It is a lesson plan for the teachers' contest. It was prepared specially for it. It is for the 2nd year students of a secondary school. They like it very much because it is interesting. It is for an elective lesson.
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Class Session Plan
Trainee’s name: Alina Arkhipova Date: 03.04.19. Length: 45 minutes
Lesson Type: combined Lesson number: 54
Epigraph: There are three types of lessons: The one we plan to teach; the one we actually teach; and the one we wish we had
taught.” – Unknown.
Student Context
Number of students: 20 Approx age range of sts: 8 Sts' level of English: A1 (elementary level/beginners)
Sts' approx. purposes in learning English: to understand English speech (of their level), to know letters, to write letters and words, to
copy sentences, to read simple words, wordcombinations and short texts, to make simple dialogues, to pronounce words, word
combinations and short sentences. They learn English because it is a part of their school program. They want to study well and get
good marks. But some of them are already very interested in learning a foreign language and want to know it perfectly.
Source of materials (including course book): textbook by M.Z.Biboletova, workbook, teacher’s book, CD, pictures, PC, projector,
realia (stuffed animals)
Aims of the lesson, with learning outcomes
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to make nouns plural, distinguish between singular and plural nouns
Main: to introduce plural nouns to students, to gain understanding of the terms “singular” and “plural”, to investigate and learn
spelling of words with “s” for plurals, to read quickly
SubAims: to revise animals and familiar words (e.g. a cat, a dog, a parrot, a crocodile, a tiger, an elephant, a lion, a monkey, a
bear, a cockerel, etc.), numerals (112), adjectives, colours
Means of assessing achievement of aims: visual aids (pictures), toys (stuffed animals):
TPR, S.A.R.S. strategy
(select, adapt, reject, supplement); exercises, a pptx presentation, worksheets
Anticipated problems with learners and activities
(NOT grammar or lexis)
1. 20 students – they are not divided into groups (few teachers)
2. Low motivation of some students to study English
3. Sometimes students are too noisy and active
1. Trying to pay attention to each student, teaching online
2. I try to demonstrate real life situations so that students could
feel where in practice the perceived knowledge can be applied
3. I try to make my lessons vivid, exciting and interesting
Personal action points for teaching: To make my lessons exciting, vivid and interesting, to arouse my learners’ interest, to
use every opportunity for selfdevelopment, to grow personally, to pay attention to discipline in my lessons, to maintain
activity of my learners, to see the weakest points of my students’ knowledge and to change the situation, to achieve
(almost) everything I have planned, to make a further plan, to make examples (of the rule needed) effective, memorable
and meaningful), to analyse my mistakes at the lesson and the lesson itself, to improve my methods of teaching, to use
Strategies to deal with each problem
_____ Class Session Plan
different strategies, to apply all my knowledge, that I acquired at different courses ("Integrating Critical Thinking Skills in the
Exploration of Culture in an EFL setting", “Teaching English to Young Learners”, “Exploring Web 2.0 Tools for Classroom Teaching
and Professional Development”, “TESOL Methodology”, “Teaching Grammar Communicatively”) at the lessons.
Page 2
MODEL SENTENCE (extracted from your text): a catcats, a dog – dogs, a parrotparrots, a crocodilecrocodiles, a tigertigers,
an elephantelephants, a lionlions, a monkeymonkeys, a bearbears, a cockerelcockerels, etc.
CONTEXT (of the lesson/from the text): It is an additional lesson. Children have one elective lesson a week. I try to give them
additional material on the subject using a lot of strategies. I teach this lesson after Lesson 54 in the textbook by Biboletova
(we only have such a textbook in the library). Children like these lessons very much. They always attend them with great
My students already know the names of some animals. I try to teach them plural forms of the nouns. They all attend my extra
B. MEANING: You see, some children don’t understand if we should add –s to all the nouns in plural. E.g. a bee – bees, a pet –
pets. They often ask me questions if we should do something with the last letter “e”. My aim is to make the rule clear to them.
C. CONCEPT CHECK QUESTIONS FOR YOUR MODEL/S ABOVE: (remember to write the answers)
1. How will I engage learners or arouse their interest in what is to follow?
(Answer: By using visual and audial aids)
2. How will I introduce the target grammar item? How will I situate it/contextualize it? (Answer: By using pictures and flashcards)
3. What examples will I give? How can I make sure that the examples are effective, memorable and meaningful? (Answer: I will see it
by the way my students answer, they will do some exercises and I will see the result)
4. How will I check learners’ understanding? (Answer: By using pictures and tasks) Class Session Plan
A nouns + s + plural noun
FORM: the 2nd form of a secondary school;
Lesson – 45 minutes
E. PRONUNCIATION: Some children don’t pronounce the ending –s correctly. My aim is to teach them to do it properly.
Meaning: Students don’t know the meaning of some words
as they do not do homework properly and do not
demonstrate high level of knowledge of English
Form: Students don’t understand how we form plural nouns
Pronunciation: Students cannot distinguish between the
voiced and voiceless sound [s]/[z] – it is difficult to
understand that one and the same letter S can give different
AND SOLUTIONS (refer to CCQs on the next page where
I show them pictures
The rule is given in the presentation
I read plural forms, they repeat the words after me Class Session Plan
Examples/Concept check questions
(include answers)
Transcriptions, stress &
How will you clarify and check meaning?
The teacher pays
attention to the
pronunciation of the
nouns in plural: we
should read the –s [s]
after voiceless
consonants and [z] after
voiced ones.
By using pictures: one animal and a lot of
They already know the following words: a
cat, a dog, a parrot, a crocodile, a tiger, an
elephant, a lion, a monkey, a bear, a
cockerel, a fox, a fish, a hen, a bee, a snake,
a mouse, a duck, a frog, a pig, a rabbit (their
homework was to learn the words)
Lexis: words, collocations,
phrases, expressions &
idioms. + (verb/noun etc.)
a catcats, a dog – dogs, a
parrotparrots, a crocodile
crocodiles, a tigertigers,
an elephantelephants, a
lionlions, a monkey
monkeys, a bearbears, a
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
eleven, twelve
Angry, big, funny, lazy,
merry, nice
Blue, green, grey, pink, sad
Why is this item
of lexis
necessary? What
task does it help?
These items of
lexis are
because they
help students to
understand the
These items of
lexis are
because learners
repeat them.
These items of
lexis are
because learners
repeat them.
These items of
lexis are
because learners
repeat them. Class Session Plan
Task no: 1 E / S / A
Stage aim:
What is the task? What will the students
Teacher greets students. They
Tutor Comments: I try to teach my students
in a very optimistic way and never to enter
the classroom in a bad mood.
Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you! Sit
down, please.
Who is absent today? Thank you.
respond to greeting and take
their places.
Interaction pattern:
Time for whole task: 1 minute
Task no: 2 E / S / A
Warming up
Stage aim: To practice pronunciation
Interaction pattern: Tongue twisters and questions
To intro the lesson
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example?
They already know what to answer me.
They say: “Good morning, Alina
Dima is.
How will you conduct feedback?
I listen to their answers.
What is the task? What will the students
And now let’s train our tongues.
Repeat after me, please.
A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat
I see a big black cat,
Big black cat, big black cat.
What a big black cat!
What a cat! What a cat!
Tutor Comments: Students repeat these
tongue twisters after the teacher. Then the
teacher asks some of them. Time for whole task: 6 minutes
Class Session Plan
I see a big black cat,
Big black cat, big black cat.
What a big black cat!
What a cat! What a cat!
Hens, hens, count to ten,
Pigs, pigs, dance a jig,
Cats, cats, find a rat,
Bears, bears, go upstairs!
Hens, hens, count to ten,
Pigs, pigs, dance a jig,
Cats, cats, find a rat,
Bears, bears, go upstairs!
Have you got a pet? What pet have you
got? What is its name? Have you got a
dog? Have you got a parrot or a cat? –
Yes, I have. I have got a dog. Its name
is Jim.
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example?
The teacher pronounces the tongue
twisters, students repeat them after her.
The teacher asks questions, learners
How will you conduct feedback? They
pronounce these tongue twisters and
poems quite correct, answer the
questions, they are interested. Class Session Plan
Tutor Comments: The learners are to
answer the teacher’s questions.
Tutor Comments: Their homework was to
learn 10 words concerning animals: a cat,
a dog, a parrot, a crocodile, a tiger, an
elephant, a lion, a monkey, a bear, a
cockerel. They had to do some online
exercises created by the teacher:
What is the task? What will the students
What do you think are we going
to learn today?
Students try to guess what they will do
at the lesson.
Look at the pictures and toys!
We will talk about animals!
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example?
If they can’t name the objectives, I have
to prompt.
How will you conduct feedback?
I will hear their answers.
What is the task? What will the students
4gz your homework was to write the
names of the animals and to email me
the answers or check using the site.
Have you done your homework? Have
you checked it online? It is very good!
Task no: 3 E / S / A
Stage aim:
Staging the aims of the lesson.
3 minutes
Task no: 4 E / S / A
Stage aim: To check students’ knowing of 10 animals
Homework checking, repeating the names of the
Time for whole task: 5 minutes Interaction pattern: online exercises
Class Session Plan
1) Matching game “Animals”
2) Quiz “Animals”
3) Online worksheet
(Check my answers – function)
g/105035 classwork
035 classwork (match the names of
the animals and the pictures)
the right variant)
guess the animals (chose
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example?
1) Drag the picture of an animal
to the word
2) Answer question: click
Next question/End round:
click blue arrow
Start next round:
click "Start Round" button
Restart quiz: click "Restart
quiz" link
Larger image: click magnify
icon Task no: 5 E / S / A
Stage aim: to give the rule to the students
A “pptx” presentation
Interaction pattern: a cat – cats, etc.
Time for whole task: 5 minutes
Class Session Plan
Tutor Comments: If the students
can’t understand the rule, I ask
them: What do we add?
How will you conduct feedback?
I use “Survey Monkey” or the site allows me to control
my students’ homework (they enter my
email and the answers are sent to me)
What is the task? What will the students
The students will watch the presentation,
define singular and plural and find out the
Look at the pictures and say what
we have to do to form plural nouns.
We have to add –s.
What are your instructions? Demo? ICQ?
Look at the presentation and answer my
question: How do we form plural in
How will you conduct feedback?
I listen to the answers. Class Session Plan
What is the task? What will the students
The students show some actions.
Tutor Comments:
Children like dynamic pauses very
much. They like “Simon says”
game and commands.
What are your instructions? Demo? ICQ?
If they can’t perform some action, I show
How will you conduct feedback?
I see they act properly.
Task no: 6 E / S / A
Dynamic pause.
Stage aim: to relieve tension
Interaction pattern:
Time for whole task: 5 minutes
And now let’s have some rest. Stand up, please!
Can you walk like a cat?
Can you jump like a dog?
Can you fly like a parrot?
Can you crawl like a crocodile?
Cab you run like a tiger?
Can you stand like an elephant?
Can you lie like a lion?
Can you move like a monkey?
Can you sleep like a bear?
Can you cry “CockADoodleDoo!” like a cockerel”?
You are on the farm. It’s warm and the weather is
sunny. You can see lots of animals. Loo, you see a
cat. Walk like a cat and drink some milk. Now you
are a dog. Jump, jump. Can you wave your tail? Oh,
there is a rabbit. Let’s jump like that rabbit. Jump,
jump, jump… Task no: 7 E / S / A
A pictureword match
To define plural and singular
try to notice where nouns are plural (with –s)
Flash cards and online flashcards
. easynotecards
. com
= IwAR
4 QR
0 epqVfJtR
/ matching
1 h
:// www
Stage aim: To check learners’ knowledge of the words and
understanding of singular and plural
Interaction pattern:
Time for whole task: 5 minutes
Class Session Plan
Tutor Comments:
Children like to look at pictures. I
have a lot of them in my
The teacher shows the pictures
with animals and the students say
“a dog” or “dogs” and so on.
What is the task? What will the students
The students will look at the flash cards
and point to the singular and plural.
Now you are to define singular and
plral.Drag the words to the pictures.
What are your instructions? Demo? ICQ?
I show you the picture, you name
the animal or the animals.
How will you conduct feedback?
I listen to their answers.
Task no: 8 E / S / A
Stage aim: To check learners’ knowledge of the words and
understanding of singular and plural
Let’s do some tasks.
Raise your finger if you hear a word in plural:
A cat, dogs, a parrot, rabbits, tigers, a lion, monkeys, etc.
Interaction pattern:
What is the task? What will the
students do?
They are to write down the words in
plural (online)
Tutor Comments:
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example? Class Session Plan
Tutor Comments:
Time for whole task: 5 minutes
Task no: 9 E / S / A
Stage aim: To choose the right variant of the plural form of a
noun –
“Million Pound Drop Game”
Interaction pattern:
Time for whole task: 5 minutes
How will you conduct feedback?
Students check their answers online.
What is the task? What will the
students do?
“There are 8 questions
Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 have 4
possible answers.
Questions 5, 6 and 7 have 3 possible
The last question (8) has only two
possible answers.
You are given 1000000£ at the
beginning of the game.
You have 33 seconds to place your
money on the answers.
(At least one must be empty)
Money placed on wrong answers
drops out of the game.”
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example?
The rules are given.
How will you conduct feedback?
I will see the results of the game. Task no: 10 E / S / A
Reflection, wrapping up, evaluation
Stage aim: to finish the lesson, to make conclusions
Evaluation of the lesson by means of smiles
Interaction pattern: Students have to choose the most
appropriate smile for their understanding of the lesson.
Time for whole task: 5 minutes
Class Session Plan
Tutor Comments: The teacher
advises her students to be fair.
“You are to draw the pictures of
animals. I’m going to collect all
the pictures and do a magic box
filled up with your pictures. Divide
into two groups, please. Let’s
invite one student in front in turn
and ask to pick up the pictures.
Each group will say the correct
nouns like a dog, two dogs, a
bird, three birds, etc. The student
who names the most of the
pictures correctly, gets an
excellent mark.”
What is the task? What will the
students do?
Students have to choose the most
appropriate smile for their
understanding of the lesson.
What have we found out today?
We’ve learned a new rule about
And now choose the most
appropriate to you smile.
“Today’s lesson made me feel:
What are your instructions? Demo?
ICQ? Example?
I give three smiles to my students.
They are to choose.
How will you conduct feedback?
I will collect these smiles and make a
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
Animals (plural nouns)
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