УТВЕРЖДАЮ _____________________ Методическая разработка открытого урока
Дисциплина: иностранный язык Специальность: 15.02.07 Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств (по отраслям) Группа № 013 Тема урока: «Охрана окружающей среды» Дата проведения: 12.03.2021
Урок по теме «Охрана окружающей среды»
Those who find beauty in all of nature
will find themselves at one
with the secrets of life itself.
L. Wolfe Gilbert
Те, кто найдут красоту во всей природе,
окажутся в единстве
с секретами самой жизни.
Л. Вульф Гилберт
Цель: Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков, учащихся в рамках разговорной темы «Охрана окружающей среды».
Обучающая: активизировать в устной и письменной речи лексические единицы по теме урока, тренировать употребление условных предложений, практиковать навык монологической речи, развивать навык аудирования.
Развивающая: развивать умения работать с полученной информацией, совершенствовать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения и диалогической речи.
Воспитательная: Формирование речевых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся. Развитие социокультурной компетенции и языковой догадки. Развивать познавательный интерес к охране окружающей среды. Прививать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде. Воспитание чувства сотрудничества и поддержки при работе в группах.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Используемые педагогические технологии: дифференцированное обучение, работа в группах, проблемное обучение, игровой метод.
Оборудование: мультимедийный экран, компьютер, учебники, словари, рабочие тетради, карточки, листы ватмана.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент: (3 мин.)
Warm up activities (разминка)
T. : Good morning, students!
Cl.: Good morning, teacher!
T.: How are you?
Cl.: Fine, thanks. And you?
T.: Fine too, thank you. I am glad to see you.
Cl.: We are glad to see you too.
T.: Thank you. Sit down.
T.: Who is on duty today?
S.: I am on duty today.
T.: What date is it today?
S.: Today is the 12th of March.
T.: What day is it today?
S.: Today is Friday.
T.: Who is away today?
S.: … is away today (All are present)
2. Проверка домашнего задания: (парная работа) (10 мин.)
T.: What was your home task? Let’s check up your homework for today.
S.: We should make presentations about animals from “Red Book”.
T.: Listen to each other attentively and try to make your resume – about one of the ecological problem the disappearing of animals and birds.
You can receive 5 points for your answer. Don’t forget to put your points into your “Green book”.
3. Организация деятельности по выходу на тему урока: (целеполагание) (10 мин.)
T.: What do you think what is one of the main component to be a happy man?
I ask you to watch some video and decide what our theme is going to be today.
(обучающиеся смотрят видеоролик и делают предположения о теме урока)
S1: Our theme will be « Ecology ».
S2: We are going to discuss about nature.
S3: We`ll speak about Environment.
S4: Our theme is « Environment protection », etc.
T.: You are quite right. We`ll speak about environment, ecological problems. What do you think is the best suggestion? (Появляется тема урока на презентации)
“Environment protection”
4. Фонетическая зарядка, подготовка к составлению речевых фраз (10 мин.)
• destroy wildlife - разрушать дикую природу
• damage nature - повреждать природу
• pollute air - загрязнять воздух
• pollute water - загрязнять воду
• hurt animals - вредить животным
• disturb wild animals - беспокоить диких животных
• throw away litter - бросать мусор
• spoil the environment - портить окружающую среду
• cut down forests - вырубать леса
• to plant trees - сажать деревья
• to recycle waste paper - перерабатывать ненужную бумагу
• to cut down baby trees - вырубать молодые деревца
• to protect environment – охранять окружающую среду
• to reuse bottles - использовать бутылки заново
• to reduce pollution - сократить загрязнение
Reduce сокращать
Reuse –повторно использовать
Modal verbs:
must – должен
should - следует
can – мочь, уметь
(Обучающие произносят слова вслух, переводят, записывают)
5. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания обучающихся: (6 мин)
You should to choose the chive of your group. He or she will be an ecologist and count your points.
Task 1. (Фронтальный опрос) (3 мин.)
What can/must we reduce? reuse? recycle? Why?
Примерное высказывание: We must reduce using electricity, it will help to protect nature.
(You have 1 point for each answer; don’t forget to put your points into your “Green book”.) (5 points max)
using electricity
using water
glass bottles
plastic bottles
plastic containers
Task 2. (Групповая работа) (3 мин.)
Teacher: We’ve spoken much about the environment problems. But what we: you and I, and all of us, can practically do in our everyday life to keep our city, our country clean?
Let’s work in groups.
You have a table with phrases. You should to make sentences using modal verbs: should, must, can and write this sentence into the table. You may add your own sentences. Go to the board and write down your answer. Read and translate your phrase. Your ecologist will count your points.
(You have 1 point for each answer; don’t forget to put your points into your “Green book”.) (5 points max)
WE |
17. plant flowers everywhere where it is possible |
Task 3. (Разно уровневая работа) (7 мин.) «Сильным»
Let’t to play!
Here you can see the wordsquare:
Please find 9 words there!
Go to board and mark the word!
(You have 1 point for each answer; don’t forget to put student’s points into your “Green book”) (9 points max)
Find 9 words
q |
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Task 4. Let’s play! «Слабым»
(You have 1 point for each answer; don’t forget to put student’s points into your “Green book”) (5 points max)
-Have a look at the screen and say, «What slogan can you put under this picture? »
Put your litter in the bin. По газонам не ходить.
Keep dogs under control. Не ломайте деревья.
Keep off the grass. Не сорить.
Recycle. Перерабатывайте отходы.
Don’t break trees. Выгул
собак запрещен.
6. Развитие навыков аудирования (10 мин)
Now let’s listen to some texts about ecological problems. (У каждого ученика карточка с заданием по аудированию) You’ll hear six texts. Your task is to find the correct answer to each statement. One statement is extra. You’ll hear the texts twice. Be very careful. Are you ready? (Учащиеся прослушивают тексты).
1. I feel unhappy because I can’t change public opinion to our planet.
2. I would like to see new energy saving laws introduced.
3. I am afraid of the after-effects of human activities.
4. I am sure that wise attitude to basic earth supplies is necessary.
5. I do not want my family to live in polluted environment.
6. I am for the use of energy saving practices in house construction.
7. I find many simple ways to help our planet in everyday life.
Говорящий |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Утверждение |
Speaker A
I try to care about our planet. Some people argue that it’s impossible for an individual to affect major changes, but I disagree as there’re many things everyone can do to help our planet. Let’s start with our homes. Encouraging your family to recycle regularly is a good thing to start with. Every glass bottle you recycle saves enough energy to run a TV for an hour, while recycling an aluminum can saves energy to run a TV for three hours! It’s not difficult to turn out the lights when you leave the room or use re-useable containers for your lunches.
Speaker B
My name is Walton and I’m from the USA. I’m personally concerned about our environmental pollution. I try to protect the environment, to preserve it and to leave it clean and undamaged for the next generations who are at risk of not being able to leave their homes due to high city pollution. Yet now, in my native city (Boston) the smog has increased to such a threatening level that my family and I had to move, because the air was harmful to the health of my 4-year-old son.
Speaker C
In my country, England, there is hardly a part of it that is within its natural state. The typical English countryside, the hills and fields, have all been shaped by generations of cultivation. In fact, taking the planet as a whole there is hardly a part of it that humans have not changed. I fear that by our pollution humans are changing the places where they do not live and where they live. Deserts are becoming hotter, arctic ice is melting and wherever you look you can see the ugly footprint of humanity.
Speaker D
Of course we should care more about our planet water supplies. When you use water wisely, you help the environment. You save water for fish and animals. You help preserve drinking water supplies as well. You save the energy that your water supplier uses to move water to you and the energy your family uses to heat your water. When you use water wisely, you save money as your family pays for the water you use. So if kids start learning to use water wisely today, they will be helping themselves in the future.
Speaker E
My name is Susan and I’m 17 years old. I think the earth is the home we all live in but many people simply don’t care. I get depressed by all those warnings that we hear daily, acid rain, global warming and on and on. It is likely that there will always be some people who litter in towns and in the country, despite fines and knowledge of the environmental consequences. You cannot influence the way other people care for our planet and that makes me very sad.
Speaker F
I suggest we should use all resources in the most efficient way possible. A green home will be a good solution here as it helps to conserve energy as well as water. Waste and pollution will be decreased too. A green home protects the environment by using renewable solar energy. Solar panels on the roof of a home collect sunlight, which is then converted into power to heat the home and run the home equipment. So a green home will save energy as well as money in addition to having other health benefits.
Now I’ll give you the correct answers and you’ll check the answers of your partner and give marks to him. One point is for each correct answer. Thank you for your job.
(You have 1 point for each right answer; don’t forget to put student’s points into your “Green book”) (6 points max)
7. Развитие навыков чтения и письма, оформление буклетов (групповая работа) (15 мин.)
Now you will read the text, answer the questions under the text, and make posters.
The ecologists come to me and choose the text, please.
The ecologists don’t forget to put student’s points into the student’s “Green book”) (5 points max)
Text 1.
Environmental protection
The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important problems of our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Half of the lakes in the word are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.
Air pollution is also a very serious problem. Because many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600 cities of Russia have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.
People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. These are lot of international green organizations that take care of the environment and “Green Peace” is one of the most active. Many governments are waking up and making strict laws against pollution. Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.
1. Environmental protection is an ________ problem:
a. easy;
b. important;
c. pleasant.
2. Factories pour a lot of ________ into air and water:
a. a storage;
b. waste;
c. pollution.
3. What caused the ________ of wildlife:
a. destruction;
b. poison;
c. population.
4. Many rivers and lakes are _______:
a. poisoned;
b. filled;
c. used.
5. Many scientists try _________ ecology problems:
a. to solve;
b. to know;
c. to protect.
Текст 2.
People live on this planet for more than 2 million years. At first, there was a harmony between man and nature. Now we have many ecological problems, for example: killing forests and animals, water, air and land pollution, nuclear power, rubbish problems and others
So the contradictions between man and nature are taking a dramatic character. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with million tons of dust and other harmful substances. People of many cities suffer from smog. Forests are disappearing. The pollution of the air, of the world’s oceans, seas, rivers and the destruction of the ozone layer can lead our planet to a global catastrophe. That is why serious measures to protect the environment should be undertaken. Now many countries, including our country pay attention to the problems of ecology.
1. Was there a harmony between man and nature many years ago? Why?
2. What character are the contradictions taking now?
3. Every year industry pollutes the atmosphere with harmful substances, doesn’t it?
4. What is the disappearing of forests connected with?
5. Can you call some ecological problems?
6. What do you think does our country pay much, little, enough attention to ecology?
(Обучающиеся изготавливают плакаты и защищают их в группах, вносят баллы в оценочный лист)
8. Итог урока, домашнее задание. (3 мин.)
Today we have spoken about the environment protection. Of course, it is very important to protect our environment. I wish you live in harmony with nature.
(Обучающие записывают домашнее задание)
To write a composition «How I can to protect our environment»
«3» – to write a composition «How I can to protect our environment»
«4» - to write a composition «How I can to protect our environment» and tell about it.
«5» - to write a composition «How I can to protect our environment» make a presentation and tell about it
9. Подведение итогов урока
Let’s count your score and put marks!
Score your results:
«Light green» - 17 -23
«Green» - 24-34
«Dark green» - 34-36
What color do you have?
Please, write down on your leaf “What can I do to protect our environment?” and put it on the tree.
10. Рефлексия (2-3 мин.)
1. Were you active at the lesson? (always, seldom, sometimes)
2. Did you get any new information at the lesson?
3. Were you satisfied with your job at the lesson yourself?
4. Did you like the lesson?
(Обучающиеся выражают своё мнение по поводу урока)
The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.
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