Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Америка

  • docx
  • 05.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Америка.docx


Цели: обобщение материала по теме «Америка»; активизация лексико-грамматических навыков и навыков аудирования; тренировка монологической речи.

Оборудование: жетоны; карточки с лексико-грамматическим зданием; картинки по теме «Америка»; кроссворд.

Ход мероприятия

- Today we'll have the competition. You will do different tasks. I hope it will be interesting, funny and useful. Each of

You must be active and get as many points as you can.

Задание 1. «Угадай праздник*

- I think we will begin with the holidays. You know the Americans like holidays, parties and enjoy them. Listen to me care fully and guess the holiday.

Учитель зачитывает рассказы о праздниках, не называя их:

1.Families and friends celebrate this day. Every town and every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. On that day in 1776 the United States became independent from England. It was the begin ning of a new life. (Independence Day.)

2.This is the biggest holiday of the year. Many people enjoy it most: of all and say this is the main holiday of the year. The President gives his speech on TV. Parents tell their children that Santa Claus will come to their house at night and leave presents for them. (Christmas Day.)

3.This is one of the most favourite holidays of the year. Children dress up, shout "Trick or treat", get sweets, fruit, cakes and people have pumpkins with candles in their windows. (Halloween.)

4.This is a day of rest for the workers. There are also parades on that day. This day is the end of summer and the beginning of the school year, (labour Day.)

5. People celebrate this holiday in America in the same way they celebrate it in England. People make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun. People celebrate this holiday in spring. (April Fool's Day.)

6. On this day students and pupils read about George Washing ton, Abraham Lincoln and other American presidents.(President's Day.)

7. You can see the American flag everywhere on this day. People honour the man who was the discoverer of their country. (Columbus Day.)

8. This holiday is very popular in the cities where there are many People from Ireland. People often wear green on this day. If you don' t wear green, someone may pinch you. (St. Patrick's Day.)

За каждый правильно угаданный праздник ученик получает балл (кружок или фишку). Дополнительный балл ученик может получить, если ответит на вопрос:

When do people celebrate this holiday?

Задание 2. «Что ты знаешь об американских праздниках?»

As you know, Americans are proud of their country and their people. They are proud of their symbols. Who can tell us about the symbols of America?

Учитель дает возможность рассказать тем детям, которые были не активны в первом конкурсе. За хороший полный рассказ о флаге (статуе Свободы и так далее) ученик получает 2 балла, за дополнение к рассказу - 1 балл.

Примерные рассказы учеников:

1. There are big football games and parades on this day. People can watch them on television. Families and friends usually have dinner together. (New Year's Day.)

2. On this day people give cards with hearts, presents and flowers to their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives. Some people do not put their names at the end of their cards because they want their name to be a secret. (St. Valentine's Day.)

3. People make jokes and have a lot of fun on this day. People celebrate this day in America in the same way they celebrate it in England. Some people believe that the tradition to celebrate this holiday began in France. (April Fool's Day,)

4. People celebrate this holiday in March. People often wear green on this day. If you don't wear green, someone may pinch you. This holiday is very popular in the cities where there are many people from Ireland. (St. Patrick's Day.)

Задание З. Кроссворд

The next task for us is to fill in the crossword. Look at the blackboard, please.

Учитель открывает на доске заранее приготовленный кроссворд. Объяснение слов кроссворда может быть написано на доске или зачитывается учителем вслух. Ученик получает 1 балл, если он правильно назвал и записал слово.

1. Full of danger.

2. People celebrate this Christian holiday in late March or early April.

3. A person who makes clothes.

4. A thing which people use to fight.

5. Ал animal with a long body but no legs or arms.

6. A coin (5 cents).

7. 10 cents.

8. This word is used instead of the word «cents».

9. A yellow metal which is very expensive.

10. The capital of the USA.

Key: 1 -" dangerous; 2 - Easter; 3 - tailor; 4 - gun; 5 - snake; 6 - nickel; 7 - dime; 8 - penny; 9 - gold; 10 - Washington.

Задание 4. Любимые стихи и песни

It's time to sing songs and recite poems now. Let's remember the songs and poems we have learnt on the topic «America».

Учащиеся рассказывают стихи и исполняют песни:

A m e r i c a n C o i n s Pennies,

nickels, dimes, and quarters. Pennies,

nickels, dimes, and quarters. How many

pennies in a nickel? Five. How many

nickels in a dime? Two. Pennies, nickels,

dimes, and quarters. Pennies, nickels,

dimes, and quarters. How many dimes in

a dollar? Ten. How many nickels in a

dime? Two. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and

quarters. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and

quarters. How many quarters in a dollar?

Four. How many nickels in a dime? Two.

Caroline Graham

M y P eo p l e

The night is beautiful, So are

the faces of my people. The

stars are beautiful, So are the

eyes of my people. Beautiful

also is the sun.

Beautiful also are the souls of my people.

Langston Hughes

L e t ' s R e m e m b e r C o l u m b u s

In fourteen hundred and ninety-two

Columbus sailed the ocean blue... Let's

sing together this old song About the

voyage that took him long, About the

sailors, these strong brave men. Let's sing

and remember them all again!

I n d i a n s

One little, two little, three little Indians. Four

little, five little, six little Indians. Seven little,

eight little, nine little Indians. Ten little Indian

boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians,

Seven little, six little, five little Indians, Four

little, three little, two little Indians, One little

Indian boy.

За каждое стихотворение или песню учащиеся получают 1-2 балла. Песни могут быть исполнены несколькими учениками.

Задание 5. «Знатоки английского языка*

The last task for today is the grammar task. You can see it on the blackboard. The adjectives are given here and you will write the adverbs.

Первая часть лексико-грамматического задания:

a fast car - to do ... (fast)

a quiet voice — to speak ... (quietly)

good work — to work ... (well)

hard work - to work ... (hard)

a bad writer — to write ... (badly)

a slow car — to go ... (slowly)

Учащиеся называют наречие и записывают его на доске. За правильно выполненное задание (1 слово) ученик получает 1 балл. Вторая часть лексико-грамматического задания:

Make up the compounds. '. . 1

milk arm board men

room cup down time

man ever post sea

bed stairs table ball

chair where foot side

milk arm board men

room cup down time

man ever post sea .

bed stairs table ball

chair where foot side

Хеу: wherever, downstairs, football, postmen, bedroom, timetable ,board» seaside, armchair, milkman.

Если ученик правильно нашел и назвал слово, он получает 1 балл-

- Thank you, boys and girls. You were so active today. Many pupils took part in all the tasks. If you have 5 or 6 points you will get an excellent mark today. If you have 3 or 4 points you'll have a good mark. Count your points and tell me, please, what your total score is. Who is the winner today? I am glad to hear that … and …. have …. points today. Clap your hands all together. Good-bye, children.