урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений
по теме «Образование и работа»
Цели и задачи :
1.Актуализировать и расширить активный и пассивный словарь в сфере темы «Образование и карьера».
2. Совершенствование грамматических конструкция для выражения будущего времени при использовании в устной речи.
3.Совершенстовать навыки чтения, аудирования и письма и разговорной речи на материале урока.
1.Прививать интерес к общению на английском языке при выполнении парной или групповых работ.
2. Создать условия для проявления каждой личности.
1. Способствовать развитию языковых, интеллектуальных и творческих способностей учащихся.
2. Содействовать развитию умения коллективной и парной деятельности.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийная презентаций, раздаточный материал.
1. Введение в коммуникацию. Постановка проблемы. Связь с предыдущими уроком (образование и обучение).
Glad to see you at our todays lesson. Let s start our work. Let s imagine a house. What does it consist of? Yes, it can be made of logs and stones or breaks. Well, no matter in fact. Now, lets imagine that this house is our cociety. So, what are its breaks or its parts? (government, culture, laws, people, mass media, medicine and so on). And now let s me choose one of these breaks for this word - teenagers. So, do you agree rhat you-teenagers are one of important parts of our society? So prove it! What is your role in our society? (school, studing, classes). Absolutely agree. Your main role is studing and choosing your future career. And I hope you have already guessed the theme of our lesson.
2. Активизация лексических единиц в речи. First of all let s revise some popular professions. Look at yhe screen and try to remember the name of the profession. (видео JOBS PEOPLE HAVE). Ok, you have seen the film. Can you name the job which
- involves a lot of travelling
- requires that you wear a uniform
- is risky
- starts early in the morning
- asks for a lot of responsibility
- requires shift work
- requires highly - qualified persons
Отработка структур условного наклонения в устной форме.
Well done. Now whom you would contact if
- all the lights have suddenly gone out
- your house is on fire
- your hair is getting too long
- your pet cat is unwell.
- your car has broken down
- you have lost your way in a foreign city
- you want to register a hotel.
- a filling something wrong with your tooth.
3. Итак, мы с вами вспомнили и определили профессии сегодняшнего дня. А какими же качествами должен обладать человек той или иной профессии. You are right. now look at the list of adjectivesand choose what qualities are required for the following professions.
4. Некоторые профессии обязывают нас владеть определенными грамматическими и лексическими конструкциями. Давайте посмотрим.Совершенствование лексических навыков. Идиомы, новые конструкции.
work! Let’s complete the sentences with these idioms:
• My uncle is a pilot and I really like to
follow in his steps.
• Everyone worries about finding a good job
after leaving school but we are all in the same boat.
• My mum works long shifts at the hospital to
bring home the bacon.
• His grandpa can do anything. He’s a
work! Let’s complete the sentences with these idioms:
• My uncle is a pilot and I really like to………………………
• Everyone worries about finding a good job
after leaving school but we are ………………….
• My mum works long shifts at the hospital to………………………..
• His grandpa can do anything. He’s a……………………………
5. Активизация грамматических единиц в речи и на письме (формат ЕГЭI. Словообразование.
T. Now let’s
read the text about different useful skills for a manager. Your task is to change
the form of each word .
The question ‘What makes a manager
(1)___________________ ?’ often comes up. First of all, a manager needs the
right kind of (2) ____________________support. In other words, a good manager
requires the (3)___________________ of a good secretary. A good secretary needs
to have the right kind of (4) _________________ skills. These include the (5)
______________to use modern technology, such as computers. There are (6)
________________ skills that are just important. More and more managers need
secretaries who can speak several foreign languages (7) ______________. Success
or failure in international (8)______________can depend on this. This (9)
___________ is often stressed in job advertisements today. Many
(10)______________ are rejected because the candidates lack such skills.
2. professional
3. assistance
5. ability
6. additional
7. fluently
8. negotiations
9. requirement
10. Applicants
9. Выбор профессии вам еще предстоит., это трудный выбор. Давайте выскажем предположения о вашем будущем выборе. Совершенствование грамматических навыков с целью выхода в коммуникацию
1. I’ m tired. I think I’II go to bed. |
A on-the-spot decision |
2.I’m moving house tomorrow. |
B promise, threat |
3.I’II help you write your CV. |
C prediction based on what we see |
4.Look at the traffic-I’m going to ,e late for work again. |
D plan, intention |
5.I’m going to buy her a puppy. |
E fixed arrangement |
6.Enter the competition. I think you’II do really well |
F prediction based on what we think |
7.This time next week I’II be sunbathing. |
G an action finished before a certain action in the future |
8.I’II have cooked dinner by the time you come back. |
H an action in progress at a stated future time |
1. A- The phone is ringing. B- It’s OK. I’II/ ‘m going to answer it. |
2. A- What are you doing this afternoon, Kate? B- I’m meeting/’m going to meet some friends in town. |
3. A – Look at this mess! B- Don’t worry. I’m going to/’II clean it up. |
4. A- Look at the little boy by the pool. B – Oh, dear! He’s going to fall in /’II. |
5. A- There’s no milk left. B- That’s OK. I’m/ ‘m going to go and buy some. |
6. A – Have you got tickets for the music festival? B – Yes, it’II/’s going to be fantastic. |
7. A – John has grown up very fast. B – This time next year he’II be starting / ‘s going to start high school. |
8. A – How long are you staying in London? B – I’m going to/will have been in London for 2 months by the time I leave. |
Для слабых уч-ся выбрать необходимую форму; для сильных уч-ся – по англ. сказать, какое действие выполнено.
6. Совершенствование монологической речи. Диаграмма – выход на монолог.
7. Совершенстование навыков аудирования по теме. На доске, на слайде и у ребят на столе. Они заполняют письменно и мы проверяем устно.
8. Реализация коммуникативных навыков и умений на практике. Реальная ситуация. Попробовать себя в какой-нибудь сфере профессиональной. Небольшая ситуация разыгрывают уч-ся (доктор и пациент).
10. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи . сравнение картинок (профессии).
11. рефлексия-слайд.
12. Итоги, оценки. Д.З – упр.9 стр. 49.
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