Урок в 8 классе
Тема урока: Shrovetide (Масленица)
учебный аспект: развитие речевых умений;
познавательный аспект: знакомство с традициями и обычаями празднования Масленицы на Руси;
воспитательный аспект: формирование потребности учитывать статус собеседников в разных ситуациях общения и использовать речь, адекватную ситуации общения; осознание реалий родной культуры;
развивающий аспект: развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов из увиденного, услышанного; развитие способности к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации общения; развитие коммуникабельности;
Задача: развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Оборудование: компьютер.
Ход урока: 1. Организационный момент, приветствие.
Teacher(T): Morning, students. Glad to see you. Today we go on talking about holidays. I’m sure you know a lot about British and American holidays, don’t you.
And today we’ll also know about one of the most favourite Russian holidays. And for the lesson we’ll watch a film, play a game and change opinions about holidays.
2. Речевая зарядка.
T.: - Students! Do you like holidays?
- What words are associated with the word HOLIDAYS? (заполнение WORD WEB).
3. Основной этап урока.
T.: – Well, you know many words. Now we’ll check how well you know holidays. Let’s guess the names of holidays. Look at the symbols. You should try to prove your suggestions briefly. And don’t forget about everyday phrases. I’ll give you an example.
E.g. I think it is birthday because every family has a cake for a Birthday. etc.
New Year – because the fur tree is the symbol of the New Year.
St. Valentine’s Day – because it is the day of love and a heart with an arrow is a symbol of this holiday.
Halloween – Jack-o-lantern is the symbol of this holiday.
of this holiday.
Thanksgiving Day – because roust turkey is the traditional American food on this day.
Christmas – Santa Clause is the symbol of this holiday.
Easter – People dye eggs on Easter.
Birthday – people always buy a cake on each birthday.
Do you know about this emblem? This is a shamrock. It is the symbol of Ireland.
17 March is the national holiday in Ireland – St. Patrick’s Day. On that day people wear a shamrock. A shamrock is a plant with three leaves.
T.: Now I’d love to suggest you to write a Story about What are people’s favourite activities on Shrovetide?
T.: And what about the symbol of this holiday.
PP: I think the symbol of this holiday is blini (pancakes).
Why do you think so? (Blini are oval as the sun. They are the symbol of coming spring).
-Pretend you are journalists and you task is to find out information about Shrovetide. You have only one minute. (PP)
T.: Thank you. I hope when you know much about this holiday, you will celebrate it at home and tell your parents about this holiday.
Shrovetide is coming soon. It is not fixed date of it. In this year we’ll celebrate it on 15 February. Did you remember the highlights (основные события) of Shrovetide.
And what would you like to do on Shrovetide?
PP. I would like to fight on Shrovetide. Etc. (учащиеся составляют предложения, используя схему) I would like to ......
T.:- Shrovetide lasts the whole week. Each day has its own name. Unfortunately we don’t have English equivalents of these days because Russian Language is very rich. So I name them in Russian.
Monday is called встреча, Tuesday is called заигрыши, and Wednesday is called лакомка, Thursday is called разгул, перелом, Friday is called тещины вечерки, Saturday is called золовкины посиделки, Sunday is called прощенный день.
T.: Agree or disagree with me.
1. The painting is a landscape. – Yes, it is quite right. I quite agree with you
2. The people are sad and angry.
3. The modern Moscow is painted.
4. There is a street where people are sledging.
5. The colour of the landscape is bright.
6. People are riding a bicycle.
7. This painting is about Christmas.
4. Подведение итогов.
T.:I’m sure Russian people like holidays. Let’s make a conclusion. What does a holiday mean for Russian people?
T: -Thank you for your answers. You’ve worked well today.
5. Объяснение домашнего задания.
T.: You should write a letter to your foreign friend about Shrovetide.
6. Our lesson is over! Good Bye!
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