Teacher: Rakhimzhanova A.M.Outline of the lesson Plan
Subject: English
Form: 8
The theme of the lesson: Secondary education
The aims of the lesson: a)educational aim: to learn the new
words and word combinations on the given
theme, to work with
the text, with exercises, to teach pupils to
compare the schools.
b)upbringing aim: to bring the pupils
up to know the meanings of new words, to
encourage the use of
language in group and in pair work.
c)developing aim: to develop the pupils
memory and pronunciation,
skills and abilities through different
The type of the lesson: the new lesson
The form of the lesson: traditional
Methods: interactive method, brainstorming, questionanswer.
The equipment of the lesson:a)visual aids: interactive board, cards,
new words.
b)literature: T.Ayapova "English8"
Plan of the lesson.
Organization moment:
Good morning girls and boys! How are you? Thanks! Sit down, please !
b)dialogue with a pupil on duty
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What day is it today?
What date is it today?
c)checking up the home task
the poem. Do you remember a poem about school?
Who wants to start?
The School
The school has doors that open wide
And friendly teachers wait inside
Hurry, hurry , let's go in,
For soon the lessons will begin.
Books and pencils I will need,
When I start to write and read,
Lot's to learn and lots to do
I like to go to school ,don't you?
the composition. What was your home task? "The primary school"
Let's begin.
To retell the text.Let's retell the text.
One by one ,please!
Today I want to start our lesson with proverb.
Live and learn.
Let's to translate it.
Оқусыз білім жоќ,білімсіз күнің жоќ.
How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?I want to hear your opinion about this proverb.
Do you know another proverbs about "Education, knowledge"
You don't know. OK. I know a lot of proverbs. Some of them are:
1.Knowledge is a powerБілімдіге дүние жарыќ.
2.It's never too late to learn.Оќу ешқашан кеш болмайды.
A game
Let's play a game "Polyglot"
What is in the Kazakh?
What is in the Russian?
Answers :KnowledgeБілімЗнание
Presentation and pronunciation of the new words:
Today we have new words. Now everybody look at the interactive board.
a)Choral work: At first I read then you must repeat after me in chorus.
b)Individual work: Please , read these new words one by one.
c)making the sentences. Now quickly make up the sentences using these
new words.
E.g.: Our school yard is large......
d)Using the words on the sentences: Now I'll give you cards and you must
read the sentences to know how to use the words.
School yardмектеп алањы
Classroomсынып бµлмесі
Reading: Our school.
a)listening: Open your books at page 144 Ex 5.At first I read the text then
you! During the reading,please , listen carefully how I pronouns every words.
b)reading: Please, you read. Read a louder.
Now you should to compare the school described in the text with yourschool.
from your books Both Our school
Pair work. about school. Your friend is going to come our school. Tell
him what will happen if...
1)If you come to our school...
2)If you come to our library...
3)If you look around the library hall...
4)If you go along the corridor...
5)If you want to find some interesting books...
6)If you go to the sports ground behind the school...
7)If you come to our computer rooms...
8)If look into your classroom where pupils are having their English(German,
Kazakh lessons)...
Today you are very active. Your mark is...
b)giving the home task:
Your home task is to speak about education in your school and Ex. is 4 at
page 144.
The lesson is over! See you later!