Бұл сабақ 3 сынып үшін құрылған жоспар. Сабақ мақсаты оқушыларға жаңа сөзді қолдануды үйрету сонымен қатар ауыз екі сөйлеуге дағдыландыру. Ағфлшфн тіліндегі білім білік дағдыларды қалыптастыру. Оқушыларға жаттығу жасау жұмыстарымен дағдыландыру. Сабақта жаңа сөздермен жұмысты күшейту. Топпен жеке жұмыс жасау
Module 4 Lesson plan 5
LESSON: Module 4 Lesson 5
objective(s) that
this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives
The Theme: A postman
Teacher's name:
To talk about jobs; to write about someone they know and their job; to
develop the pupils’ listening skills through a song.
All learners will be able to:
use short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take
use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those
3.W1 write with support short responses at phrase level to questions
and other prompts
to identify things
turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic
3.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases
and sentences on familiar and general topics and familiar instructions for
classroom activities
3.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions
Learners have met the learning objectives if they can: talk about jobs;
write about someone they know and their job; develop the pupils’
listening skills through a song.
Structures: Consolidation.
Language in use: He’s a postman. He works at the post ofice. Postman
Bell, what’s in your bag?
Using audios
‘Jobs' vocabulary, present simple (all forms)
Planned activities (replace the notes below with
your planned activities)
Ask the pupils questions about their daily routine.
Elicit their answers.
e.g. Teacher: What time do you get up?
Pupil 1: I get up at seven o’clock. etc
Smiles Resources
Assessment criteria
Language focus
Target vocabulary
ICT skills
Previous learning
Planned timings
3.W1 3.UE4
Read and complete. Then listen and check. Allow
the pupils some time to read the text silently and
complete the activity. Play the CD. The pupils listen
and check their answers.
Answer key: 2 post office 3 seven 4 bike 5
letters 6 biscuit
Then individual pupils read out the text.
3.W1 3.S6
Read and choose.
Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to
the sentences and complete the activity. Check their
Software or Track
44 CD1answers.
Answer key: 1 a 2 b 3 a
PORTFOLIO: Talk with your friends. Then
write about someone you know and his/her job.
Refer the pupils to the picture and the text. Point to
the drawing and ask: What’s his job? Elicit: He’s a
doctor. Elicit from pupils what they would say about
someone they know and his/her job. Then ask the
pupils, in pairs or in groups, to talk about them. Go
around the classroom providing any necessary help.
For homework, tell the pupils to draw or stick a
picture of someone they know on a piece of paper
and use the text in Ex. 22 as a model to write about
his/her job.
Suggested answer key:
This is Mrs Omarova. She’s a doctor. She works at
a hospital. She gets up at seven o’clock every day.
She drives her car to work. She helps people every
day! She’s so nice!
by Nurlan
Note: Once you have corrected their writing
activities, guide your pupils on how to file them in
their Language Portfolios.
Let’s Sing!
Refer the pupils to the picture. Point to the
postman’s bag and ask: Postman Bell, what’s in
your bag? Have the pupils repeat after you. Follow
the same procedure and present the rest of the song.
During this process explain/elicit any unknown
Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow along in
their books. Divide the class into two groups and
assign a verse to each group. Play the song again and
ask each group to sing their corresponding verse.
Time permitting, play the song again for the pupils to
sing together as a class.
Extension activity (Optional)
The pupils, in pairs or in groups, make up their
own song.
Suggested answer key:
Pupil 1: Kanat, what’s in your bag? A pencil or a
book? Pupil 2: Kanat, what’s in your bag? A ruler or
a notebook?
(See the Introduction for further ideas on how to
exploit the songs.)
Software or Track
45 CD1 What’s in their bags? Look and match.
Explain the activity. The pupils match the items to
the people. Allow the pupils some time to complete
the activity. Check the pupils’ answers.
Answer key: 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 A 8 DENDING
Ask the pupils to choose a job and draw a bag with
items related to it. Ask them to present their drawings
to the class.
If you wish, you can assign some or all of the
corresponding activities from the Activity Book
for homework. If this is the case, make sure you
explain them first.
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to
give more support? How do you plan
to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment – how are
you planning to check
learners’ learning?
links Health and
safety check ICT
Values links
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer
the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson
Were the lesson
objectives/learning objectives
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan
and why?