Внеклассное мероприятие Морской бой по теме «Спорт и игры»
Оценка 4.9

Внеклассное мероприятие Морской бой по теме «Спорт и игры»

Оценка 4.9
Внеклассное мероприятие Морской бой по теме «Спорт и игры»
мероприятие 5.docx

                                                                                                                                                                            Морской бой по теме «Спорт и игры»

Цели: поддержание интереса к изучению иностранного языка; тренировка лексических навыков по теме «Спорт»; совершенствование навыков устной речи и чтения; развитие языковой догадки и логического мышления.

Оборудование: картинки спортивного снаряжения и кроссворды для команд; плакат с зашифрованным высказыванием; задания на карточках для конкурса «Спортивные игры»; плакат с игровым полем для игры «Морской бой».

Ход мероприятия

1.     Организационный момент.

-         Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.(We are glad to see you too.)

-         How are you, children? (We are OK, thank you.)

Учащиесяделятсяна 2 команды.

Today we shall play the game “Sea Battle”. We have two teams. I hope you know how to play this game. You will try to guess where the ship of the enemy is. Then you will have the task. If the pupils of the teamdo the task better, they will have the ship. At the end of the game the teams will count the ships  and we shall find out who the winner is.


(Команды по очереди открывают клетки игрового поля , на котором расположено 6 кораблей. Каждый корабль занимает 1 клетку игрового поля. Если команда назвала номер клетки, на которой расположен корабль, обе команды выполняют задание. Команда, выполнившая задание лучше и успешнее, получает корабль. Выигрывает команда, которая «захватила» больше кораблей.)


2.     Корабль А4. Конкурс « Кто больше?»

Let’s remember kinds of sport and games. You will have 2 minutes to write down the names of different kinds of sport and games. It is important to write the words correctly. Are you ready to start?


(Команды получают листок бумаги, на котором в течение 2 минут записывают по-английски названия видов спорта или спортивных игр на английском языке. После выполнения задания , ученик каждой команды записывают их на доске по очереди. Нельзя повторяться или дописывать слова во время проверки.)


3.     Корабль В1. Конкурс «Согласись или не согласись»

Will you stand up, please? The next task for you is to agree or disagree with me. I’ll throw you the ball, you’ll catch it and express your opinion. Repeat the statement if it is true. Disagree with it and correct the statement if it is false.

(Ученикам предлагается выразить согласие или несогласие с утверждениями ведущего.)


Примерные утверждения :


1.Youareswimmingnow. (I disagree with you. I am not swimming now.)

2. Children like to ski and skate very much. (I agree with you. Children like to ski and skate very much.)

3. Your brother went to the stadium yesterday. (I agree with you. My brother went to the stadium yesterday.)

4. We haven’t played  basketball since last year. (I disagree with you. We have played  basketball since last year.)

5. You will take part  in racing next week. (I agree with you. I will take part  in racing next week.)

6. You don’t like to play tennis. (I agree with you. I don’t like to play tennis.)

7. Your friend can’t play volleyball. (I disagree with you. My friend can play volleyball.)

8. You mustn’t attend Physical Education lessons. (I disagree with you. I must attend Physical Education lessons.)

9. Your father is good at running. (I disagree with you.My father isn’t good at running. )

10. Your friend can play tabletennis.  (I agree with you. My friend can play tabletennis.  )



4.     Корабль  С3. Конкурс «Спортивное снаряжение»

Will you look at the blackboard? You will see the pictures there. These pictures will help you to do the crossword. You’ll have to remember the names of different things which are used in sport and games and write them down. Then you’ll be able to read the key word.

Картинкинадоске : 1) шайба ; 2) воланчик; 3) шахматы; 4) клюшка;

5) коньки; 6) мяч; 7) перчатки для бокса; 8) ракетка; 9) кольцо для баскетбола; 10) шашки.

Ключевое слово :chessboard.


5.     Корабль D5.Конкурс «Спортивные игры»

It’s time to read the stories and match them with the names of sports games. You can see the names of sports games on the blackboard. Let’s read them all together. Is everything clear? Start then.


Учитель предлагает небольшие рассказы – описание различных видов спорта. Задание для команд: прочитать рассказы и соотнести их с названиямиспортивных игр, заранее записанными на доске. Количество названий игр больше, чем количество рассказов, таким образом, некоторые слова на доске не будут использованы учащимися.

Записьнадоске: football, baseball, table tennis, basketball, cricket, chess, softball, golf.


Задание на карточке:

1.     It is the game of two players. Each of them starts having sixteen different playing pieces to move on a board. The aim of the game is to move your pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken.

2.     This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There  are 5 players in each team. Two teams try to score goals by throwing a ball through a net fixed to a metal ring at each end of court. The players bounce the ball while running,and pass it to each other. The team which has the most number of point wins.

3.     This game is very similar to baseball, but it is played with a larger ball. It is a popular game among American women and co-ed (combined of men and women) teams.

4.     It is a game between two teams and it is played on a field with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consist of nine players. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball. The game has 9 innings.

5.     It is a game played between 2 teams of 11 players. The players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The team which has more points wins. This game is very popular in our country and all over the world.

6.     It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England in 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. This game is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too.

Ключи: 1. Chess; 2.Basketball; 3.Softball; 4.Baseball; 5.Football; 6.Cricket.



7.     Корабль E6. Конкурс «Составляем рассказ»


I can see you know much about sport and games. But it is interesting to find out what sport means for you. Let’s make up the story about the role of sport in our life. Wellworkinachain.

Учитель предлагает командам составить по цепочке рассказ «Спорт в нашей жизни»

Примерныепредложения :

Sport is very important thing in our life. People all over the world are fond of sport and games. I fact we can’t imagine our life without sport. Sport makespeople healthy and keeps them fit. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, skating rings, football fields.

In general our people are fond of sport and games, but many of them watch football, hockey and basketball on TV, lying on the comfortable sofa. If you want to keep fit you must go in for sports.

Sport helps us to live a healthy life. Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries. The ancients said: “A sound mind in a sound body.” Sport can help us to relax, to make new friends and to plan our life, to develop our mind and body and to be strong.



8.     Корабль F2. Игра «Расшифруй высказывание»

It’s time to look at the wall newspaper. You can see some numbers there. It is our last task. You must read the saying using the code.

Примерная запись на плакате:


Код расшифровки: p-2; t-1;s-5;n-9;e-3;m-4;r-6;o-*; l-#;a-0;h-&.

Ключ: sport means health.

9.     Подведение итогов

Thank you for your work. Now it’s time to finish our work. It is interesting to know who the winner today is. I want you to count your ships. Let’s clap our hands. Will you stand up, please? Thank you for your work. See you next week.


Sport is very important thing in our life. People all over the world are fond of sport and games. I fact we can’t imagine our life without sport. Sport makespeople healthy and keeps them fit. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, skating rings, football fields.

In general our people are fond of sport and games, but many of them watch football, hockey and basketball on TV, lying on the comfortable sofa. If you want to keep fit you must go in for sports.

Sport helps us to live a healthy life. Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries. The ancients said: “A sound mind in a sound body.” Sport can help us to relax, to make new friends and to plan our life, to develop our mind and body and to be strong.








Sport is very important thing in our life. People all over the world are fond of sport and games. I fact we can’t imagine our life without sport. Sport makespeople healthy and keeps them fit. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, skating rings, football fields.

In general our people are fond of sport and games, but many of them watch football, hockey and basketball on TV, lying on the comfortable sofa. If you want to keep fit you must go in for sports.

Sport helps us to live a healthy life. Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries. The ancients said: “A sound mind in a sound body.” Sport can help us to relax, to make new friends and to plan our life, to develop our mind and body and to be strong.














table tennis













Олимпиада «Эрудит»

Choose the right answer.


1.     Choose the suffix to the word “visit”:

a)     – et;                      c) – or;

b)    – ist;                     d) – ant.

2.     Choose the prefix to make the opposite of the word “ honest”:

a)     un-;                      c) in-;

b)    dis-;                     d) of-.

3.     It is … to climb without special equipment.

a)     endangered;         c) dangerously;

b)    danger;                 d) dangerous.

4.     He looked … because he didn’t say a word during our meeting.

a)     unsociable;          c) sociable;

b)    imsociable;          d) sociate.

5.     … your classmates about the next lesson.

a)     information;          c) form;

b)    inform;                  d) formation.

6.     The “Times” is very good …

a)     published;              c) unpublish

b)    publish;                 d) publicity.

7.     Do the most … people live in Europe?

a)     popular;                 c) popularity;

b)    population;             d) populate.

8.     A real friend is always …

a)     help;                      c) helpful;

b)    helpless;                 d) helped.

9.     The opposite of the word “good-looking” is …

a)     poor;                    c) bad-looking;

b)    looking;               d) bad.

10. Teachers … their pupils for the good work at the lesson.

a)     courageous;          c) courage;

b)    encourage;           d) encourageable.


1.     What time (the next bus leave) for Bristol?

a)     does the next bus leave;

b)     will the next bus leave;

c)     is the next bus leave;

d)    did the next bus leave.

2.     I (lose) my glasses. I (have) them when I came  to the college this morning.

a)     losed/ have had;           c) lost/have;

b)    have lost/had;              d) lost/have had.

3.     If I (get up) early tomorrow morning, I (go) jogging.

a)     will get up/go;              c) got up/am going to go;

b)    get up/will go;             d) is getting up/ will go.

4.     Alice promised to come, but she’s absent. Something (happen) to her.

a)     has been happening;     c) has happened;

b)    happened;                     d) had happened.

5.     They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.

a)     sat;                               c) had been sitting;

b)    had sat;                        d) were sitting.

6.     We (walk) along a forest road for two hours when we saw a house.

a)     walked;                         c) had been walked;

b)    had walked;                   d) were walking.

7.     I watched my cat (play) with her kittens. I couldn’t tear myself away from that funny sight.

a)     played;                         c) to play;

b)    playing;                       d) being played.

8.     Plants (die) if you (not water) them.

a)     will die/didn’t water;   c) died/ wouldn’t water;

b)    die/won’t water;           d) will die / don’t water.

9.     The doctor said that Tommy’s leg (X-rayed) the following day.

a)     will be X- rayed;          c) will have been X-rayed;

b)    would be X-rayed;       d) was X-rayed.

10. “ Why hasn’t he locked the car door?” the policeman said.

a)     The policeman asked why he hadn’t  locked the car door.

b)    The policeman asked why he hasn’t  locked the car door.

c)     The policeman asked why hasn’t  helocked the car door.

d)    The policeman asked why  hadn’the locked the car door.

11.  Australia’s population is …

a)     17 million people;        c) 57,7 million people;

b)    26 million;                   d) 3,2 million people.

12.  This animal is one of the two egg-laying mammals in the world.

a)     A Tansanian devil;      c) a koala;

b)    A duckbill;                   d) a dingo.


13.  … is known as the garden of England.

a)     The Fens;                     c) Land’s End;

b)    The Lake District;        d) The Country of Kent.

14.  The capital of Wales is …

a)     Edinburg;                     c) Belfast;

b)    Cardiff;                         d) Bristol.

15. The patron of Scotland is …

a)     St. George;                   c)  St. Andrew;

b)    St. Patrick;                    d) St. Paul.

16.  The second largest city in the USA  after New York is …

a)     Washington;                c) Boston;

b)    Chicago;                     d) Los Angeles.

17. The biggest state in the USA is …

a)     New York;                  c) Alaska;

b)    Michigan;                   d) California.

18. The Appalachian Mountains are situated in … of the USA.

a)     the west;                   c) the north;

b)    the east;                    d) the south.

19. The history of the Wild West began in the …

a)     17th century;             c) 19th century;

b)    18th century;             d) 20th century.

20. The head of state in Britain is …

a)     The Prime Minister;   c) the speaker;

b)    The President;            d) the Queen.

21. There’s no doubt that a computer … our lives.

a)     done;                         c) become;

b)    got;                           d) made.

22. Rome is famous for its … archaeological sites.

a)     ancient;                      c) old-fashioned;

b)    old;                             d) modern.

23. I took a shower, shaved and … my  best suit.

a)     wore;                         c) put on;

b)    dressed;                    d) took off.

24.  When I … at Baker Street Holmes was sitting by the fire deep in thought.

a)     reached;                   c) arrived;

b)    entered;                    d) came.


25. Have you seen Mary’s boyfriend …?

a)     yet;                        c) just;

b)    still;                       d) else.

26. I am sure Jim is … lies.

a)     pronouncing;         c) talking;

b)    telling;                   d) saying.

27. This car is … I can’t afford it.

a)     cheap;                   c) bad;

b)    expensive;             d) good.

28. Why don’t you make a cup of coffee … I’m fishing?

a)     till;                         c) during;

b)    untill;                     d) while.

29. What’s …, Steve?

a)     matter;                    c) problem;

b)    wrong;                    d) happen.

30. Ann and Alice are twins. They are very much …

a)     look like;                c) alike;

b)    like;                        d) liking.

31. My daughter’s husband is my …

a)     brother-in-law;       c) cousin;

b)    nephew;                  d) son-in-law.

32. I’m very fond of music. What’s … at the opera tonight?

a)     on;                         c) run;

b)    in;                          d) going.

33. Doctors help … people.

a)     ill;                         c) dead;

b)    sick;                     d) serious.

34.  Millions of people study English … a foreign language.

a)     for;                       c) as;

b)    like;                      d) because.



Морской бой по теме «Спорт и игры»

Морской бой по теме «Спорт и игры»

Корабль В1. Конкурс «Согласись или не согласись»

Корабль В1. Конкурс «Согласись или не согласись»

Ключевое слово : chessboard. 1

Ключевое слово : chessboard. 1

This game is not played only by men

This game is not played only by men

Sport is very important thing in our life

Sport is very important thing in our life

Football Baseball table tennis basketball

Football Baseball table tennis basketball

cricket chess softball golf

cricket chess softball golf

Олимпиада « Эрудит » Choose the right answer

Олимпиада « Эрудит » Choose the right answer

I (lose) my glasses. I (have) them when

I (lose) my glasses. I (have) them when

England. a) The Fens; c)

England. a) The Fens; c)

Have you seen Mary’s boyfriend …? a) yet; c) just; b) still; d) else

Have you seen Mary’s boyfriend …? a) yet; c) just; b) still; d) else
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