Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.
Оценка 4.8

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Оценка 4.8
Карточки-задания +1
английский язык
7 кл—8 кл
Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.
Данное пособие представляет собой восьмой из десяти уроков подготовленных для летнего языкового лагеря. Часть уроков создана для работы с фильмом Window on Britain, часть уроков создана в дополнение к учебнику Activate A1!. Остальная часть уроков нацелена на расширения кругозора студентов и их социокультурных знаний. Этот урок рассказывает о самых популярных местах Лондона. Он состоит из видео и заданий к нему.Игра на контроль знаний по типу своя игра.
Big Game – team 1 round 1 describing people 1. such person never tells lies – honest 2. such person thinks only about himself – selfish 3. 4. 5. a person who talks non-stop - talkative a person who cares about other people’s feelings - considerate a person who always sits at home, eats and watches TV – couch-potato not so positive 1. a person who doesn’t know a lot of things – stupid 2. a person who doesn’t like to spend money – mean 3. a person who doesn’t like to talk in front other people – shy 4. a person who isn’t very polite with others – rude 5. a person who thinks too much about himself – self-confident shoes 1. you wear them in summer – flip-flops 2. you wear them for a party – shoes 3. you wear them when you go jogging – sneakers 4. girls love to wear them – high heels 5. at home you wear – slippers towns and cities it’s famous for its castle – Edinbourg 1. it’s famous for bikes – Oxford 2. it’s a birthplace of William Shakespear – Stratford-upon-Avon 3. 4. It’s a very important port – Liverpool 5. What is London divided into – zones places to see 1. the capital of Scotland is – Edinbourg 2. What is a temple, a clock and a calendar – Stonehenge 3. Name a famous national park in Scotland – lake District 4. What language is spoken in Wales – Welsh 5. Is Britain an island – no round 2 festivals 1. special clothes for a festival or a party – costume lots of people walk down the street together - parade 2. something that you win in a competition - prize 3. 4. a contest between people - competition 5. lots of food for a celebration – feast 6. these explode in the sky with colours or noise – fireworks 7. a big party in the street with music or dancing – carnival 8. a very terrifying film – spooky 9. a dinner made for a holiday – special 10.Russia is ________ of its beautiful nature – famous insanity 1. a festival of colours in India – Holi 2. A festival in Spain involving little kids – Baby-jumping festival 3. A festival involving delicious food – cheese rolling 4. a festival involving delicious food for animals – monkey buffey 5. a celebration of resurrection – Fiesta Santa Marta de Ribarteme (near death experience) 6. a celebration involving coffin races – frozen dead guy day 7. a festival involving a lot of red vegetables – la tomatina 8. 9. a famous festival in Alaska – Moose dropping festival 10.a festival involving throwing and catching of an animal – goat tossing festival an Australian festival of throwing fish – tunarama idioms 1. we say that when smth is very easy to do – a piece of cake 2. you are feeling this colour when you are not in the mood – blue 3. this monster is after you when you are jealous – green-eyed 4. the night is this colour whenyou don’t sleep – white 5. you see this colour when you are angry – red 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.when you behave like a coward you – chicken out if you count people you count – noses if you measure smth not very precisely you measure it by – eye if you stand in front of the person you stand – face to face if you have a _____ you are ill – cold round 2 hobbies 1. you should be daring and very fit to do – rock-climbing 2. fishing involves being very – patient 3. to be a good stamp collector you have to be – well-organized 4. paying a lot of attention to things – observant 5. giving attention to what you are doing to avoid mistakes - careful 6. good at drawing/painting – artistic 7. able to invent and develop original ideas - creative 8. having a lot of enthusiasm and determination, active – determined 9. 10.able to change early and adapt to different condition - flexible you have to be fit and flexible to do – karate mass media 1. a serious paper of a big format – broadsheet 2. a not very serious paper about starts – tabloid 3. these stories are the most interesting – real-life 4. if you want to rent an apartment you should look through – classified ads I have a one-year __________ of this newspaper – subscription 5. 6. such programs last for 30 minutes with the same characters each time – sitcom 7. this program is based on proved facts – documentary 8. this is a long lasting TV series – soap opera 9. this is a programmed based on interviewing people – chat show 10.someone who introduces the show and people on it – presenter Big Game – team 2 round 1 so dangerous life 1. people living in the streets - homeless 2. a disease connected with immune system shutting down – AIDs 3. 4. 5. a crime involving injuring people – bloodshed a person who can’t read or write - illiterate lack of food around the globe – world hunger describing people 1. such person never tells lies – honest 2. such person thinks only about himself – selfish 3. 4. 5. a person who talks non-stop - talkative a person who cares about other people’s feelings - considerate a person who always sits at home, eats and watches TV – couch-potato not so positive 1. a person who doesn’t know a lot of things – stupid 2. a person who doesn’t like to spend money – mean 3. a person who doesn’t like to talk in front other people – shy 4. a person who isn’t very polite with others – rude 5. a person who thinks too much about himself – self-confident shoes 1. you wear them in summer – flip-flops 2. you wear them for a party – shoes 3. you wear them when you go jogging – sneakers 4. girls love to wear them – high heels 5. at home you wear – slippers places to see 1. the capital of Scotland is – Edinbourg 2. What is a temple, a clock and a calendar – Stonehenge 3. Name a famous national park in Scotland – lake District 4. What language is spoken in Wales – Welsh 5. idioms Is Britain an island – no 1. we say that when smth is very easy to do – a piece of cake 2. you are feeling this colour when you are not in the mood – blue 3. this monster is after you when you are jealous – green-eyed 4. the night is this colour whenyou don’t sleep – white 5. you see this colour when you are angry – red 6. 7. 8. 9. if you count people you count – noses if you measure smth not very precisely you measure it by – eye if you stand in front of the person you stand – face to face if you have a _____ you are ill – cold 10.when you behave like a coward you – chicken out

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.

Урок 9 для летнего лагеря по английскому языку.
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