Basics of the Computer_lesson_plan_2 variant
Оценка 5

Basics of the Computer_lesson_plan_2 variant

Оценка 5
Basics of the Computer_lesson_plan_2 variant
Basics of the Computer_lesson_plan_2 variant.docx

Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit:

 10.1B Presentation of Data



Teacher name:

Grade: 10

Number present:


The topic of the lesson:


Logical Basics of the Computer

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to convert logical expressions into logic circuits and the other way round; describe the functions of the control device (CD), arithmetic logical unit (ALU) and memory registers as individual processor components

Assessment criteria

        Know the features a Control unit and ALU of the CPU

        Know the main components of the CPU

        Know the purpose of registers

Success criteria

All learners will be able to know:

CU, ALU, Registers, main memory


Most learners will be able to know:

Main components of the CPU, purpose a main memory


Some learners will be able to know:

Main components of the CPU, purpose a main memory, how to connect with peripheral devices

Language objectives


Useful phrases for dialogue / writing

The types of operating systems are divided into ____

CU, ALU, Registers, main memory

Main components of the CPU___________

Purpose a main memory is ___________


Value links

Group work , co-operation, time management

Cross curricular links

English, math, physics

Previous learning

 Types of memory: main memory and secondary memory (7-9 grades)

Course of the lesson

Planned stages of the lesson

Planned activities at the lesson




0 -3



4 - 10










Organizational moment: teacher presents the topic and learning objectives.


3 minutes for discussion and feedback on the following questions:

 Group work (4 students) on flipcharts to draw or describe “What does the CPU consist of”

Presenting the results of group work

What does a CPU consist of?

Control Unit

Immediate Access Store (Cache)

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

CPU summary






Slide #3







10 – 25



25 - 35


The teacher explains the architecture of Von Neumann and the basic principles of Von Neumann.



The teacher explains the algorithm of the processor.

Demonstrates on the video.

slide #4 – 7



slide #8


 5 min


-       What has been learned

-       What remained unclear

-       What is necessary to work on

-       What competencies have you acquired?

Answer the questions that were formulated at the beginning of the lesson.

slide #9

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?

Health and safety regulations

Additional support.

Work in pairs / groups - support for classmates.

Help the teacher, if required.

More capable learners can demonstrate aspects of their decisions that seem interesting / more complex to the other learners.

Answers questions and a session of answers.

Use questions when completing a task.

Use survey questions to understand the results / success of learners at each stage of the lesson.

Remind of some safety rules when working with computer equipment, for example, that you must be careful when installing the screen, keyboard and mouse; beware of wires, as they pose a threat to movement.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson










Summary evaluation


What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?






What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?






What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?    








Скачано с

Lesson plan Long-term plan unit: 10

Lesson plan Long-term plan unit: 10

Organizational moment: teacher presents the topic and learning objectives

Organizational moment: teacher presents the topic and learning objectives

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2:

What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: 2:
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