Урок, посвящённый службам спасения
Оценка 5

Урок, посвящённый службам спасения

Оценка 5
Урок, посвящённый службам спасения
конспект урока.doc

                                            Конспект метапредметного урока английского языка и ОБЖ в 8 классе.

УМК «Enterprise Plus».

Тема урока: Сотрудники служб спасения.

Обучающая цель: развитие навыков монологической речи;
                               совершенствование лексических и произносительных навыков.

Развивающая цель: развитие навыков говорения;
                                 развитие языковой догадки;
                                 умения выделять главное, сравнивать и анализировать. 

Воспитывающая цель: развивать самостоятельность мышления,
                                       содействовать профориентации.

Задачи урока: развитие навыков монологической речи;

                        активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Emergency people».

 Тип урока: комбинированный.

Оснащение урока: проектор, ноутбук, раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями), УМК О.А. Афанасьева, В. Эванс «Английский в фокусе 7 класс».Б.О.Хренников «Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности»



Слова учителя

Слова учащегося

 Демонстрация видеоролика.

 Good morning, I’m glad to see you. Today we are talking about different jobs. Do you guess, what kind of jobs are they? We’ll discuss what qualities you need to do these works. Вступительное слово учителя ОБЖ о профессиях, связанных со спасением людей, демонстрация презентации:

Человек живет и действует в условиях постоянно изменяющихся потенциальных опасностях. Потенциальная опасность, как явление-это воздействие на человека неблагоприятных или несовместимых с жизнью факторов. Безопасность-это центральное понятие ОБЖ, Безопасность –состояние защищенности жизненно важных интересов личности, общества и государства от внутренних и внешних угроз.  Ребята, сегодня у нас необычный урок и в основе своей стоит слово «ФИГУРА»как вы думаете, что может объединить слово «ФИГУРА», видеоролик и безопасность? Как вы думаете, что общего ? правильно, что люди этих профессий могут по праву называться ГЕРОЯМИ. И сегодня мы назовем их героические фигуры. Давайте просмотрим презентацию и определим сложности профессии, какими качествами должны обладать люди данных профессий. Итак: спасатель, пожарный, полицейский, люди в белых халатах.

Теперь мы разделимся на группы, перед вами файлы с ситуационными задачами. Давайте коллективно решим их.


 Lets begin. Look at the photos, please, and take turns to say what the people in them are and what they do.

Slide 1.


Slide 2.



Slide 3.


Slide 4.





Slide 6.




Thanks. You did well. You know when we chose the job we must make sure that we have abilities and qualities necessary for it. Because we might be unsuitable for some jobs. And now read the description of a person and say what job would be impossible for them.


Slide 1. Someone who cannot see well.

Slide 2. Someone who is always seasick on a boat.

Slide 3. Someone who understands nothing about cars.

Slide 4. Someone who will not work in the evening or at weekend.

Slide 5. Someone who is afraid of heights and high places.

Slide 6. Someone who doesn’t like to see blood.


Very well. Let’s revise adjectives describing personal qualities that might be useful for different professions.

I want you to work in pairs. Take card №1, please. There are 14 adjectives describing people hidden in this square. See how many you can find during three minutes. You can read vertically and horizontally. Don’t forget to write them down on your cards. (Slide)

(Three minutes later the pair who has found the most words reads their list, others might add.

When all found words are read the teacher opens the correct answers on the slide.)

Well done, but your work with these adjectives isn’t finished yet. The next exercise with these adjectives you will also do in pairs. Take Card № 2 and fill the gaps with the correct words from Card № 1. You have got three minutes.

Your time is up. Let’s read the sentences.













Как должен выглядеть пожарный и врач скорой помощи, отправляясь на мероприятия по спасению человеческих жизней. Что должен иметь при себе? (Демонстрация презентации).


















And now let’s help to wear a rescuer and a paramedic. Some people need their help. Here are some words to help you. Look at these slides.











For the 1st time choose a profession. Here are the cards. In pairs discuss what qualities are necessary for this job and explain why you think so.

Would you be a good ….?

Let’s learn some new words. Take card № 3 there is a list of words well need on it.



Very well. Tell me, please, who has already chosen any profession?

Why have you chosen this job?

 Now choose the job you like and prepare a small talk about it. You have to talk about what it is necessary to do this work and list advantages and disadvantages of it. Please, remember to make a short introduction and conclusion for your talk. As you will make a list of  advantages and disadvantages don’t forget to use appropriate linking words. What words can we use to join similar ideas?

What words are used for contrasting ideas?

(students prepare their monologues and then present them to the class)




Thank you your monologues were very interesting.

Our lesson is almost over. Tell me please what we did today. You task is to write an article about your future job, its pros and cons. Your marks today are… Good bye.






















They’re a paramedics. They are saving  human’s life.

He’s an emergency care assistant. An emergency care assistant responds to emergency calls alongside a paramedic, helping them to provide patients with potentially life-saving care and, where needed, getting patients to hospital.

They’re a policemen. They’re arresting an offender.

A fire-fighter is somebody who puts out fires.



They’re a rescuers. They prepare to go to help some people.

They’re a lifeguards. They’re saving a man upon the water.








They can’t be a rescuer.

They can’t be a lifegurad.

They can’t be an emergency care assistant .

They can’t be a policeman.

They can’t be a rescuer too.

They can’t be a paramedic.














1.       Frank will never steal anything. You can trust him completely. He is very honest.

2.      We had such a warm welcome when we were in Denmark. I had no idea that Danes were so friendly.

3.      The police told her that she was very courageous to jump into the river to rescue her sister.

4.      She isn’t a very organised person as she always arrives late at meetings.

5.      Mike is very polite. he always says thank you and please.

6.      She tries to keep fit by swimming twice a week.

7.      She always stays cool and calm in a crisis.

8.      You can always trust Mark to do what you ask him to do. He is very…


Students’ own answers.








Protective mask


Protective suit



Package for emergency assistance

Signal jacket




Oxygen bag

Hot water bag










Also, moreover, what is more, furthermore.

However, on the other hand, but.

Students own answers.








Конспект метапредметного урока английского языка и

Конспект метапредметного урока английского языка и

ГЕРОЯМИ. И сегодня мы назовем их героические фигуры

ГЕРОЯМИ. И сегодня мы назовем их героические фигуры

Slide 4. Someone who will not work in the evening or at weekend

Slide 4. Someone who will not work in the evening or at weekend

And now let’s help to wear a rescuer and a paramedic

And now let’s help to wear a rescuer and a paramedic

Very well. Tell me, please, who has already chosen any profession?

Very well. Tell me, please, who has already chosen any profession?
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