The Domesday Book(1).
The land census (2) made the power of the king much stronger. It was held in
1086 across the country. It was the first census in the medieval Europe (3).The king's
men demanded (4) that local residents told them the truth, as on the Day of
Judgement, so that census data are called "Domesday Book".
The census gave the king information about the size of holdings and the
income (5) of his vassals, as well as information necessary for imposition of taxes (6)
on the population.
1)The Domesday Book – Книга Страшного суда.
2)The land census — земельная перепись
3)the medieval Europe — средневековая Европа
4) The king's men demanded — люди короля требовали
5) size of holdings and the income — размер владений и доход
6) for imposition of taxes для налогообложения
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