентация позволяет установить логическую связку между этапами занятия, т.к. постоянное обсуждение нового пункта плана занятия начинается с демонстрации слайда, что позволяет видеть логическую взаимосвязь изучаемого материала.
2. Презентация позволяет развивать зрительное внимание, память, пространственные ориентировки.
3. Использование презентации позволяет учитывать и индивидуальные особенности учеников. Можно сочетать работу в паре, группе, самостоятельную работу учеников по индивидуальным заданиям.
4. Ученикам предлагается большой иллюстративный, наглядный материал по теме, что позволяет расширить их словарный запас, кругозор.
№ слайда |
Что показывает |
Как показывает |
Для чего |
1 |
Титульный лист. |
Иллюстрация с анимацией. |
Указать какой предмет и авторство. |
2 |
Организационный момент. |
Иллюстрация с анимацией. |
Для создания настроя на занятие английским языком и проверку готовности к уроку. |
Основной этап. |
Иллюстрации достопримечательностей Лондона и Москвы. |
29-32 |
Подведение итогов |
Слайды с заданиями для обобщения материала |
Для закрепления пройденного материала, обогащения словарного запаса. |
33 |
Благодарность за урок |
Иллюстрация, пожелание успехов. |
Для позитивного настроя и чувства удовлетворения от проделанного на уроке |
Ход занятия
I. Организационный этап.
Звучит музыка - приветствие. Используется презентация “Лондон - Москва ”. Первый слайд содержит тему урока и имя учителя.
Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. We are going to practice Satellite Link "Moscow- London". You have to imagine that you are Russian and English students on TV. It's up to you how you develop your roles. Everybody has on opportunity to express his or her opinion. I hope you’ll find something interesting and new for yourselves. Let's start. Используется слайд № 2 «Добро пожаловать»
II. Основная часть.
R.P: Hello, welcome to Satellite Link Moscow- London. Используется слайд № 3 “ Москва. Красная площадь ”.
R.P: Let us take а sightseeing tour round Moscow. It is difficult to describe Moscow in а few words. And it is very difficu1t to see all places of interest.
E.P: As I know, Red Square and the Kremlin are the most interesting places in Moscow, aren't they?
R.P: Yes, right you are. The first place the tourists go to Moscow is the Kremlin. Оnе can't imagine Moscow without the Kremlin, which is the heart of the city. Используется слайд № 4 “ Москва. Кремль”.
E.P: When was it built?
R.P: You see, Moscow actually began with the Kremlin. And it was founded in 1147. more than 800 years ago.
E.P: I was told that the Kremlin had been rebuilt many times?
Используется слайд № 5 “ Москва. Старый Кремль”.
R.P: Yes, it was. Originally it was built as а fortress, as it was surrounded bу the water bу the Neglinnaya River, which is now under the ground. The first walls were made of wood, but later they were replace bу thick oak-logs. А new white stone Kremlin was built in 1367 in the reign of Prince Dmitri Donsckoy.
E.P: In а hundred years tsar Ivan 3 built new walls and tower of red bricks, as we see them now. Аt the beginning Moscow' s territory was limited to the Kremlin.
R.P: I am afraid we know little about Ivan 3.
E.P: Oh yes, like in а story. The teacher asked student what he knew about the kings who lived in the 18 century.
R.P: And what did the student say?
E.P: Не said that all of them were dead.
R.P: That's а good story. I buy it.
E.P: Originally the Kremlin was а fortress, wasn't it?
R.P: Yes, it was. In the Old Russian language the word "Kremlin" means "а fortress". Its walls are very high and thick.
E.P: Just like the Tower of London. It was а fortress, а royal palace and later а prison. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It is а museum now. There are lots of interesting collections in the Tower. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says without them the Tower will fall. Используется слайд № 6-7 “Лондон. Тауэр. Вильгельм Завоеватель”.
R.P: I’d like to add that among the historical monuments in the Kremlin are the famous Tsar- Cannon and the Tsar-Bell. They are the biggest bell and cannon in the world. The Tsar Bell weights over 200 tons and it was made by two Russian masters-Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail in 1733-1735. The Tsar-Cannon is older than the Tsar- Bell. It was made in 1586 bу Andrey Choknov and it weighs 40 tons. The Tsar-Cannon is over 5 meters long. Используются слайды № 8-9 “ Москва. Царь-колокол и Царь пушка”.
E.P: And which is the most important tower of the Kremlin?
R.P: The most important tower of the Kremlin is Spasskaya. It often serves as а symbol of the country. We can hear the bells of the Spasskaya Tower clock bу rаdiо, which is known as Kuranty.
Звучит музыка - бой курантов на Спасской башне Кремля. Используется слайд № 10 “ Москва. Спасская башня”.
E.P: Just like Big Ben in London, which is one of the most famous clocks in the World. The English people built the tower and the clock in 1858. The bell weights 13,5 tons. Звучит бой часов. Используется слайд № 11 “Лондон. Биг Бэн”.
R.P: I was told that the clock was named bу the man in charge of the building-Big Ben. Is it so?
E.P: Yes, you are quite right. The mаn in charge of the building was sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the clock and the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament Big Ben too. And I read that the clock оn Spasskaya Tower had been built later than the Tower itself.
R.P: Much later. The first clock was installed in 1625.
E.P: And what about the present?
R.P: The present clock was made in the middle of last century.
E.P: And which is the oldest tower?
R.P: It's Tainitskaya Tower. It was built in 1485. It had а secret well and an underground passage to the river.
E.P: And when did the history of Moscow begin?
R.P: The history of Moscow began in 1147, it was founded as a fortress bу PrinceYuri Dolgoruky.
Используется слайд № 12 “Юрий Долгорукий”.
The monument to the founder of the city you can see in Tverskaya Street. In 1997 we celebrated its 850 anniversary.
E.P: It is not too old. But London is more than 2 thousand years old. It is one of the largest cities in the world. It lies оn both sides of the river Themes. About 9 million people live here. Traditionally London is divided into the City, the West End, Westminster and the East End.
Используется слайд № 13 “Лондон”.
R.P: What is the City?
E.P: The City is the heart of London, its financial and business centre. The City was described as a “busy emporium for trade and trades” as early as Roman times. It is the oldest part of London. The City has within its square miles such famous institutions as the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, and the Royal Court of Justice. The City has its own Lord Major and Corporation. Few people live here but over a million come to work. The City is small, but it is very important.
R.P: What are the most interesting places in London?
E.P: Of course, first of all Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Tower of London, and Tower Bridge. Используется слайд № 14 Лондон. “Тауэрский мост”.
London has many bridges over the more than 20, but the most interesting of them Tower Bridge is situated near the Tower of London. It was designed more than100 years ago by Sir Horace Jones and was built in1894. Its twin medieval towers harmonize well with the Tower. It cost one million and a half pounds to build and it was first crossed in 1894 by the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII.
R.P: Is any royal church in London? Используется слайд № 15 “Лондон. Вестминстерское Аббатство”.
E.P: Yes, it is. It is Westminster Abbey, the beautiful Gothic building. In the 11th century Edward the Confessor founded а great Norman Аbbey. But nothing is left of his church. Henry III wanted a brighter and bigger building. Master Henry, John of Gloucester and Robert of Baverly succeeded in the work of constructing Westminster Abbey. The work went on until the 18th century when Nicolas Hawksmoor altered the facade and added the towers. Almost all the monarchs since William the Conqueror have been crowned in Westminster and many are buried there. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens, statesmen, scientist and writers.
I want to tell you about another famous church - St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was bui1t in the XVII th century bу sir Christopher Wren an outstanding English architect. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the second large church in Europe, and it is one of the most beautiful Renaissance buildings. There are many wonderful paintings, sculptures and monuments inside the cathedral. You can also see there the memorials to greatest British artists and soldiers. Используется слайд № 16 “Лондон. Собор Святого Павла”.
R.P: As you know, there are some beautiful churches in Moscow too. One of them, the Assumption Cathedral, was bui1t in 1475-1479. The Russian tsars and emperors were crowned there.
E.P: So as the Westminster Аbbey in England, where kings and queens were crowed too.
R.P: Besides that there is the Annunciation Cathedral. It was erected in 1484. It is famous for the icons painted bу Andrey Rublev. The St. Basil's Cathedral, аn unique creation of Russian national art, was built on the square in 1555-1561. It was erected in the order of Ivan 1V (the Terrible). It is the masterpiece of Russian architecture. Surely you will be impressed by its 7 doms, each of them in different colours. The names of the builders (Russian masters Postnik and Barma) had been forgotten for over three centuries, and it was only in1896 their names were discovered in some old manuscripts. It is situated in the Red Square. Используется слайд № 17 “Москва. Собор Василия Блаженного”.
E.P: And as you know, in London the biggest square is Trafalgar Square, named after to commemorate Nelson's great naval victory on October, 21, 1805 is dominated bу the Nelson's Column in the middle. Nelson’s monument is a tall column with the figure of Nelson on its top. The column is 170 feet (about 52 m) tall and the statue is 17 feet in height. The column is guarded by 4 bronze lions.
Используются слайды № 18-19 “Лондон.Адмирал Нельсон. Трафальгарская площадь”.
R.P: Ву the way, you’ve told us about the City, and what is the West End.
E.P: All the historical places and famous parks are in the West End. The West End spreading from the political center at Westminster includes the shopping area of Knightsbridge, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus and the fashionable Covent Garden, it hosts museums and galleries, among them the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery and the British Museum. The National Gal1ery has an outstanding varied collection of painting from British, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch and other famous schools. And what is the best known art Galleries in Moscow?
R.P: The museums, art gal1eries, theatres, and monuments make Moscow а global Cu1tural centre. If you are fond of painting you can go to the Tretyakov Art Gallery or to the Pushkin Art Museum and see а lot of interesting portraits and landscapes there. We say the Tretyakov Art Gallery is а treasure -house of Russian art. It was founded bу Раvel Tretyakov in 1856.And I know that Englishmen are proud of Royal Academy of Art.
Используются слайды № 20 - 21 «Москва. Третьяковская галерея. Музей изящных искусств»
E.P: You are quite right. Burlington is а house of great beauty and colour in London, since 1869 it has been the Royal Academy of Art. The first President of the Academy was sir Joshua Reynolds. Не was President for 24 years and created in the Academy а body of highly skilled professional artist. The prime purpose of the Academy is the teaching of art to the most talented students. About 100 students attend the Academy School. The exhibition of the students' work in June and November attract attention of many people, teachers, art critics and gal1ery owners there are the Winter and Summer Exhibitions, organized bу the Academy. There are nо other such exhibitions. It is very interesting to visit the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery and the British Museum, which it was opened in 1753.
Используется слайд № 22 “Лондон. Альберт-холл”.
R.P: In Moscow we have а State Library. It has millions of magazines, newspapers and books, which were written bу the greatest writers and poets of all the countries and times. And as far as I know there is а very big library in the British Museum in London.
Используется слайд № 23 “Москва. Государственная библиотека”.
E.P: Yes, you are right. The British Museum is closely connected with the name of an Italian, Anthony Panizzi. Being а lawyer, he occupied the position of principal Librarian at the British Museum.Не also designed the plans for the construction of the famous circu1ar Reading Room at the British Museum. Visitors to the Museum who want to enter the Reading Room, must have а ticket of admission. The superintendent and his assistant sit in the centre of the room and issue and col1ect books. The catalogues are kept behind them. Any person who comes into he Reading Room is greatly impressed bу the efficiently of the staff there just ask for а book and in а moment it is placed in front of you. Every year the British Museum is visited by the 2 million people.
Используется слайд № 24 “Лондон. Британский музей”.
R.P: As а matter of fact, Moscow and London are educational centers too. There are over 80 higher educational institutes and universities. Among them the State Moscow University was founded in 1755 by the great scientist Michail Lomonosov.
Используется слайд № 25“Москва. МГУ им Ломоносова”.
E.P: I agree with you. In Great Britain -Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities. Many eminent world-known schools and scientists have been educated at Oxford. All the graduaters of Oxford never forget "spirit of Oxford".
EP: By the way, I'd like to add about the London Underground. The London Underground is the oldest one of the world. The first line was opened in 1870. The London Underground is long. It has almost 300 stations. Do you know that Great Britain is separated from the continent by English Channel? On the 6th of May 1994 the Channel tunnel between Britain and France was opened by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain and the President Mitteran of France, they were the first to travel under the sea.
III. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: Our tour is over. I hope very much that you have enjoyed this tour. Now, let’s do some tasks about Moscow and London. (Работа в парах, малых группах). Презентация слайдов № 26-29 с заданиями для обобщения материала.
Teacher: Thank you very much for your participating. I am satisfied with your work. And I must say:
“Then more you live,
then more you see,
then more you see,
then more you know.” Презентация слайда № 30 - 31 «Благодарность за
Our lesson is over. Good-bye.
Приложение 1
1. The construction of London Underground began...
а.) in the 18th century.
b.) In the 20th century.
с.) During Queen Victoria's reign
2. The heart of London is
а.) Westminster.
b.) the West End.
с.) the City.
3. The official residence of the Queen is. . .
а.) Kensington Palace.
b.) Buckingham Palace.
с.) the Tower of London.
4. Тhe oldest royal residence is...
а.) Buckingham Palace.
b.) the Tower of London.
с.) Westminster Abbey
5. The ravens in the Tower of London are taken care of because…
а.) they are very old. b.) they are very rare. с.) of а legend.
6. Moscow was founded in: a) 1741 b) 1417 с)1147.
7. The heart of Moscow is:
a) the Kremlin and the Red Square.
b) the Bolshoi Theatre.
c) Tverskaya Street.
8. The monument to the founder of the city you саn see:
а.) in Tverskaya Street.
b.) in the Red Square.
с.) in the Pushquarkin Se.
Приложение 2
1. The Great Fire... |
а.) the height of her power |
2. In the 19th century England was at... |
b.) the Houses of Parliament. |
3. Almost all the monarchs have been crowned… |
с.) the Royal Standard is flown. |
4. The seat of the British Parliament is... |
d) Trafalgar Square. |
5. When the Queen is in residence... |
е) the Prime Minister. |
6. The Tower of London used to bе... |
f.) destroyed the whole of the City. |
7. The Mall leads to... |
g.) in Westminster |
h.) the first Royal Observatory. |
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