World monuments
Оценка 4.6

World monuments

Оценка 4.6
Культурные мероприятия
английский язык
5 кл—11 кл +1
World monuments
Spotlight 8

World monuments in DANGER Памятники мировой культуры в опасности

World monuments in DANGER Памятники мировой культуры в опасности

World monuments in DANGER

Памятники мировой культуры в опасности.

Task 1. Lets Look at the pictures

Task 1. Lets Look at the pictures

Task 1. Lets Look at the pictures.

The Statue of Liberty – Статуя Свободы

The Great Sphinx in Giza – Большой Свинкс в Гизе

The Leshan Giant Buddha – Лешаньский Гигантский Будда

Tell me please the theme of our lesson

Tell me please the theme of our lesson

Tell me please the theme of our lesson

Acid rain
Burning coal, oil and gas
National symbol
Ancient and modern buildings
World monuments in danger.

Lets read the text Look at page 102

Lets read the text Look at page 102

Lets read the text

Look at page 102
Now lets do ex.3 page 102

Lets talk What do you think about this text

Lets talk What do you think about this text

Lets talk

What do you think about this text.
Is it interesting?
Is it useful?
How can we protect world monuments?
What do you know about monuments in the pictures? Where are they situated?
Why do you think they are in danger?
Have we got the same problems in our city?
What monuments are in danger?

Do you know that those monuments which are in danger are protected by

Do you know that those monuments which are in danger are protected by

Do you know that those monuments which are in danger are protected by UNESCO?

UNESCO. What is it? You can find the answer on the website:
You home task is to find the objects which are protected by UNESCO.
But REMEMBER! These objects should be in danger.

Plan for your projects! Established

Plan for your projects! Established

Plan for your projects!

Location (metro station)
Write the reason why is it in danger.

Green wisdom We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children

Green wisdom We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children

Green wisdom

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
(Native American proverb)

Мы не наследуем землю от наших предков, мы заимствуем их у наших детей

Мы не наследуем землю от наших предков, мы заимствуем их у наших детей

Мы не наследуем землю от наших предков, мы заимствуем их у наших детей.

Reflection. Which facts of the lesson impressed you?

Reflection. Which facts of the lesson impressed you?


Which facts of the lesson impressed you?
What was the most useful information for you?
Do you agree with this proverb?
Can you give me the Russian equivalent?

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