1. Название дисциплины: Иностранный язык
2. Тема: Английский язык – язык международного общения.
Грамматический материал: Имя существительное. Словообразовательные
суффиксы. Образование множественного числа имён существительных.
3. Цель занятия: Расширение лексикограмматического минимума по теме.
Обучение чтению с извлечением заданной информации.
Обучение устному
говорению с опорой на прочитанный текст. Обучение аудированию коротких
рассказов. Развитие логики мышления и языковой догадки. Прививать любовь к
изучению иностранного языка. Повышение значимости изучения языка как
Формирование устойчивых грамматических навыков с практическим их
применением в различных видах речевой деятельности
4. Тип: освоение новых знаний
5. Методы: рассказ, беседа, демонстрация, наблюдение, запоминание, работа с
6. Материально – техническое обеспечение и дидактические материалы:
Учебник; пословицы и цитаты на доске о языке; спайдограмма на доске; раздаточный
материал: а) изучаемый текст: English in our Life, б) слова к тексту, в) задания к
тексту, г) грамматические таблицы: The Noun, д) задания тестового характера и
упражнения по грамматике.
7. Литература (основная и дополнительная):
Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И. Устные темы по английскому языку и всё для
успешной сдачи экзамена. Серия «Учебники и учебные пособия». Ростов н/Д:
«Феникс», 2000. – 320 с.
Акмалдинова А.Н., Будко Л.В. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах.
Учеб. пособие. – Киев: КМУГА, Диал, 2000. – 48 с.
Английская грамматика в таблицах: Справочник / Н.К. Арцинович. – М.:
ООО «Издательство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ОАО «ВЗОИ», 2004. –
110, (2) с.
Буренина Л.К., Конон С.Б. Учебник английского языка для средних
специальных учебных заведений. – 6е узд., стереотип. – М.: Высш. Школа, 1982. –
368 с., ил.
Голицынский Ю.Б. Граматика. Сборник упражнений. – 4е изд., СПб.: КАРО.
– 2003. Грамматика английского языка для школьников, абитуриентов и студентов /
Составитель Радовель В.А. – Донецк: ООО ПКФ „БАО”, 2004. – 304 с.
Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е.Практическая грамматика английского языка.
– М.: ЮНВЕС, 2003. – 716 с.
1. Организационная часть
T: Good morning boys and girls!
I see that all are present today.
How are you? And you? I hope you are fine.
That’s OK! Let’s begin our lesson.
Introductory Talk 2. Введение
в иноязычную
. Вводная беседа по теме
T: What do you think Is it important and useful to learn foreign
What is the role of foreign language?
What language do you consider the most important?
English is an international language, isn’t it? That’s why it’s the most
important language in the world. Do you agree?
и основных
, формулировка
3. Объявление
T: Today, I want to suggest you a very interesting topic for speaking.
At the lesson today we’ll speak about the importance of learning
foreign languages, especially English for every educated person to feel
comfortable in the modern world. So, the theme of the lesson is
English Language is a Language of International Communication.
Besides, it’s absolutely necessary for you to revise grammar. The
grammar theme is: The Noun. The Plural of the Noun.
We are going to:
act dialogues
have some tasks in reading and listening comprehension
get some new information
then we’ll review some grammar material while using new words and
4. План занятия
Introductory Talk 1. Предъявление пословиц и цитат об иностранном языке
the proverbs
T: Look at the blackboard. There are some proverbs about language
Let’s read them and translate.
Knowledge is power.
Language is the dress of thought. S. Johnson.
A new language is a new world.
You are as many times a man as many foreign languages you know.
T: Do you agree with Johnson and with another quotations and
proverbs, in which the importance of knowing and studying foreign
languages is said. Try to explain in your words agreement or
disagreement. Use please the following speech clishes:
Oral Practise
of the topic
I think that …
I agree, because …
I am quite sure …
In my opinion …
As for me, I know …
There is no doubt … (нет сомнения)
1) Поиск возможных аргументов
T: And what about you?
Why should you study foreign language?
Name the reasons why people need to study foreign language,
especially English.
Learning English is very important, isn’t it? Prove it, please!
2) Обучению говорению
Составление спайдограммы.
T: Answer please my question: Why study English? Let’s make a
spidogram. Give your ideas.
1. Does knowledge of foreign languages help us to develop friendship
and understanding among people?
2. Does foreign language help us to make friends?
3. Can we read papers, magazines and original books by great writers,
watch satellite TV programs speaking of foreign languages.
4. Can you travel abroad without being afraid that other people won’t
understand you?
5. Is foreign language important to find a good job?
6. Does it help us to be better educated?
7. Does it help us to be familiar with social and cultural life in other
8. Does it help us to be able to participate in conversations with people
from Englishspeaking countries? 9. English is an international language, isn’t it? That’s why it’s the
most important language in the world. Do you agree?
to watch satellite
to use Internet to operate
to travel
a computer abroad
a language of science, politic,
trade, cultural traditions, business,
sport, computer technology
for establishment of
international contacts
to communicate
with other people
from different countries
without interpreters
to be higheducated person
to understand English speech (‘ventS s)ə совместные предприятия)
to have joint ventures
read papers, magazines,
scientific medical literature
Why study English?
to get a better job
to read
books in the original
to participate in cultural
and educational exchange
T: In what kind of countries is English the official language? (U. K.,
the U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Canada) A lot of people speak
English in Japan, China, Africa and other countries.
2. Аудирование текста: World Language
T: I’m going to get you acquainted with a short piece of interesting
information about the English language. Whilelistening pay attention
to the facts which are the most interesting for you and take notes about
them. (См. приложение: World language)
T: What do you remember from the text just heard?
Look through your notes and share them with your partner sitting next
to you.
3. Чтение текста: The Future of English
Presentation 4. Предъявление текста для чтения. (См. оригинальный текст:
of the text
English in our life)
а) Предтекстовый этап
предъявление новой лексики и активизация лексического
материала по теме (см.: раздаточный материал к занятию –
слова к тексту)
выполнение различных предтекстовых упражнений (см.:
раздаточный материал к занятию – упражнения к тексту)
Whilereading б) Текстовый этап выполнение упражнений во время чтения текста (см.:
раздаточный материал к занятию – упражнения к тексту)
в) Послетекстовый этап
выполнение послетекстовых коммуникативных упражнений (см.:
раздаточный материал к занятию – упражнения к тексту)
4. Предъявление нового грамматического материала
(см.: раздаточный материал к занятию)
– таблицы по грамматике
– Буренина Л.К., Конон С.Б. Учебник английского языка для
средних специальных учебных заведений. C. 209 – 212 §§1 – 4
5. Закрепление грамматического материала
– выполнение упражнений на закрепление грамматического
Голицынский Ю.Б. Граматика. Сборник упражнений. C. 68 – 74
упр.82 – 92
Буренина Л.К., Конон С.Б. Учебник английского языка для
средних специальных учебных заведений. C. 113, упр. 1 (доп)
5. Домашнее задание
выучить лексический минимум к тексту (см. разд. матер.)
пересказ текста: English in our life
Буренина Л.К., Конон С.Б. 1982. – С. 209 – 212 §§1 – 4
письменное выполнение упражнений для д/з (См. раздаточн.
6. Подведение итогов
Обобщение материала
T: Did you like our lesson?
Have you learned anything new for you at the lesson?
What exactly?
Which activity did you like better?
T: Today we have spoken about the importance of learning English
language. We have acquainted with grammatical theme ….
The lesson is over. See you next lesson. Did you know that the year 2000 celebrated one thousand years of spoken English, a
language born on a wet, cold island off the coast of the European continent which is now
the second most widely used language in the world?
World language
Did you know that:
The year 2000 was announced the European year of languages.
One billion people use some English every day!
80% of the world’s computer information is in English.
Half the world’s telephones ring in Englishspeaking countries.
An Italian pilot in an Italian airplane speaks to an Italian airport in English. 157
countries use English for Air Traffic Control.
75% of the world’s letters and postcards are in English.
Over half the world’s 10000 newspapers are in English.
There are about372 mln native speakers of English but about 1,400 mln people
(nearly 20%) of the world’s population use English in their lives. So nonnative speakers
of English greatly outnumber the native speakers. What will this mean for the future of
Why do you learn exactly English?
20. What language do you study? Is it a wonderful language?
21. When did you begin to study English? How many years did you study English?
22. Why have you chosen English to study?
23. Who was your first teacher?
24. Who can help you to learn English at home?
25. Do you like this language? What do you like most about English?
26. Is learning a foreign language an easy thing? Is it difficult for you to learn English or
easy? What are the difficulties in learning foreign languages?
27. Are you doing well in English?
28. Are you satisfied with your knowledge of English?
29. What mark do you have for your English?
30. Do you want to improve your knowledge of English? What do you do?
31. What is the best way of learning language? Do you know how to learn English better? How do you learn English?
At the English lessons
32. Do you learn English at the classes?
33. How often have you English classes?
34. What do you do at English lessons?
35. Do you read the texts?
36. Do you translate the texts?
37. Do you ask and answer the questions?
38. Do you take part in the discussion?
39. Do you participate in conversational exchange about any topics?
40. Do you write tests in English?
41. Do you learn English words?
42. Do you listen to the tape and repeat after the speaker?
After classes
43. Do you tried to do your best to read and learn more additional texts and words?
44. Do you have any tapes and videotapes in English?
45. Do you like to listen to pop music in English?
46. Do you understand what you hear without anybody’s help? Do you recognize the new
words? Is it necessary to repeat the material you’ve learnt every three days?
47. Do you watch different satellite TV programs in English?
48. Do you write the letters to the friend abroad?
49. Is English worth studying?
50. Do you want to attend a university or a college abroad?
51. Are you going to use English in your future job?
52. Do you agree with the quotation by the great German poet Goethe, «He, who knows
no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one».
Different kinds of English
As you already know, people speak different kinds of English. For example we can hear different forms
of English in different parts of Englishspeaking world. Those people who live in India speak Indian
English, in Canada Canadian English, in Australia Australian English. British English and American
English are the most important kind of the English language because people use them very widely. And
they are not really that much different.
If you meet people who come from the USA you can say that their language sounds different from British
English. You will be able to say that these people are not British. But уou won’t probably have much
difficulty in understanding what they say. It is so because the vocabulary and grammar of the language is
very much the same. But some things have different names in Britain and America
All people of the Englishspeaking countries speak the same English
There are different dialects of English in the world
American and British English are much the same
Their vocabulary and grammar are much the same
English is the native language of Russia ( самоконтроль выполнения задания
Ключ: 1 , 2 +, 3 +, 4 +, 5 ).
English language is very popular now in many countries. We learn it at school because we want to know
much about English speaking countries, their nature, people, fashions, habits, traditions. Many of our
pupils want to visit America, Britain or Australia and to learn more about their sights. English is the
language of international communication. There are many instructions written in English. We must
understand them. Many people of English – speaking countries come to Krasnoyarsk region and we must
communicate with them. We are young generation and we must be welleducated people.
The centre of the British Council was opened in Krasnoyarsk in 2002. It is not a commercial organization.
Its aim is to strengthen business, cultural and scientific connections of Britain with Russia. With the help
of Internet we can get different information about collections of modern English literature, British films.
Krasnoyarsk is the international centre.
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
Английский язык - язык международного общения
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