1 . Good afternoon, students! I think you are ready for our today′s lesson and have a good mood! But first of all I want you to guess one word. Look at the blackboard. You can see a list of words. There is one missing letter in each word. Please, write down the missing letter!
Senti M enta
Spirit U al
Sen S ational
Enthus I astic
Fantasti C
So, you see the word MUSIC and our theme is “Music Is Everywhere”.(слайд 1)
By the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about your favourite singer or group, listen and understand the dialogue, read and discuss the text, work with presentations, sing songs, make sinquains about music. ( слайд 2 )
2. It is impossible to live without music, it follows us everywhere, it is in our hearts, feelings and souls. As Henry Longfellow said – “Music is the universal language of the world” (слайд 3 ).Music connects countries and nations and now look at the screen, we have a video letter from London, be very attentive, then you will answer the questions. (телемост с Лондоном)
3. And now let′s revise our lexical material on the theme:
A habit, a mood, a violin, to whistle, a record, a composer, a musician, a symphony.
There are the beginnings – you have to find the endings to make up the sentences with these words. (на доске скрипичный стан, на который дети прикрепляют сопоставленные предложения).
4. It′s time for our listening. Listen to the dialogue.
( После прослушивания диалога дети получают карточки с заданиями)
Take the cards , write if the statements are true or false.
1. The children had a wonderful weekend. ---------
2. John and Terry went to a pop concert on Saturday. ----------
3. The audience did not join Svyatoslav Vakarchuk -------
4. The boys were happy, they enjoyed the concert very much. ----------
( слайд 4) проверка
Read and choose a proper item.
1.The performance started at … o′clock.
A ) six B) three C) nine
2. John and Terry were allowed to … .
A) sit at the stage B) play the guitar C) dance on the stage
3. The singer told the boys to … .
A) enjoy the show B) sing along C) dance
4. John was happy because … .
A) he watched a man who set up a sound system
B) he had talked to his favourite singer
C) he talked to Lily and Chris
(слайд 5 )проверка
5. Pupils, have you tired? let′s relax. Физкультминутка под песню Рианны “Music”.
6. Let′s brush up our grammar. It will be useful for our next task.
( слайд 6 )правило The Past Simple Tense.
7. Now let′s read the text about “The Beatles”( учащиеся читают текст под мелодию “ Yesterday “ и выполняют послетекстовые задания)
On June 6, 1957 a young and ambitious fellow John Lennon met Paul McCartney and soon they began to play music together. A year later George Harrison, the guitarist, joined the group. The group changed some drummers before they have met Ringo Starr in1962. The same year «The Beatles» produced their first minor hit “Love Me Do”. The song had a agreat success and soon followed by the first album of the group. Beatlomania began in Britain on 13 October 1963 with a televised appearance at the London Palladium. Since then four young pleasant-looking men attacked by thousands of funs first in Great Britain and later all round the world. Their music was heared everywhere and the tickets to their concerts were sold in minutes. The pop- music band has become a worldwide phenomenom. Their funs believed the group has never stopped singing together. But the band officially broke up in 1970. In spite of this fact the fans all over the world still admired the songs of «The Beatles».
1 Use the text and decide if the statements are true(+) or false (-)
1.On November 6,1957 a young man John Lennon met Paul McCartney. -------
2.The group produced their first hit in 1962 ------
3.The song «Love Me Do» had not a success. -----------------
4. The pop-music band has become famous. ---------------
2 Make up the questions and answer them using the information from the text.
1. the/ Beatles/ were/ of/ the/ Who/ members?
2. produce/minor/ did/ the /Beatles/When/ their/the/hit/first?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
3. TV-programme/ first/ did/ appear/ What/ in/ the/ Britain/ band?
4. Stop/ together/ the/ did/ officially/ singing/ When/ group?
8. Your hometask for today was to prepare a project “ My Favourite Group (Singer)”. ( 2-3 учащихся представляют свои презентации )
Listen to your classmates attentively and answer the questions.
9. It′s time to play a little! Let′s devide into 2 groups and play a game”Crosses and Noughts “. ( на доске основа для игры «Крестики-нолики» , каждая команда по очереди выбирает цифру, а учитель читает соответствующие вопросы. Если ученики отвечают правильно, то учитель вместо цифры ставит их значок. Побеждает та команда, которая имеет 3 крестика или 3 нолика подряд.
Вопросы для игры:
1.Where can we hear music?
2. What role does music play in our life?
3. Have you ever written a song?
4. Do you read pop music magazine? Which one?
5. What is your favourite rock star?If you met him/her, what would you say or do?
6. What does music reflect?
7. What do you think about when you listen to music?
8. What sort of music do you prefer?
9. Do you like to sing karaoke? Why?
Well, students, you′re managed doing this task, I′m pleased with you.
Have you remembered the last question of the game? Let′s sing the song of ‘The Beatles” all together in karaoke!
10 . It′s the end of the lesson and the time for reflection. We have discussed much today. Did you like our lesson? I wonder what feelings and thoughts you′ve got now. Please , express your opinion in your sinquain poetry. You ′ve known its structure ( слайд 7 )
Cinquain poetry:
1 word ( a subject or a noun )
2 words ( ajectives ) that describe word 1
3 words ( action verbs ) that relate to word 1
4 words ( feelings or a complete sentence) that relates to word 1
1 word ( a synonym of a word that sums it up)
Here is the example (слайд 8 )
Fantastic, romantic,
Inspires, enriches ,conquers,
It wakes up in the morning
Work in pairs and then present your cinquains, please.
10. Summarizing
- What have we done ?
- What have you known ?
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