User defined procedures and functions method instruction 1 variant
Оценка 4.8

User defined procedures and functions method instruction 1 variant

Оценка 4.8
User defined procedures and functions  method instruction 1 variant
User defined procedures and functions method instruction 1 variant.doc

Methodological Instructions

Theme: User defined procedures and functions  2 lesson

Objective: write a code in the programming language using functions and procedures

Assessment criteria

·                    Students understand and distinguish the definitions of functions and procedures in programming.

·                    Students can solve problems using functions and procedures

·                    Knows and can determine the clock speed

Basic Level:

Previous 1 lesson of this topic

Key words and phrases:

Subprogram, function, procedure, formal and actual parameters, global and local variables

Function - part of the program that has...

Method is a function that is...

Function is used for…

Procedure is used for...

I.                   Practice.

1.     Write a program create a user define function. 

Expected Output : 

Welcome Friends! 

Have a nice day!

2.     Write a program to create a user define function with parameters.

Test Data :

Please input a name : John

Expected Output :

Welcome friend John !

Have a nice day!

3.     Write a program to create a function for the sum of two numbers.

Test Data :

Enter a number: 15

Enter another number: 16

Expected Output :

The sum of two numbers is : 31

4.     Write a program  to create a function to input a string and count number of spaces are in the string. Go to the editor

Test Data :

Please input a string : This is a test string.

Expected Output :

"This is a test string." contains 4 spaces

5.     Write a program  to calculate the sum of elements in an array

Test Data :

Input 5 elements in the array :

element - 0 : 5

element - 1 : 7

element - 2 : 3

element - 3 : 2

element - 4 : 9

Expected Output :

The sum of the elements of the array is 26

6.     Write a program  to create a function to swap the values of two integer numbers.

Test Data :

Enter a number: 5

Enter another number: 6

Expected Output :

Now the 1st number is : 6 , and the 2nd number is : 5

7.     Write a program to create a function to calculate the result of raising an integer number to another. 

Test Data :

Input Base number: 3

Input the Exponent : 2

Expected Output :

So, the number 3 ^ (to the power) 2 = 9

8.     Write a program   to create a function to display the n number Fibonacci sequence. 

Test Data :

Input number of Fibonacci Series : 5

Expected Output :

The Fibonacci series of 5 numbers is :

0 1 1 2 3

9.     Write a program   to create a function to check whether a number is prime or not. 

Test Data :

Input a number : 31

Expected Output :

31 is a prime number

10. Write a program   to create a function to calculate the sum of the individual digits of a given number. 

Test Data :

Enter a number: 1234

Expected Output :

The sum of the digits of the number 1234 is : 10

11. Write a program   to create a recursive function to find the factorial of a given number. 

Test Data :

Enter a number: 5

Expected Output :

The factorial of 5! is 120

12. Write a program   to create a recursive function to calculate the Fibonacci number of a specific term. 

Test Data :

Enter a number: 10

Expected Output :

The Fibonacci of 10 th term is 55


Visual Aids and Materials.

1.    Slides



4.    Procedures and functions of working with strings:




8.    Tasks with solutions

9.    Скачано с

Methodological Instructions Theme :

Methodological Instructions Theme :

Enter a number: 5 Enter another number: 6

Enter a number: 5 Enter another number: 6

Tasks with solutions https://www

Tasks with solutions https://www
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