Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Времена года"
Оценка 5

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Времена года"

Оценка 5
Культурные мероприятия
английский язык
5 кл—6 кл
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Времена года"
Интересный материал для проведения внеклассного мероприятия для учеников 5-6 классов

Мероприятие по английскому языку «Времена года» (начальная школа)



побуждать учащихся к активному участию в познании окружающего мира;

развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление;

учить учащихся формировать собственную точку зрения, выражать собственное мнение, чувства.

Развивающие: способствовать интеллектуальному и культурному росту учащихся.


практиковать учащихся в умении вести беседу по темам «Погода», «Весна», «Времена года»;

совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

совершенствовать грамматические умения и навыки;

тренировать класс в чтении текста с извлечением основной информации;

-совершенствовать артикуляцию английских звуков;


обучать вежливому и доброжелательному общению друг с другом с соблюдением этикетных норм;

воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу;

воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре, традициям и обычаям других народов.

План занятия

Организационный момент. Цели и задачи урока.

Фонетическая зарядка (стихотворения о временах года).

Беседа с учителем по теме «Знакомство».

Диалоги учащихся по данной теме.

Рассказ учащихся о себе и своих друзьях.

Беседа с учителем по опорной схеме «Погода».

Рассказ учащихся о погоде сегодня.

Презентация «Зима» (форма опорной схемы). Беседа с учителем.

Беседа с учителем по опорной схеме «Весна».

Рассказ учащихся о весне по опорной схеме.

Рассказ учащихся о весне без опоры на логико-коммуникативную таблицу.

Чтение текста “On the Farm”.

Беседа по тексту.

«Стихотворный отдых».

Физкультурная пауза.

Игра «Угадай-ка».

Беседа с учащимися “Are you hungry?”.

Составление и драматизация диалогов.

Беседа по таблице “Would you like…?”.

Исполнение песни.

Беседа с учителем о временах года.

Рассказы учащихся о любимых временах года. Представление проектов. Презентация «Времена года».

Подведение итогов занятия.

Музыкальные фрагменты: П. И. Чайковский «Времена года».

Ход занятия

Музыкальный фрагмент из цикла «Времена года» П. И. Чайковского.

1. Good morning, dear friends! I am very glad to see you again. How are you? I hope you are fine. What are we going to do today? We are going to speak about spring, summer, autumn and winter. We are going to recite poems. We’ll sing songs and play games. Let’s get started.


Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white,

Spring is green,

Summer is bright.


Spring is here,

Summer is near,

Grass is green.

So nice and clean.

Winter, spring, summer, fall –

I like spring best of all.

(Учащиеся сначала повторяют стихотворения хором за учителем, а потом рассказывают их самостоятельно).

3. There are many new faces in our classroom. Let’s make friends!

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя:

What is your name? 

How old are you?

What do you do?

What country are you from?

What town do you live in?

What languages do you speak?

What is your motto?

4. Примерные диалоги учащихся:

– What is your name?

– My name is … And what is your name?

– My name is … Nice to meet you. How old are you?

– I am 9. And how old are you?

– I am 8. What country are you from?

– I am from Russia. What town do you live in?

– I live in . It is a big centre.

– What languages do you speak?

– I speak Russian and English a little. And what about you?

– I speak Russian and English too. What is your motto?

– My motto is “There no place like home”. And what is your motto?

– “All’s well, that ends well”.

5. Will you tell us a few words about yourselves? Would you like to start?

My name is… I am 9. I am a pupil. I am from Russia. I live in . My motto is “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.

6. And now we are going to speak about the weather today.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя:

Is the weather good or bad today?

Is the sun shining?

Are there any clouds in the sky?

What colour is the sky?

Is the wind blowing or not?

Is it raining?

Is it warm?

7. And now will you tell us about the weather, please? Welcome!

The weather is good today. The sun is shining. There are no clouds in the sky. The sky is blue. The wind is blowing. It is neither raining nor snowing. It is rather warm.


8. And now let’s speak about winter! What do you know about it?

What can you tell us about this wonderful season? Our presentation will help you! Презентация «Зима» (приложение 1).

Is winter a good season?

When does winter begin?

When does winter end?

Are the days short?

Are the nights long?

What is white with snow?

What can we do in winter?

Do you like winter?

My dear friends! Tomorrow spring comes. And now let’s speak  about spring! What do you know about it? What can you tell us about this wonderful season?

Is spring a good season?

When does spring begin?

When does spring end?

Can we see flowers?

Do birds sing their songs?

Do farmers work in the fields?

Do you like spring?

9, 10. And will you tell us about spring in Kaliningrad, please?

Spring is a nice season in our town. March, April, May are spring months. Spring begins in March and ends in May. The weather is usually nice in spring in our town .It is warm. The trees are green. We can see flowers. Farmers work in the fields.

13. And now let’s have a rest! Do you remember our poems about 12 months?

January bring the snow,

Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain,

Thaws the frozen lake again.

March brings breezes, loud and shrill,

To stir the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,

Scatters daises at our feet.

May brings flocks of pretty lambs

Skipping by their fleecy dams.

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

Fills the children’s hands and posies.

Hot July brings cooling showers,

Apricots and gillyflowers.

August brings the sheaves of corn,

Then the harvest home is borne.

Warm September brings the fruit,

Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Fresh October brings the pheasant,

 Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast,

Then the leaves are whirling fast.

Chill December brings the sleet,

 Blazing fire and Christmas treat.

(Sara Coleridge, A Calendar).

Музыкальный фрагмент из цикла «Времена года» П. И. Чайковского.

15. Let’s play now!

Will you  …?   

(go to the forest, play games, swim in the river, celebrate this holiday…).

Yes, I shall ./ No, I shan’t.

Ученик, задавший вопрос и получивший утвердительный ответ, сам становится водящим и отвечает на вопросы одноклассников.

16. I think, you are hungry now.

Are you hungry?

Are you thirsty?

Are you a vegetarian?

Are you on a diet?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

17. Примерные диалоги учащихся:

– Are you hungry?

– I am hungry. Are you hungry or not?

– I am hungry too. Are you thirsty?

– I am not thirsty .Are you thirsty?

– I am awfully thirsty. Are you a vegetarian?

– No, I am not a vegetarian. Are you on a diet?

– I am on a diet.

18. What would you like to have? Would you like some jam? Would you like some cheese?

Учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают на них, используя таблицу “Food”.

19. And now let’s sing a song!

I drink milk, I eat cheese,

I like nuts and I like greens,

I like cereals, I like beans,

These are things my body needs.


But late at night,

Under my bedclothes,

I eat chocolate

And no-one knows.


I eat vegetables, I drink juice,

I like rice, I like fruit,

I like pasta every way,

I eat good things every day!

20. And now we are going to speak about seasons in Kaliningrad.

Will you answer my questions, please?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя:

When does every new year begin?

When do people celebrate New Year’s Day?

Who decorates New Year trees?

Is winter a cold or a warm season in Kaliningrad?

Does it often snow?

When does spring come?

Does snow begin melting?

Nature awakens after a long winter sleep, does not it?

Is the weather warm or hot in summer?

What do people usually do in summer?

Can we go to the forest?

Can we swim in the river?

What colour are the trees in autumn?

What is your favourite season?

21. Dear friends! Will you tell us about your favourite season, please?

Примерные рассказы учащихся:

There are 4 seasons in the year. Each of them lasts 3 months. Every new year begins in winter on the 1st of January. It is a holiday in our country. People decorate New Year trees. Winter is a cold season in Navashino. It often snows. The rivers and the lakes are frozen over. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short, the nights are long. The sky is grey.

 At the end of March the weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly. The days become longer, the nights become shorter .Snow begins melting. Nature awakens after a long winter sleep. The birds return from the South.

Spring is followed by summer. The weather gets warmer. People go to the forest, swim in the river in summer. I like summer very much.

Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year. Leaves fall down from the trees and cover the ground. Birds fly away to warm countries. Autumn is a tasty season.

One of our pupils made a presentation “Seasons”. I think it is very interesting. Let’s see and enjoy it!

Презентация «Времена года».

22. Thank you very much! It was a real pleasure to listen to you. Your stories were lovely! I wish you good luck. Good bye!

Музыкальный фрагмент из цикла «Времена года» П. И. Чайковского.


Мероприятие по английскому языку «Времена года» (начальная школа)

Мероприятие по английскому языку «Времена года» (начальная школа)

Стихотворный отдых». Физкультурная пауза

Стихотворный отдых». Физкультурная пауза

What do you do? What country are you from?

What do you do? What country are you from?

And now let’s speak about winter!

And now let’s speak about winter!

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

June brings tulips, lilies, roses,

No, I am not a vegetarian. Are you on a diet? –

No, I am not a vegetarian. Are you on a diet? –

Can we swim in the river? What colour are the trees in autumn?

Can we swim in the river? What colour are the trees in autumn?
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