Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Рождество и Новый год

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  • 05.12.2022
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Иконка файла материала Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Рождество и Новый год.docx

Рождество и Новый год

Цели: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Праздники» (Новый год и Рождество); актуализация лексических и фонетических навыков; поддержание интереса к изучению культурных традиций страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: картинки по темам «Новый год» и «Рождество»; снежинки для украшения комнаты; задания на карточках для игр «Расшифруй слова» и «Продолжи логическую цепочку»; костюмы Зимы и зимних месяцев; 60 снежинок; снежки из ваты.

Ход мероприятия

Ведущий. Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Are you ready to start our party? Today we shall have the English party and have a talk about winter, Christmas and New Year!

Учитель приветствует детей и сообщает им тему праздника. Учитель является ведущим и одет в костюм Зимы.

Ведущий. lam winter. It is very cold. The ground is covered with snow. There is ice on the river. When I come, all rivers and lakes are frozen. The sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer. Today we have three teams: their names are winter months. Now you can see the captains and listen to their stories.

(Входят З ученика в костюмах зимних месяцев — декабрь, январь, февраль. Эти ученики являются капитанами команд — Декабрь, Январь, Февраль,)

Ведущий. Now it is time to start our competition. Our teams are ready with the poems and we shall listen to them with great pleasure.

Команды по очереди представляют стихотворения по теме «Праздники», выученные заранее.

Примерные стихотворения:

New Year Day!

New Year Day!

Let us sing. And

let us play!

Father Frost

Bring many toys

For little girls

And little boys!

When Santa comes to our house I

would like to peek, But I know, he'll

never come - Until I fall asleep.

What's your name?

I'm Santa Claus,

Where's your home?

Not very close?

Is it there behind that wall?

No, it's far at the North Pole!

Santa Claus is very old. Santa

Claus's land is cold. In his

sleigh with two reindeer He

brings presents every year.

Santa, Santa, I want a doll.

Santa, Santa, I want a ball! Are

you a good girl or boy? If you

are, you can have a toy!

Father Frost or Santa Claus, please, this way!

Funny Hare, with your paws come to play!

There are pretty decorations in the hall. We

have sent the invitations to you all. Wear,

please, your mask or cloak with joy. We'll

dance and sing, and joke to enjoy.

Santa Claus likes to be present at the ball.

And gives his gifts and presents to us all.

All the time we are having fun - there is no pause.

Welcome here everyone and Santa Claus!

Merry, Merry Christmas

Is likely to come.

Merry, Merry Christmas,

You are welcome!

Snow in the window,

Much confetti.

Bright-blue, red and yellow

Lights on the tree*.

Smiling eyes and faces,

Sweet music in the hall.

I think someone places

Happiness here for all.

Merry, Merry Christmas

Is likely to come,

Merry, Merry Christmas

You are welcome!

Ведущий. December is the first winter month. The weather is cold and frosty. Let's listen to a song and find out what children like to do on a cold and frosty morning.

(Песня исполняется командой «Декабрь».)

This is the way we ski and skate,

Ski and skate, ski and skate,

This is the way we ski and skate,

On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we dance on the ice,

Dance on the ice, dance on the ice, ,

This is the way we dance on the ice,

On a cold and frosty morning.

Ведущий. Now the second team will sing us a song "Jingle,

Bells". January, it is your turn now.

(Песня исполняется командой «Январь».)

Dashing through the snow In a onehorse

open sleigh Over the fields we

go, Laughing all the way. Bells on

bobtail ring Making spirit bright What

fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing

song tonight! Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In one-horse open sleigh! Hey!

Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!

Jingle all the way.

Oh! What fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh!

Ведущий. The next song is "I Wish I Were a Snowman".

Let's listen to the team "February".

(Песня исполняется командой «Февраль».)

I wish I were a Snowman,

So tall and big and white.

I'd never have to clean my teeth,

Or go to bed at night.

But maybe Mister Snowman

Is wishing he were me,

For I'll be here when summer comes,

But where will the Snowman be?

Ведущий. Now it is time to play. The first game is "Snowflakes


Ведущий проводит игры с командами.

Игра "Words'"

Учитель привлекает внимание учащихся к словам на доске (Christmas, New Year), Командам предлагается составить как можно больше слов, используя буквы из названий праздников. На выполнение задания отводится 3 мин. В конкурсе побеждает команда, которая составила наибольшее количество слов.

Игра «Продолжи логическую цепочку*

Каждая команда получает карточку с заданием. Ученикам дается 2 мин, чтобы выполнить задание и вписать походящие слова.

spring summer autumn ?

warm hot ? ?

КЛЮЧ: rainy, winter, frosty or cold.

summer autumn winter ?

football basketball ? ?

Ключ: hockey, spring, tennis.

Игра «Расшифруй слова*

Дети получают карточки со знакомыми словами, записанными в транскрипции. Ученики из каждой команды по цепочке подходят к доске и записывают слова буквами. Побеждает команда, безошибочно или с наименьшим количеством ошибок написавшая все слова. Также учитывается время выполнения задания.

Примерные пары карточек:

[snou] (snow) - [fleik] (flake)

f'wints] (winter) - ['preznt] (present)

['britn] (Britain) - ['гл|Х] (Russia)

[fa:st] (first) - [es:d] (third)

[1э:п] (learn) - [spi:kj (speak)

Ведущий. Do you like to guess riddles? Listen to me carefully. Our teams will answer one by one.

Ведущий предлагает учащимся отгадать загадки. Каждая команда отгадывает по 2 загадки. Если команда не может дать ответ, то ход переходит к следующим участникам.

Примерные загадки:

It's blue by night,

By day it's white.

It is cold and not dry,

It falls from the sky. (Snow.)

Fat and gay, on a winter day,

He came here with us to stay.

But day by day he grew and thined,

And so we brought his younger brother in. (A calendar.)

This is the season when fruit is sweet,

This is the season when school-friends meet. (Autumn.)

This is the season when vegetables grow,

I come to the garden and make water flow. (Summer.)

Higher than a house, higher than a tree -

Oh, what can that be? (The sky.)

I come with cold and snow.

But you like me and know. (Winter.)

Ведущий. Winter holidays are the time for fun. Let's sing a

song "Hokey Pokey" all together.

(Все ученики исполняют песню "Hokey Pokey".)

Put your right hand in, take your right hand out, Put

your right hand in, and you shake it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around.

That's what it's all about!

Put your left hand in, take your left hand out,

Put your left hand in, and you shake it all about. Do the

Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's

all about! Put your right foot in, take your right foot out,

Put your right foot in, and you shake it all about. Do the

Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!

Put your left foot in, take your left foot out, Put your

left foot in, and you shake it all about. Do the Hokey

Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about!

Put your whole self in, take your whole self out,

Put your whole self in, and you shake it all about.

Do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around.

That's what it's all about!

Ведущий. Our party is over. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Let us sing a song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

(Учитель вместе с учениками исполняет песню и прощается с детьми.)

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas

And a happy New Year.