Оценка 4.8


Оценка 4.8

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)






Начальник лабораторной службы –

врач клинической диагностики

БУЗ ВО «Вологодская областная

клиническая больница № 2»

_______________Е.А. Пукова




БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

_______________ А.М. Александрова








ОГСЭ.03. ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский)



Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)

основная профессиональная образовательная программа

среднего профессионального образования

по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена


Квалификация: Медицинская сестра/Медицинский брат

Форма обучения: очная

Нормативный срок обучения – 2 года 10 месяцев

на базе среднего общего образования







Заместитель директора

по научно-методической работе

_______________М.А. Жаров



Заместитель директора

по учебной работе

_______________ Е.А. Дмитриева







г. Череповец

2018 год

Фонд оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело.



БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова».



Карпова Лилия Анатольевна, преподаватель БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»,







на заседании ЦМК «ОГСЭ»

Протокол №___от «____»____20___г.

Председатель ________Е.Ц. Поталовская














1. Паспорт фонда оценочных средств


2. Перечень оценочных средств по разделам и темам


3. Контрольно-измерительные материалы для текущего контроля по дисциплине



4. Контрольно-измерительные материалы для промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине







1.1 Область применения оценочных средств

Фонд оценочных средств (ФОС) предназначен для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык (английский).

ФОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета.

ФОС разработан на основании положений: основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности 34.02.01 Сестринское дело и программы учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03. Иностранный язык (английский).


1.2 Требования к результатам освоения учебной дисциплины

Обучающийся должен уметь:

-       общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

-       переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

-       самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Обучающийся должен знать:

-       лексический (1200 - 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.


1.3 Перечень компетенций, формируемых дисциплиной


Код компетенции

Формулировка компетенции


Медицинская сестра/Медицинский брат должна/ен обладать общими компетенциями, включающими в себя способность:

ОК 4

Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения возложенных на него профессиональных задач, а также для своего профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК 5

Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 6

Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями.

ОК 8

Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать и осуществлять повышение своей квалификации.


Медицинская сестра/Медицинский брат должна/ен обладать общими компетенциями, включающими в себя способность:

5.2.1. Диагностическая деятельность

ПК 1.1

Проводить мероприятия по сохранению и укреплению здоровья населения, пациента и его окружения.


ПК 1.2

Проводить санитарно-гигиеническое просвещение населения.


ПК 1.3

Участвовать в проведении профилактики инфекционных и неинфекционных заболеваний

5.2.2. Лечебная деятельность

ПК 2.1

Представлять информацию в понятном для пациента виде, объяснять ему суть вмешательств.

ПК 2.2

Осуществлять лечебно-диагностические вмешательства, взаимодействуя с участниками лечебного процесса.

ПК 2.3

Сотрудничать с взаимодействующими организациями и службами.

ПК 2.7

Осуществлять реабилитационные мероприятия.

ПК 2.8

Оказывать паллиативную помощь.

5.2.3. Неотложная медицинская помощь на догоспитальном этапе

ПК 3.1

Оказывать доврачебную помощь при неотложных состояниях и травмах.

ПК 3.2

Участвовать в оказании медицинской помощи при чрезвычайных ситуациях.

ПК 3.3

Взаимодействовать с членами профессиональной бригады и добровольными помощниками в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций.





1 курс


№ п/п

Контролируемые разделы дисциплины (разделы, модули)

Код контролируемой компетенции

Наименование оценочного средства


Части тела.

ОК 4-6,8

Контрольная работа.


Сердце и кровь.

ОК 4-6,8

Контрольная работа.



ОК 4-6,8

Контрольная работа,


Работа медсестры.

ОК 4-6,8

Контрольная работа.


Первая помощь.

ОК 4-6,8

Контрольная работа.


Инфекционные болезни.

ОК 4-6,8

Сравнительная таблица на основе текстов.


Лекарственные средства.

ОК 4-6,8

Перевод лексики по теме.




2 курс


№ п/п

Контролируемые разделы дисциплины (разделы, модули)

Код контролируемой компетенции

Наименование оценочного средства


Анатомия и физиология.

ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №1


Сердце и кровь.

ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №2.



ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №3.



ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №3.


История медицины.

ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №3.



ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №4.



ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №4.



ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №4.



ОК 4-6,8

Тестовое задание №4.


Национальное здравоохранение.

ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.

Итоговое тестовое задание.









3 курс


№ п/п

Контролируемые разделы дисциплины (разделы, модули)

Код контролируемой компетенции

Наименование оценочного средства



ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.


Инфекционные заболевания.

ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.



ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.



ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.



ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.


Акушерство и гинекология.

ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.



ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.


Экстренная и неотложная медицинская помощь).

ОК 4-6,8

Перевод неадаптированного текста со словарем.



Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)













Раздел 1. Части тела

Контрольная работа


Итоговая работа по теме: Parts of Human Body. Heart. Blood.

I.    Поставьте местоимения вместо точек (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, возвратные):

1.   Nick is a student. ....... is my best friend.

2.   The doctor took ...... blood pressure.

3.   A patient can’t make an injection ........................ .

4.   My friends visited ...... last weekend. I was glad to see ...... .

5.   Pete came into the shop. ...... bought a new book there.

6.   ...... color is ...... pen? ...... pen is red.

7.   ...... book is mine, and ...... is Tom’s.

8.   There is a garden in front of ...... hospital.

9.   Usually ...... go to the college together.

10.            The patient can’t dress ...................... .


II.          Поставьте правильную форму глагола to be, учитывая время, указанное в скобках:

1.   We ...... the students of Medical College. ( Present Indefinite )

2.   How ...... you? I ......fine! ( Present Indefinite )

3.   He ...... a doctor. ( Past Indefinite )

4.   I ........... an oculist after finishing the University. ( Future Indefinite )

5.   Her hair ...... long and blonde. ( Present Indefinite )

6.   Ann and Pete ...... in the laboratory. ( Past Indefinite )


III.           Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов:

1.   Eyes, oculist, our, examines, the.


2.   Blood, the, carry, from, arteries, heart.


3.   Are, nearsighted, some, and, people, farsighted.


4.   Organ, a, is, wonderful, heart.


5.   Meal, my, I, every, teeth, day, after, brush.



IV.   Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1.   You must have a habit to brush your teeth after meal every day.


2.   If your hair is dry, protect it from the sun.


3.   Veins carry blood to the heart.


4.   Rinse your hands carefully with soap and running water.


5.   The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute.


6.   Blood has red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma.


7.   Our heart works as a pump.


8.   Cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze.


9.   About 5 litres of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries.


10.             The doctor, who treats the eye-diseases, is called an oculist.






Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Раздел 2. Сердце. Кровь

Контрольная работа


Итоговая работа по теме: Parts of Human Body. Heart. Blood.

V. Поставьте местоимения вместо точек (личные, притяжательные, указательные, вопросительные, возвратные):

11.            Nick is a student. ....... is my best friend.

12.            The doctor took ...... blood pressure.

13.            A patient can’t make an injection ........................ .

14.            My friends visited ...... last weekend. I was glad to see ...... .

15.            Pete came into the shop. ...... bought a new book there.

16.            ...... color is ...... pen? ...... pen is red.

17.            ...... book is mine, and ...... is Tom’s.

18.            There is a garden in front of ...... hospital.

19.            Usually ...... go to the college together.

20.            The patient can’t dress ...................... .


VI.       Поставьте правильную форму глагола to be, учитывая время, указанное в скобках:

7.   We ...... the students of Medical College. ( Present Indefinite )

8.   How ...... you? I ......fine! ( Present Indefinite )

9.   He ...... a doctor. ( Past Indefinite )

10.            I ........... an oculist after finishing the University. ( Future Indefinite )

11.            Her hair ...... long and blonde. ( Present Indefinite )

12.            Ann and Pete ...... in the laboratory. ( Past Indefinite )


VII.       Составьте предложения, соблюдая порядок слов:

6.   Eyes, oculist, our, examines, the.


7.   Blood, the, carry, from, arteries, heart.


8.   Are, nearsighted, some, and, people, farsighted.


9.   Organ, a, is, wonderful, heart.


10.            Meal, my, I, every, teeth, day, after, brush.




VIII.     Переведите предложения на русский язык:

11.            You must have a habit to brush your teeth after meal every day.


12.            If your hair is dry, protect it from the sun.


13.            Veins carry blood to the heart.


14.            Rinse your hands carefully with soap and running water.


15.            The human heart makes 60-80 contractions per minute.


16.            Blood has red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma.


17.            Our heart works as a pump.


18.            Cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze.


19.            About 5 litres of blood fill our arteries, veins and capillaries.


20.             The doctor, who treats the eye-diseases, is called an oculist.





Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)





















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



Тема: ДИЕТА.



Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)









Раздел 3. Диета

Контрольная работа


1. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык:

1.       physical work –

2.       need more food –

3.       consist of proteins –

4.       mixed diet –

5.       high temperature –

6.       poor appetite –

7.       pay attention –

8.       high caloric food –

9.       strengthen nervous system –

10.   take it daily –

11.   5 pints of water –

12.   without replacement –

13.   serious signs of illness –

14.   prescribe the diet –

15.   become healthy –

16.   winter vitamins –

17.   formation of bones –

18.   recover after illness –

19.   treatment of thrombosis –

20.   use a spoon instead of fork –





2. Вставьте пропущенные слова. Переведите предложения:

1.     If a person wants to be in good … he must be … about his diet.

a)     condition, nervous

b)    health, careful

c)     disease, mixed


2.     Try to make … noise when you … .

a)     large, sleep

b)    healthy, eat

c)     little, eat.


3.     Any patient with high … has a very … appetite and so a … must be very careful.

a)     temperature, big, doctor

b)    calories, high, nurse

c)     temperature, poor, nurse


4.     You can … many diseases by … .

a)     have, next week

b)    treat, diet

c)     feel, heart




5.       You must take vitamin … to increase resistance to … and to recover after … .

a)       A, eyesight, illness

b)      E, body formation, pain

c)       C, infection, illness


6.       The human … gives off about 5 … of water every day through the … , sweat glands and  … .

a)       heart, grams, eyes, nose

b)      body, litres, heart, arms.

c)       body, pints, lungs, kidneys


7.       In the living body … carries … from one part of the … to another.

a)       water, foodstuffs, body

b)      artery, blood, heart

c)       sweat, food, head




Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)














по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



















Раздел 4. Работа медсестры

Контрольная работа


TestNursing”    группа_________________Ф.И.___________________________


1.     Вставьте подходящую форму to be. Переведите предложения:


1.     There …………….six patients in the ward.


2.     There …………….only one nurse in the operating-room.


3.     There ……………..some more new prescriptions from the doctor for you tomorrow.


4.     There ……………..several wheel-chairs in the hall yesterday.


5.     There …………….the only one talented doctor in our hospital.


6.     There……………..some more prescriptions for that patient last week.


7.     There……………..a new medicine and some injections in the prescription.



8.     There……………..a temperature chart, where the nurse writes down the temperature.


9.     There……………..three nurses and a doctor on the surgery yesterday.


10. There……………..two weeks of practice for the student nurse.



2.     Поставьте общий и специальный  вопросы к предложениям:


1.                 The nurse must write down the temperature in temperature chart.




2. The doctors examine the patients at 9 o’clock every morning.




3.                  Patient with high temperature stayed in bed all day long.




4.     4. The chief-doctor usually controls the work of ward-nurses.



5.     The doctor prescribed some new medicines for this patient.



6.     Mustard plasters will help in fever.




3. Поставьте неопределённые местоимения somebody/something, anybody/anything, nobody/nothing, everybody/everything. Переведите предложения:

1. Is there…………………………………………, who knows how to make an injection?


2.   The patient was so hard, that…………………………………..could make a diagnosis.


3.   …………………………………phoned the doctor to ask about a patient’s condition.


4.       ………………………………..must know how to give the first aid.


5.       Has…………………………………….here got an ice-bag?


6.       The doctor can tell……………………………………….about this disease.


7.       …………………………………………got wrong with this patient.


8.       Doctor, can you prescribe…………………………………………….else to relieve the pain?


9.       …………………………………………….can confirm the cause of this compound fracture.


10.   ……………………………………seems to awful in depression.



Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)














по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



















Раздел 5. Первая помощь


Контрольная работа



Итоговая контрольная работа. Первая помощь. Времена глагола.

I. Поставьте глаголы в форму Present, Past, Future Indefinite и переведите:

1. The first aid ………..essential part of teaching at the medical college.(to be )


2. The boy fell on his knee and …………… a bruise. (to get )


3. He …………… a compound fracture yesterday. (to get )


4. Tom …………… a severe bleeding. He ……………… to the hospital. (to have, to go)


5. If movement of arm or leg ……………… , there may be fracture. (to hurt )


II. Поставьте глаголы в форму Present, Past, Future Continuous и переведите:

1.     The doctor ………………………………… a splint now. ( to bind )



2.     We ……………………………….. anatomy from 2 to 4 yesterday. ( to study )


3.     Ann ………………………………………… for Latin all day long last weekend. ( to prepare )


4.     Tomorrow our group …………………………………… part in the conference all day long. ( to take )


5.     Pete and Kate …………………………. English words all the evening yesterday. ( to learn)



III. Зачеркните неправильный вариант и переведите слово:

first help / first aid –

fracture /fraecturum –

splintd / splint –

wound / waund –

braise / bruise –

pain / paine –

blaad / blood –

X-rais / X-rays –

gauze / gouse –

bon / bone –

limb / libm –

to consult / to consalt –

arthery / artery –

to save / to safe –

scarlet / skarlet –

bleeding / blooding –

to stop bliding / to stop bleeding –

injury / inghury –

red / rad –

achcident / accident –


Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)














по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



















Раздел 6. Инфекционные болезни


1. Составить сравнительную таблицу на основе предложенных текстов по указанным критериям: symptoms, cause, incubation period, susceptible patients, treatment and prophylaxis.



The main symptoms of the disease are: slight fever, general discomfort, headache, stiff neck, stiff back. It may result in paralysis of any part of the body. The cause of poliomyelitis is a virus. The incubation period of the disease is 7-21 days. The most susceptible patients are the children from 9 months to 5 years. The child should be isolated from onset of the disease till fever subsides. We can prevent poliomyelitis with oral polio vaccine.

Лексика по теме:

slight – лёгкий                                                           susceptible - восприимчивый

general discomfort – общее недомогание                onset - начало

stiff – окостеневший                                                 to subside - спадать

paralysis – паралич                                                    oral – пероральный



The main symptoms of the disease are fever, headache, malaise. The cause of typhoid is a bacillus. The incubation period is 7-21 days. The most susceptible patients are children and young adults. To treat the disease you should follow proper disposal of stools and urine and to give chloramphenicol or substitute for 3-4 weeks. We can prevent typhoid with typhoid vaccine.

Лексика по теме:

malaise – недомогание, дискомфорт                       proper - надлежащий

young – молодой                                                       disposal - устранение

adult – взрослый                                                       substitute - заменитель

to follow – следовать                                                to prevent – предотвратить



The main symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, cough, sore throat. The cause of the disease is streptococcus. The incubation period is 2-5 days. The patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease. To treat the patient with tonsillitis we should give penicillin or substitute injections for 10 days. There are no any ways of prevention of tonsillitis.



The main symptoms of tetanus are stiffness of jaw, spasms and convulsions, difficulty in swallowing. The cause of the disease is a bacillus. The incubation period is from 5 days to 2 weeks. The disease is not communicable from person to person. The patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease. The patient with tetanus should be hospitalized and the wound should be cleaned immediately. A doctor must use tetanus toxoid separate or in DPT to treat the patient.


Лексика по теме:

tetanus – бешенство                                                 swallowing - глотание

stiffness – окостенелость                                         communicable - передаваемый

jaw – челюсть                                                           toxoid - анатоксин

convulsion – конвульсия                                          DPTdiphtheria pertussis tetanus (vaccine)


1.     What is the difference between the symptoms of poliomyelitis and typhoid?

2.     Are there any similar symptoms between poliomyelitis and tetanus?

3.     What are the causes of all these diseases?

4.     What can you say about the treatment of poliomyelitis, typhoid, tonsillitis and tetanus?

5.     Are there any ways of prevention of the diseases?



2. На основании следующей клинической картины определите, чем болел пациент?


The boy complained of a bad headache, vomiting and a sore throat. His pulse was rapid. The inflammation of the throat was associated with the enlargement of the glands of neck. The patient was noted to have loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disturbances and small amount of urine of dark colour. His hands, legs and body were covered with a fine red rash, it being most clearly marked on his abdomen.



1.     What infectious disease is represented in the text?

2.     What is the period of invasion in the disease characterized by?

3.     What are the typical symptoms of the disease?

4.     What is the most characteristic complication after the disease?




















Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)














по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)

















Раздел 7. Лекарственные средства.

Переведите выражения:

1.     Powder:

·        to take a powder for

·        a sweet (bitter) powder

2.     Tablet:

·        to take a tablet three times a day

·        a half tablet

·        these tablets have no side effects

3.     Pill:

·        to take a pill after (during, before) meal

·        to take some milk after the pill

4.     Ointment:

·        to put an ointment on…

5.     Suppository:

·        to keep the suppositories in cool place

6.     Globule:

·        to wash the hands before the use of the globules

7.     Ampule:

·        to keep the ampules in a dark place

·        to give injections

8.     Solution:

·        to read the doctor’s instruction before giving the solution

9.     Mixture:

·        to shake the bottle with the mixture before use

10.  Infusion:

·        to take an infusion

11.  Decoction:

·        to give a decoction four times a day before meal

12.  Drops:

·        to keep drops in a dark place

·        to wash the pipette before (after) use

·        to drop five drops

13.  Tincture:

·        to take twenty drops of the tincture

14.  Tablespoonful

·        to take a tablespoonful of…

15.  Teaspoonful

·        to take a teaspoonful on an empty stomach

16.  Prescription

·        to give a prescription

·        to prescribe medicine (treatment)


Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)















в форме дифференцированного зачета

по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)













Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И.___________________________________________

Вариант 1.


1.     Nearsighted and farsighted people need proper kind of …

a)     eyes

b)    glasses

c)     food

d)    blood


2.     … heart diseases are caused by structural defects.

a)     Many

b)    Acquired

c)     Congenital

d)    All


3.     You … crack nuts with teeth.

a)     mustn’t

b)    will

c)     can

d)    are allowed to


4.     Do not rub or press the eyeballs, they are very delicate

a)     лечить

b)    закрывать

c)     ломать

d)    тереть


5.     Don’t put your … in your mouth.

a)     fork

b)    spoon

c)     knife

d)    food


6.     Daily we lose some …

a)     water

b)    blood

c)     weight

d)    consciousness


7.     Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals you … find in fish, meat, fruits, milk, etc.

a)     must

b)    can

c)     should

d)    need


8.     Vitamin E improves poor blood circulation.

a)     увеличивает

b)    предотвращает

c)     улучшает

d)    защищает


9.     The best way to stop … is by direct pressure with a clean cloth.

a)     bleeding

b)    talking

c)     eating

d)    sleeping


10. Loss of … can cause shock.

a)     water

b)    blood

c)     money

d)    appetite


11. When you give the first aid you … be very calm.

a)     needn’t

b)    can

c)     must

d)    have to


12. If the bruise is very bad you must consult the doctor.

a)     ушиб

b)    перелом

c)     вывих

d)    обморок


13. Work at the hospital begins at … o’clock in the morning.

a)     7

b)    6

c)     9

d)    12


14. The nurses write down the temperature in …

a)     case-history

b)    table

c)     prescription

d)    temperature charts


15. The hospital … very large.

a)     is

b)    were

c)     can

d)    need


16. Never say the word “incurable”.

a)     болезненный

b)    неизлечимый

c)     смертельный

d)    здоровый


17. What is the first symptom of many infectious diseases?

a)     rash

b)    ache

c)     fever

d)    nausea


18. Mumps attacks both … glands.

a)     parotid

b)    sweat

c)     thyroid

d)    sebaceous


19. The cause of typhoid is a …

a)     virus

b)    streptococcus

c)     bacillus

d)    wound


20. The period of convalescence after diphtheria is a few more weeks at home.

a)     болезнь

b)    выздоровление

c)     лекарство

d)    лечение


21. Erythromycin is used in … solutions for ear and nose infections.

a)     water

b)    hot

c)     powder

d)    allergic


22. The application of different … during tabletting plays a very important role.

a)     position

b)    pressure

c)     way

d)    solution


23. To support the leaves and to connect them with the roots are the main functions of the …

a)     root

b)    flower

c)     seed

d)    stem


24. Sometimes sulfonamides produce toxic side-effects.

a)     побочный эффект

b)    тошнота

c)     отравление

d)    лихорадка


25. The Oath of Hippocrates contains many of his … and  principles.

a)     prescriptions

b)    ideas

c)     thoughts

d)    drugs


26. The main attention of health service in Russia is paid to …

a)     plague

b)    prophylaxis

c)     cancer

d)    drugs


27. What does form the basis of the medical code of honor?

a)     label

b)    Theory of Germs

c)     The Hippocrates Oath

d)    Case History


28. Cocaine was very effective as a local anaesthetic.

a)     местный

b)    сильный

c)     запрещённый

d)    общий


Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________

Вариант 2.


1.     Doctor who treats … is called an oculist.

a)     thrombosis

b)    fever

c)     plague

d)    eye diseases


2.     Human heart usually makes from 60 to 72 … per minute.

a)     beats

b)    contractions

c)     phases

d)    strikes


3.     See the dentist twice … year.

a)     the

b)    a


d)    every


4.     In children the rate of the heart beat is much higher.

a)     способ

b)    интервал

c)     частота

d)    интенсивность


5.     The human body gives off about 5 … of water every 24 years.

a)     pints

b)    litres

c)     kilogrammes

d)    times



6.     People of physical work need more … than people of mental work.

a)     money

b)    food

c)     time

d)    water


7.     Daily we … some water.

a)     lost

b)    will be losing

c)     loost

d)    lose


8.     Overdosage of some vitamins may be harmful.

a)     вредный

b)    опасный

c)     полезный

d)    лечебный


9.     A … fracture is the most serious.

a)     closed

b)    compound

c)     open

d)    swollen


10. The first aid for poisoning is to empty the …

a)     temperature

b)    heart

c)     stomach

d)    intestine


11. The bruised place … red and swollen at first.

a)     looks

b)    lookings

c)     had look

d)    will look


12. In severe cases of bleeding doctors make blood transfusion.

a)     кровопотеря

b)    переливание

c)     кровосмешение

d)    кровообращение


13. Many doctors and nurses work at the …

a)     plant

b)    laboratory

c)     nursery

d)    hospital




14. Nurse helps people to walk and takes them in a …

a)     toilet

b)    wheel-chair

c)     stretcher

d)    air-ring


15. The nurse … know how to give a cleansing enema.

a)     must

b)    will

c)     may

d)    can


16. It is unnecessary to assemble a syringe.

a)     стерилизовать

b)    собирать

c)     разбирать

d)    кипятить


17. What diet must a child with scarlet fever have?

a)     high-caloric

b)    nourishing

c)     fluid

d)    light


18. Antihistamine syrup helps to relieve …

a)     itching

b)    pain

c)     temperature

d)    fever


19. The way of preventing tonsillitis:

a)     vaccine

b)    toxoid

c)     no way

d)    antibiotics


20. The child should stay ay home till jaundice has disappeared.

a)     желтуха

b)    симптом

c)     сыпь

d)    тошнота


21. … are added to the tablets to improve their flow properties.

a)     Auxiliary substances

b)    Glidants

c)     Lubricants

d)    Liquids


22. Alcohol has a very negative influence on the effect of …

a)     medicines

b)    injections

c)     ointment

d)    food


23. The reproductive part of the plant is made of …

a)     roots

b)    flowers and seeds

c)     stem

d)    soil


24. Antibiotics kill some of the simple organisms.

a)     улучшать

b)    скрывать

c)     убивать

d)    размножать


25. Hippocrates established the first medical school in …

a)     Athens

b)    Ceylon

c)     Italy

d)    Europe


26. … sciences were taught in the first Universities during the 13th and 14th centuries.

a)     Chemical

b)    Archeological

c)     Artificial

d)    Biological


27. During the Middle Ages … killed many millions of people in Europe.

a)     leprosy

b)    plague

c)     influenza

d)    scarlet fever


28. Some infectious diseases can be a cause of death and disability.

a)     потеря трудоспособности

b)    потеря сознания

c)     депрессия

d)    суеверие







Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф.И._______________________________________

Вариант 3.


1.     Don’t use … to clean your teeth after meals

a)     brush

b)    enema

c)     metal things

d)    soap


2.     The rate heart beat increases depending on different …

a)     emotions

b)    people

c)     ages

d)    light


3.     After heavy exercises the heart work …

a)     fast

b)    slowly

c)     faster

d)    the best


4.     Soap your hands well.

a)     вытирать

b)    намыливать

c)     сжимать

d)    чистить


5.     Vitamin D helps the body in formation of …

a)     blood

b)    food

c)     nerves

d)    bones





6.     It is very important to give … food to a patient with high temperature.

a)     high-caloric

b)    fat

c)     fluid

d)    many


7. The person … go without water 7-10 days.

a)     shall

b)    can

c)     must

d)    need


8. Don’t use a spoon instead of a fork.

a)     вместе

b)    из-за

c)     вместо

d)    потому что


9. When you fall on your knee you get … on it.

a)     bruise

b)    fracture

c)     cut

d)    wound


10… may be a cause of fainting.

a)     brain

b)    ammonia water

c)     food

d)    pain


11. In shock put a person … his back.

a)     under

b)    on

c)     near

d)    through


12. In fainting blood doesn’t get to the brain.

a)     желудок

b)    кишечник

c)     мозг

d)    спина


13.Each … tells the doctor about her patients.

a)     ward nurse

b)    doctor

c)     patient

d)    disease


14. Doctors begin … the patients at 9 o’clock.

a)     to treat

b)    to examine

c)     to prescribe

d)    to cover


15.Don’t gossip … the patients!

a)     to

b)    over

c)     by

d)    about


16. The doctor does surgery on a patient.

a)     операция

b)    инъекция

c)     осмотр

d)    капельница


17. How does measles pass?

a)     from sneezing

b)    from bleeding

c)     from rash

d)    from injection


18. Diphtheria mainly effects the …

a)     head

b)    throat

c)     stomach

d)    ears


19. The same symptoms of poliomyelitis and tetanus are:

a)     fever

b)    headache

c)     spasms

d)    stiffness



20. A patient in delirium is very restless.

a)     слабый

b)    беспокойный

c)     вялый

d)    здоровый


21. The tablet is the most common form for the administration of a drug in … state.

a)     dry

b)    liquid

c)     solid

d)    powder


22. We can buy or order medicines at the …

a)     shop

b)    library

c)     chemist’s

d)    hospital


23.… are often used in place of antibiotics.

a)     Tablets

b)    Sulfonamides

c)     Liquids

d)    Injections


24. Glidants are added to the tablets to improve their flow properties.

a)     смазывающие вещества

b)    скользящие вещества

c)     жидкости

d)    вспомогательные вещества


25. In the Middle Ages everybody agreed that plague was…

a)     god’s punishment

b)    infectious disease

c)     incubation period of leprosy

d)    high temperature


26. In 1901 Karl LandSteiner discovered the … groups.

a)     parotid

b)    children

c)     germs

d)    blood


27. Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very …

a)     fast

b)    careful

c)     attentively

d)    long


28. Great progress in the 20th century was made in the prevention and treatment of kidney disorder.

a)     почечная колика

b)    печёночная недостаточность

c)     пиелонефрит

d)    почечная недостаточность












Эталон к тесту


























































































Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Раздел 1. Анатомия и физиология

Тест №1

Anatomy and Physiology. Systems of the body.

1.   Millions of microscopic individual units are called …

a)   moleculas

b)  bricks

c)   cells

d)  tissues


2.   The respiratory system consists of …

a)   stomach & intestines

b)  blood

c)   air passages & lungs

d)  brain


3.   What is nucleus responsible for?

a)   breathing

b)  growth

c)   oxygen

d)  reproduction


4.   What system of the body has a transporting function?

a)   circulatory

b)  muscular

c)   urinary

d)  nervous


5.   The … system consists of bones, ligaments and cartilages.

a)   muscular

b)  nervous

c)   digestive

d)  skeletal


6.   What do glands produce?

a)   oxygen

b)  hormones

c)   cells

d)  blood


7.   Joints are the places, where … come together.

a)   bones

b)  muscles

c)   lungs

d)  nerves


8.   The same name of the circulatory system is .. .

a)   the blood system

b)  the nervous system

c)   the cardiovascular system

d)  the respiratory system


9.   What do the two ureters do?

a)   produce hormones

b)  convey the urine away from the kidneys

c)   move us about

d)  remove carbon dioxide


10.   What way is the urine discharged?

a)   through the lungs

b)  through the blood

c)   through the kidneys

d)  through the urethra


11.   What is carried away by the blood vessels?

a)   cellular wastes

b)  oxygen

c)   urine

d)  genes


12.   The chief function of the skeletal system is … .

a)   communicating

b)  structural

c)   transporting

d)  regulating






13.   Mouth, pharynx, stomach, liver, pancreas – compose … system.

a)   respiratory

b)  reproductive

c)   digestive

d)  nervous


14.   Respiration is the mechanical process of … .

a)   breathing

b)  swallowing

c)   eating

d)  bleeding


15.   The … system is composed of glands.

a)   digestive

b)  respiratory

c)   endocrine

d)  nervous


























Эталоны ответов




Тест 1



































Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Раздел 2. Сердце и кровь

Тест №2

Blood. Heart. Circulation.

1.   … are red blood cells of which 4,5-5 million in each cubic mm.

a)   Agranulocytes

b)  Platelets

c)   Erythrocytes

d)  Plasma


2.   Thrombocytes are formed in the … .

a)   bone marrow

b)  spleen

c)   heart

d)  ulcer


3.   What do erythrocytes carry away?

a)   oxygen

b)  carbon dioxide

c)   water

d)  NaCl


4.   What is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred?

a)   plasma

b)  serum

c)   water

d)  coagulation


5.   One of the types of granulocytes is … .

a)   monocytes

b)  cytoplasm

c)   carbon dioxide

d)  neutrophils


6.   Platelets are necessary for … .

a)   gaseous exchange

b)  blood clotting

c)   coagulation

d)  genes


7.   People with lack of haemoglobin suffer with … .

a)   anaemia

b)  anaesthesia

c)   cleft palate

d)  heart failure


8.   What is a constant temperature of blood?

a)   38’C

b)  37’C

c)   36,6’C

d)  36’C


9.   Vessels, carrying blood away from the heart, are known as … .

a)   veins

b)  vessels

c)   arteries

d)  capillaries


10.   Is there any communication between left and right sides of the heart?

a)   no

b)  yes

c)   sometimes

d)  artificial


11.   What two chambers of the heart are separated by?

a)   membrane

b)  wall

c)   diaphragm

d)  ventricle


12.   How is the upper compartment of the heart called?

a)   spleen

b)  ventricle

c)   atrium

d)  chamber






13.   Tubes called … carry blood from the heart.

a)   vessels

b)  nodes

c)   cartilages

d)  marrows


14.   How is the case of the heart has stopped beating called?

a)   coagulation

b)  cardiac arrest

c)   anaemia

d)  thrombosis


15.   Blood is pumped from the left atrium to the left ventricle  through  the … .

a)   semilunar valve

b)  tricuspid valve

c)   mitral valve

d)  aorta


16.   The distension of the veins is called … .

a)   rheumatic  fever

b)  thrombosis

c)   varicose veins

d)  endocarditis


17.   Where does the pain in heart attack radiate?

a)   head

b)  shoulder and left arm

c)   eyes

d)  stomach


18.   The round trip of blood is called … .

a)   transfusion

b)  coagulation

c)   expiration

d)  circulation






19.   What carries only oxygenated blood?

a)   arteries

b)  veins

c)   platelets

d)  erythrocytes


20.   … return the blood direct to the right atrium.

a)   Superia vena cava

b)  Mitral valve

c)   Coronary veins

d)  Vessels


21.   Partial obstruction causes a condition called … .

a)   heart failure

b)  angina pectoris

c)   deoxygenation

d)  collapse


22.   Complete obstruction is known as … .

a)   coronary thrombosis

b)  heart failure

c)   varicose veins

d)  collapse


23.   What is the function of the valves?

a)   to oxygenate the blood

b)  to expel waste products

c)   to prevent blood flowing the wrong way

d)  to make heartbeats


24.   Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is called … .

a)   respiration

b)  transfusion

c)   external cardiac compression

d)  heart attack






25.   What is combined with the haemoglobin?

a)   carbon dioxide

b)  oxygen

c)   NaCl

d)  water






Эталоны ответов

Тест 2























































Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)








Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Разделы: 3,4,5: Дыхание, Пищеварение, История медицины

Respiration. Digestion. Abdomen.

1.   What enteres the blood during respiration?

a)   oxygen

b)  NaCl

c)   carbon dioxide

d)  water


2.   The spaces between the ribs are filled by the … .

a)   diaphragm

b)  capillaries

c)   rib muscles

d)  tissues


3.   In what two branches does the trachea divide?

a)   aortas

b)  bronchi

c)   larynx

d)  lungs


4.   What forms the floor of the cage for lungs?

a)   rib muscles

b)  bronchi

c)   air sac

d)  diaphragm


5.   Carbon dioxide is carried by the … .

a)   plasma

b)  water

c)   leucocytes

d)  haemoglobin


6.   What does the air reach after passing through the nasal cavity?

a)   lungs

b)  alveolus

c)   pharynx

d)  larynx




7.   How many lobes does the right lung have?

a)   one

b)  two

c)   two and a half

d)  three


8.   What is the function of mucus?

a)   to collect dirt

b)  to transform oxygen

c)   to prevent inflammation

d)  to expel carbon dioxide


9.   The length of … is about 15 sm.

a)   intestines

b)  lungs

c)   trachea

d)  spleen


10.   What process rids the lungs of carbon dioxide?

a)   expiration

b)  inspiration

c)   respiration

d)  breathing


11.   The sheet of muscle, separating the chest from the abdomen, is called … .

a)   rib muscle

b)  diaphragm

c)   stomach

d)  bellow


12.   Certain substances, made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the alimentary canal, are called … .

a)   enzymes

b)  vitamins

c)   mucus

d)  glucose





13.   What is not a constituent of food?

a)   protein

b)  fat

c)   water

d)  carbon dioxide


14.   … are necessary for cell growth and repair.

a)   Fats

b)  Proteins

c)   Milk

d)  Carbohydrates


15.   For the production of blood, urine, sweat and digestive juice the body requires… .

a)   NaCl

b)  air

c)   water

d)  sun


16.   What mineral is necessary for the production of haemoglobin?

a)   protein

b)  iron

c)   water

d)  glucose


17.   The function of fat is … .

a)   to repair injuries

b)  to produce digestive juice

c)   a reserve source of energy

d)  a production of blood


18.   Where does the partially digested food enter after stomach?

a)   rectum

b)  small intestine

c)   large intestine

d)  oesophagus




19.   The first stage where digestion begins is … .

a)   stomach

b)  oesophagus

c)   mouth

d)  intestine


20.   Where do the indigestible residues pass?

a)   stomach

b)  small intestine

c)   rectum

d)  large intestine


21.   What does the liver produce?

a)   bile

b)  enzymes

c)   urine

d)  blood


22.   Where is bile stored?

a)   in the ventricle

b)  in the gall-bladder

c)   in the urinary-bladder

d)  in the duodenum


23.   What does the acid of the gastric juice neutralize?

a)   pancreatic juice

b)  blood

c)   water

d)  bile


24.   What does digestion of carbohydrates initiate?

a)   salivary enzyme

b)  bile

c)   gastric juice

d)  water






25.   How many hours mustn’t the patient eat before general anaesthesia?

a)   two

b)  three

c)   four

d)  twelve


26.   The muscular action along the entire alimentary canal is called … .

a)   digestion

b)  peristalsis

c)   oesophagus

d)  contraction


27.   Where does gall-bladder lie?

a)   underneath the stomach

b)  above the diaphragm

c)   underneath the liver

d)  in the loop of an intestine


28.   What is paralysed during general anaesthesia?

a)   breathing

b)  bleeding

c)   moving

d)  mechanism of swallowing


29.   The system of tubes through which the food passes on its way from mouth to anus is called … .

a)   digestive

b)  alimentary canal

c)   food passage

d)  food way


30.   What does human body require for producing blood?

a)   water

b)  haemoglobin

c)   bile

d)  iron





31.   What is not the sign of inflammation?

a)   pain

b)  swelling

c)   bruise

d)  redness


32.   I. Mechnikov discovered the process of … .

a)   blood clotting

b)  coagulation

c)   X-rays

d)  Phagocytosis


33.   … is not a disease but a nonspecific response of the organism.

a)   Anaemia

b)  Influenza

c)   Inflammation

d)  Cancer


34.   What is a constant temperature of a healthy body?

a)   37,3’C

b)  37’C

c)   36,6’C

d)  36,8’C


35.   The first source of description of the signs of inflammation is … .

a)   Egyptian papyrus

b)  Celsus

c)   Virchow

d)  Mechnikov




Эталоны ответов

Тест 3











































































Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



     Тема: ПАТОЛОГИЯ

     Тема: СЕКРЕЦИЯ


              Тема: ЛЕКАРСТВА



Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Разделы: 6,7,8,9: Патология, Секреция, Иммунитет, Сопротивляемость, Лекарства.

Pathology. Allergy. Secretion. Immunity.

1.   Pathology is the study of … .

a)   blood groups

b)  disease

c)   drugs

d)  circulation


2.   Any shallow breach of the skin or mucous membrane is called … .

a)   ulcer

b)  abnormal sac

c)   cyst

d)  scratch


3.   Where can cysts occur?

a)   in nodes

b)  in tissues

c)   in cells

d)  in blood


4.   A surgical removal of some diseased tissue for examination under a microscope is called … .

a)   theraphy

b)  surgery

c)   test

d)  biopsy


5.   A swelling, caused by an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of body cells, is called … .

a)   tumour

b)  cyst

c)   cancer

d)  ulcer






6.   What is a congenital defect?

a)   scarlet fever

b)  hay fever

c)   cleft palate

d)  allergy


7.   What is a product for a bacteriological examination?

a)   swab

b)  waste product

c)   cough

d)  trachea


8.   A violent reaction to certain types of pollen, food, drugs, latex products is called … .

a)   anaemia

b)  allergy

c)   obstruction

d)  collapse


9.   What is the most allergic drug?

a)   lignocaine

b)  halothane

c)   penicillin

d)  hydrogen peroxide


10.        A severe state of a collapse is called … .

a)   anaphylactic shock

b)  anaemia

c)   surgery

d)  pus


11.        What organ realizes secretion?

a)   liver

b)  gland

c)   pancreas

d)  blood





12.   What is taken out of the cell in the first instance of secretion?

a)   H2O

b)  FeSO4

c)   NaCl

d)  Oxygen


13.   If the materials, produced by the gland are poured onto the free surface, this type of secretion is called…

a)   external secretion

b)  internal secretion

c)   response

d)  duct


14.   What the activity of the gland is accompanied by?

a)   bleeding

b)  dilation of blood vessels

c)   temperature

d)  pressure


15.   The walls of a gland are composed of … cells.

a)   blood

b)  white

c)   dead

d)  epithelial


16.   Immunity is proved by certain … blood cells.

a)   red

b)  white

c)   dead

d)  resistant


17.   How is a life-long protection called?

a)   congenital immunity

b)  acquired immunity

c)   natural immunity

d)  resistance





18.   What can stimulate the production of antibodies and antitoxins?

a)   vaccination

b)  inflammation

c)   foreign bodies

d)  fever


19.        The artificially reproduced immunity is called … .

a)   vaccination

b)  resistance

c)   transfusion

d)  infection


20.        When is passive immunity used against?

a)   diphtheria

b)  AIDS

c)   tetanus

d)  chickenpox


21.        The creamy liquid mixture of dead white cells and bacteria is called … .

a)   serum

b)  residue

c)   boils

d)  pus


22.        Abscesses of the skin are called … .

a)   boils

b)  platelets

c)   thrombosis

d)  antigens


23.        The temporary repair tissue is called … tissue.

a)   epithelial

b)  granulation

c)   muscle

d)  cellulitic






24.        Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from … .

a)   plants

b)  blood cells

c)   sulfonamides

d)  microorganisms


25.        Where must caustics be kept?

a)   on the lowest shelf of the cabinet

b)  in the coo lplace

c)   in the transparent bollte

d)  on the highest shelf of the cabinet.









Эталоны ответов

Тест 4



























































Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)














по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)












Раздел 10. Национальное здравоохранение


Перевести текст со словарем


Health Service in Russia


Citizens of Russia have the right to the health protection. The Constitution of the Russian Federation gives us the right not only for free education, but also for free medical aid. So, thousands of medical institutions – hospitals, clinics, polyclinics – give free medical aid to all people in Russia.

The main principle of Russian Health Service is to care for each person’s health through his life. The number of hospitals, clinics, rest-homes and sanatoria grows every year. Today large factories have their own polyclinics and rest-areas.

The main attention of health service in Russia is paid to prophylaxis. One of the most important tasks in the fight against different diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the disease. Periodical medical examinations are practiced almost everywhere. Thousands of healthy people regularly undergo careful medical examinations.

We pay much attention to the popularization of medical science among the population. We believe that one of the main available methods of preventing the spread of diseases in health education. So, there are many medical schools and colleges with free tuition in Russia.

The basic medical unit in our country is the polyclinic. We have polyclinics for the adult population and for children. Children are under special medical care since birth. For children of delicate health there are many sanatoria schools situated in healthy and picturesque places.

Both young and adult ambulant patients are seen at the polyclinic by the district doctors. A patient who is ill at home is visited by his district doctor. The doctor works 6 hours a day. For the district doctor this is made up of 3 hours in consultation at the polyclinic and 3 hours in visiting patients in their homes.

The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. The ambulances are equipped by diagnostic, respiratory, anaesthetic and electro-therapeutic apparatus, blood-transfusion and other equipment.

There are several specialized hospitals in Russia for the treatment of particular diseases – infections, psychiatric diseases, cancer, ophthalmological diseases and others.

Much attention in our country is paid to the scientific problems, concerning the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, viral and oncological diseases, the problems of gerontology, medical genetics, immunology and the creation of artificial organs.




Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)















в форме дифференцированного зачета

по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.

Вариант 1

1. Millions of microscopic individual units are called …

a) moleculas

b) bricks

c) cells

d) tissues

2. The respiratory system consists of …

a) stomach & intestines

b) blood

c) air passages & lungs

d) brain

3. What is nucleus responsible for?

a) breathing

b) growth

c) oxygen

d) reproduction

4. What system of the body has a transporting function?

a) circulatory

b) muscular

c) urinary

d) nervous





5  … are red blood cells of which 4,5-5 million in each cubic mm.

a) Agranulocytes

b) Platelets

c) Erythrocytes

d) Plasma


6  Thrombocytes are formed in the … .

a) bone marrow

b) spleen

c) heart

d) ulcer


7  Is there any communication between left and right sides of the heart?

a) no

b) yes

c) sometimes

d) artificial

8  What two chambers of the heart are separated by?

a) membrane

b) wall

c) diaphragm

d) ventricle





9  The round trip of blood is called … .

a) transfusion

b) coagulation

c) expiration

d) circulation


10 What carries only oxygenated blood?

a) arteries

b) veins

c) platelets

d) erythrocytes

11 What enteres the blood during respiration?

a) oxygen

b) NaCl

c) carbon dioxide

d) water

12 The spaces between the ribs are filled by the … .

a) diaphragm

b) capillaries

c) rib muscles

d) tissues

13 In what two branches does the trachea divide?

a) aortas

b) bronchi

c) larynx

d) lungs

14 The sheet of muscle, separating the chest from the abdomen, is called … .

a) rib muscle

b) diaphragm

c) stomach

d) bellow

15      Certain substances, made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the alimentary canal, are called … .

a) enzymes

b) vitamins

c) mucus

d) glucose

16 What is not a constituent of food?

a) protein

b) fat

c) water

d) carbon dioxide

17     … are necessary for cell growth and repair.

a) Fats

b) Proteins

c) Milk

d) Carbohydrates

18      For the production of blood, urine, sweat and digestive juice the body requires…

a) NaCl

b) air

c) water

d) sun


19 What is not the sign of inflammation?

a) pain

b) swelling

c) bruise

d) redness

20      Pathology is the study of … .

a) blood groups

b) disease

c) drugs

d) circulation

21      Any shallow breach of the skin or mucous membrane is called … .

a) ulcer

b) abnormal sac

c) cyst

d) scratch

22      A violent reaction to certain types of pollen, food, drugs, latex products is called … .

a) anaemia

b) allergy

c) obstruction

d) collapse

23 What organ realizes secretion?

a) liver

b) gland

c) pancreas

d) blood



24 What is taken out of the cell in the first instance of secretion?

a) H2O

b) FeSO4

c) NaCl

d) Oxygen

25     Immunity is proved by certain … blood cells.

a) red

b) white

c) dead

d) resistant

26 How is a life-long protection called?

a) congenital immunity

b) acquired immunity

c) natural immunity

d) resistance


Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.


Вариант 2

1       The … system consists of bones, ligaments and cartilages.

a) muscular

b) nervous

c) digestive

d) skeletal

2  What do glands produce?

a) oxygen

b) hormones

c) cells

d) blood

3       Joints are the places, where … come together.

a) bones

b) muscles

c) lungs

d) nerves

4       The same name of the circulatory system is .. .

a) the blood system

b) the nervous system

c) the cardiovascular system

d) the respiratory system

5  What do erythrocytes carry away?

a) oxygen

b) carbon dioxide

c) water

d) NaCl

6  What is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred?

a) plasma

b) serum

c) water

d) coagulation

7  How is the upper compartment of the heart called?

a) spleen

b) ventricle

c) atrium

d) chamber

8       Tubes called … carry blood from the heart.

a) vessels

b) nodes

c) cartilages

d) marrows

9       … return the blood direct to the right atrium.

a) Superia vena cava

b) Mitral valve

c) Coronary veins

d) Vessels

10     Partial obstruction causes a condition called … .

a) heart failure

b) angina pectoris

c) deoxygenation

d) collapse




11 What forms the floor of the cage for lungs?

a) rib muscles

b) bronchi

c) air sac

d) diaphragm

12     Carbon dioxide is carried by the … .

a) plasma

b) water

c) leucocytes

d) haemoglobin

13 What mineral is necessary for the production of haemoglobin?

a) protein

b) iron

c) water

d) glucose

14     The function of fat is … .

a) to repair injuries

b) to produce digestive juice

c) a reserve source of energy

d) a production of blood

15 Where does the partially digested food enter after stomach?

a) rectum

b) small intestine

c) large intestine

d) oesophagus



16     The first stage where digestion begins is … .

a) stomach

b) oesophagus

c) mouth

d) intestine

17 Where do the indigestible residues pass?

a) stomach

b) small intestine

c) rectum

d) large intestine

18. I. Mechnikov discovered the process of … .

a) blood clotting

b) coagulation

c) X-rays

d) phagocytosis

19 Where can cysts occur?

a) in nodes

b) in tissues

c) in cells

d) in blood

20      A surgical removal of some diseased tissue for examination under a microscope is called … .

a) theraphy

b) surgery

c) test

d) biopsy



21 What is the most allergic drug?

a) lignocaine

b) halothane

c) penicillin

d) hydrogen peroxide

22     If the materials, produced by the gland are poured onto the free surface, this type of secretion is called

a) external secretion

b) internal secretion

c) response

d) duct

23 What can stimulate the production of antibodies and antitoxins?

a) vaccination

b) inflammation

c) foreign bodies

d) fever

24     The artificially reproduced immunity is called … .

a) vaccination

b) resistance

c) transfusion

d) infection

25 When is passive immunity used against?

a) diphtheria


c) tetanus

d) chickenpox



26      Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from … .

a) plants

b) blood cells

c) sulfonamides

d) microorganisms


Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.


Вариант 3

1  What do the two ureters do?

a) produce hormones

b) convey the urine away from the kidneys

c) move us about

d) remove carbon dioxide

2  What way is the urine discharged?

a) through the lungs

b) through the blood

c) through the kidneys

d) through the urethra

3  What is carried away by the blood vessels?

a) cellular wastes

b) oxygen

c) urine

d) genes

4       The chief function of the skeletal system is … .

a) communicating

b) structural

c) transporting

d) regulating







5       One of the types of granulocytes is … .

a) monocytes

b) cytoplasm

c) carbon dioxide

d) neutrophils

6       Platelets are necessary for … .

a) gaseous exchange

b) blood clotting

c) coagulation

d) genes

7       People with lack of haemoglobin suffer with … .

a) anaemia

b) anaesthesia

c) cleft palate

d) heart failure

8  How is the case of the heart has stopped beating called?

a) coagulation

b) cardiac arrest

c) anaemia

d) thrombosis

9       Blood is pumped from the left atrium to the left ventricle  through  the … .

a) semilunar valve

b) tricuspid valve

c) mitral valve

d) aorta



10     Complete obstruction is known as … .

a) coronary thrombosis

b) heart failure

c) varicose veins

d) collapse

11 What is the function of the valves?

a) to oxygenate the blood

b) to expel waste products

c) to prevent blood flowing the wrong way

d) to make heartbeats

12 What does the air reach after passing through the nasal cavity?

a) lungs

b) alveolus

c) pharynx

d) larynx

13 How many lobes does the right lung have?

a) one

b) two

c) two and a half

d) three

14 What does the liver produce?

a) bile

b) enzymes

c) urine

d) blood



15 Where is bile stored?

a) in the ventricle

b) in the gall-bladder

c) in the urinary-bladder

d) in the duodenum

16 What does the acid of the gastric juice neutralize?

a) pancreatic juice

b) blood

c) water

d) bile

17 What does digestion of carbohydrates initiate?

a) salivary enzyme

b) bile

c) gastric juice

d) water

18 How many hours mustn’t the patient eat before general anaesthesia?

a) two

b) three

c) four

d) twelve

19     … is not a disease but a nonspecific response of the organism.

a) Anaemia

b) Influenza

c) Inflammation

d) Cancer



20     A swelling, caused by an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of body cells, is called … .

a) tumour

b) cyst

c) cancer

d) ulcer

21 What is a congenital defect?

a) scarlet fever

b) hay fever

c) cleft palate

d) allergy

22      A severe state of a collapse is called … .

a) anaphylactic shock

b) anaemia

c) surgery

d) pus

23 What the activity of the gland is accompanied by?

a) bleeding

b) dilation of blood vessels

c) temperature

d) pressure

24 When is passive immunity used against?

a) diphtheria


c) tetanus

d) chickenpox



25     The creamy liquid mixture of dead white cells and bacteria is called … .

a) serum

b) residue

c) boils

d) pus

26 Where must caustics be kept?

a) on the lowest shelf of the cabinet

b) in the coo lplace

c) in the transparent bollte

d) on the highest shelf of the cabinet.


Итоговый тест. 2 курс. Английский язык.

Вариант 4

1       Mouth, pharynx, stomach, liver, pancreas – compose … system.

a) respiratory

b) reproductive

c) digestive

d) nervous

2       Respiration is the mechanical process of … .

a) breathing

b) swallowing

c) eating

d) bleeding

3       The … system is composed of glands.

a) digestive

b) respiratory

c) endocrine

d) nervous

4  What is a constant temperature of blood?

a) 38’C

b) 37’C

c) 36,6’C

d) 36’C

5       Vessels, carrying blood away from the heart, are known as … .

a) veins

b) vessels

c) arteries

d) capillaries


6       The distension of the veins is called … .

a) rheumatic  fever

b) thrombosis

c) varicose veins

d) endocarditis

7  Where does the pain in heart attack radiate?

a) head

b) shoulder and left arm

c) eyes

d) stomach

8       Rhythmically applying pressure to the chest is called … .

a) respiration

b) transfusion

c) external cardiac compression

d) heart attack

9  What is combined with the haemoglobin?

a) carbon dioxide

b) oxygen

c) NaCl

d) water

10 What is the function of mucus?

a) to collect dirt

b) to transform oxygen

c) to prevent inflammation

d) to expel carbon dioxide




11      The length of … is about 15 sm.

a) intestines

b) lungs

c) trachea

d) spleen

12 What process rids the lungs of carbon dioxide?

a) expiration

b) inspiration

c) respiration

d) breathing

13     The muscular action along the entire alimentary canal is called … .

a) digestion

b) peristalsis

c) oesophagus

d) contraction

14 When does gall-bladder lie?

a) underneath the stomach

b) above the diaphragm

c) underneath the liver

d) in the loop of an intestine

15 What is paralysed during general anaesthesia?

a) breathing

b) bleeding

c) moving

d) mechanism of swallowing



16      The system of tubes through which the food passes on its way from mouth to anus is called … .

a) digestive

b) alimentary canal

c) food passage

d) food way

17 What does human body require for producing blood?

a) water

b) haemoglobin

c) bile

d) iron

18 What is a constant temperature of a healthy body?

a) 37,3’C

b) 37’C

c) 36,6’C

d) 36,8’C

19     The first source of description of the signs of inflammation is … .

a) Egyptian papyrus

b) Celsus

c) Virchow

d) Mechnikov

20 What is a congenital defect?

e) scarlet fever

f) hay fever

g) cleft palate

h) allergy



21 What is a product for a bacteriological examination?

a) swab

b) waste product

c) cough

d) trachea

22      A violent reaction to certain types of pollen, food, drugs, latex products is called … .

e) anaemia

f) allergy

g) obstruction

h) collapse

23     The walls of a gland are composed of … cells.

a) blood

b) white

c) dead

d) epithelial

24     Abscesses of the skin are called … .

a) boils

b) platelets

c) thrombosis

d) antigens

25     The temporary repair tissue is called … tissue.

a) epithelial

b) granulation

c) muscle

d) cellulitic



26     Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from … .

a) plants

b) blood cells

c) sulfonamides

d) microorganisms























Эталоны ответов

Вариант 1

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Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)
















по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



     Тема: ТЕРАПИЯ



Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)












Раздел 1. Терапия.

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Методы исследования пациента


Diagnosis, the process of determining the nature of a disease or disorder and distinguishing it from other possible conditions. The term comes from the Greek gnosis, meaning knowledge.

The diagnostic process is the method by which health professionals select one disease over another, identifying one as the most likely cause of a person’s symptoms. Symptoms that appear early in the course of a disease are often more vague and undifferentiated than those that arise as the disease progresses, making this the most difficult time to make an accurate diagnosis. Reaching an accurate conclusion depends on the timing and the sequence of the symptoms, past medical history and risk factors for certain diseases, and a recent exposure to disease. The physician, in making a diagnosis, also relies on various other clues such as physical signs, nonverbal signals of distress, and the results of selected laboratory and radiological and other imaging tests. From the large number of facts obtained, a list of possible diagnoses can be determined, which are referred to as the differential diagnosis. The physician organizes the list with the most likely diagnosis given first. Additional information is identified, and appropriate tests are selected that will narrow the list or confirm one of the possible diseases.


Palpation, medical diagnostic examination with the hands to discover internal abnormalities. By palpation the physician may detect enlargement of an organ, excess fluid in the tissues, a tumour mass, a bone fracture, or, by revealing tenderness, the presence of inflammation (as in appendicitis). Irregular heartbeat or vibrations of the chest can sometimes be diagnosed by palpation.

Palpation is the process of using one's hands to check the body, especially while perceiving/diagnosing a disease or illness.[1] Usually performed by a health care practitioner, it is the process of feeling an object in or on the body to determine its size, shape, firmness, or location (for example, a veterinarian can feel the stomach of a pregnant animal to ensure good health and successful delivery).

Palpation is an important part of the physical examination; the sense of touch is just as important in this examination as the sense of sight is. Physicians develop great skill in palpating problems below the surface of the body, becoming able to detect things that untrained persons would not. Mastery of anatomy and much practice are required to achieve a high level of skill. The concept of being able to detect or notice subtle tactile signs and to recognize their significance or implications is called appreciating them (just as in general vocabulary one can speak of appreciating the importance of something). Nonetheless, some things are not palpable, which is why additional medical tests, such as medical imaging and laboratory tests, are often needed to make a diagnosis. However, many other problems are palpable. Examples include pulses, abdominal distension, cardiac thrills, fremitus, and various hernias, joint dislocations, bone fractures, and tumors, among others.



Palpation is used by physicians, as well as chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths and occupational therapists, to assess the texture of a patient's tissue (such as swelling or muscle tone), to locate the spatial coordinates of particular anatomical landmarks (e.g., to assess range and quality of joint motion), and assess tenderness through tissue deformation (e.g. provoking pain with pressure or stretching). In summary, palpation might be used either to determine painful areas and to qualify pain felt by patients, or to locate three-dimensional coordinates of anatomical landmarks to quantify some aspects of the palpated subject.

Palpation is typically used for thoracic and abdominal examinations, but can also be used to diagnose edema. Palpation is also a simple method of examining the pulse. It is used by veterinarians to check animals for pregnancy, and by midwives to determine the position of a fetus.

Quantitative palpation of anatomical landmarks for measurements must occur according to strict protocols if one wishes to achieve reproducible measurements. Palpation protocols are usually based on well-described definitions for the location of anatomical, usually skeletal, landmarks.

Locating anatomical landmarks

Locating anatomical landmarks can be performed using two palpation protocols: 1) manual palpation that allows the spatial location of landmarks using hands combined or not with three-dimensional (3D) digitizing, and 2) virtual palpation on 3D computer models obtained, for example, from medical imaging.

Manual palpation of skeletal landmarks combined with 3D digitizing (see text below for explanations).

Virtual palpation of skeletal landmarks.

Manual palpation of skeletal landmarks (illustrated here on a patient's shoulder, see left image). The palpating hand locates the palpated landmarks with a satisfactory accuracy (below 1 cm). Reflective markers are part of the scientific protocol and allow further quantified motion analysis for joint disorders follow-up. Virtual palpation of skeletal landmarks located on a 3D bone model (illustrated here on a patient's knee model obtained from medical imaging, see right image). Colored spheres on bones indicate palpated skeletal landmarks. This method combined with quantified manual palpation allows subject-specific visualization of joint behavior during particular motion tasks (e.g., walking, stair climbing, etc.).

The above protocols can be used independently. Manual palpation is used in clinical activities for various aims: - identification of painful areas; - positioning of particular pieces of equipment (electromyography electrodes, auscultation, external landmarks used in clinical motion analysis or body surface scanning); or - measurements of morphological parameters (e.g., limb length). Virtual palpation alone is useful to quantify individual morphological parameters from medical imaging: - limb length; - limb orientation; - joint angle; or - distance between various skeletal locations.

Combining data from both manual and virtual palpation protocols allows achieving supplementary analysis: - registration protocols aiming at building reference frames for motion representation according reproducible clinical conventions; - to modelize joint kinematics accurately during musculoskeletal analysis; - to align precisely orthopedic tools according to the individual anatomy of a patient; or - to wrap and to scale surface textures to motion data when creating animation characters.

Use of standardized definitions for the above activities allows better result comparison and exchange;[2] this is a key element for patient follow-up or the elaboration of quality clinical and research databases. Such definitions also allow acceptable repeat ability by individuals with different backgrounds (physiotherapists, medical doctors, nurses, engineers, etc.). If applied strictly, these definitions allow better data exchange and result comparison thanks to standardization of the procedure. Without anatomical landmark standardization, palpation is prone to error and poorly reproducible.


Nowadays, the medical imaging modality of elastography can also be used to determine the stiffness of tissues. Manual palpation suffers from several important limitations: it is limited to tissues accessible to the physician's hand, it is distorted by any intervening tissue, and it is qualitative but not quantitative. Elastography is able to overcome many these challenges and improve on the benefits of palpation.

Elastography is a relatively new technology and entered the clinic primarily in the last decade. The most prominent techniques use ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to make both the stiffness map and an anatomical image for comparison.

Computerized palpation

While not widespread amongst elastography methods, computerized palpation is of interest here because it essentially uses palpation to measure the stiffness, whereas other techniques will obtain data using other methods. Computerized palpation is also called "Tactile Imaging", "Mechanical imaging" or "Stress imaging", is a medical imaging modality that translates the sense of touch into a digital image. The tactile image is a function of P(x,y,z), where P is the pressure on soft tissue surface under applied deformation and x,y,z are coordinates where pressure P was measured. Tactile imaging closely mimics manual palpation, since the probe of the device with a pressure sensor array mounted on its face acts similar to human fingers during clinical examination, slightly deforming soft tissue by the probe and detecting resulting changes in the pressure pattern.

Palpation under general anesthesia

Palpation under general anesthesia is sometimes necessary, such as when there is a need to palpate structures deep in the abdominal or pelvic cavity, since it would otherwise cause considerable patient discomfort and subsequent contraction of the abdominal muscles which would make the examination difficult.[3] It is used, for example, in the staging of cervical cancer.



Percussion, in medicine, diagnostic procedure that entails striking the body directly or indirectly with short, sharp taps of a finger or, rarely, a hammer. The procedure was first described in 1761 by the Austrian physician Leopold Auenbrugger von Auenbrugg. Although generally ignored by his contemporaries, it is now routinely employed. The sounds produced by the procedure are helpful in determining the size and position of various internal organs, in revealing the presence of fluid or air in the chest, and in aiding in the diagnosis of certain lung disorders.


Auscultation, diagnostic procedure in which the physician listens to sounds within the body to detect certain defects or conditions, such as heart-valve malfunctions or pregnancy. Auscultation originally was performed by placing the ear directly on the chest or abdomen, but it has been practiced mainly with a stethoscope since the invention of that instrument in 1819.














Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)










по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)






Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)



Раздел  2. Инфекционные заболевания

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Measures for the prevention of infectious diseases can be divided into two groups - general and special.

1. The general government measures are aimed at improving the material well-being, improved health care, working conditions and the rest of the population, as well as sanitation, which contributes to the success of prevention and elimination of communicable diseases.

2. Special preventive measures are carried out by specialists medical and sanitary-epidemiological institutions. The implementation of these measures, together with the health authorities are often involved other ministries and departments, as well as the general population. For example, in the prevention of zoonotic diseases (glanders, foot and mouth disease, brucellosis, anthrax, and others.) Participating agricultural authorities, veterinary service, enterprises processing raw hides and wool. Planning for prevention and control of their execution by the bodies of Health. The system includes preventive measures and international action, when it comes to particularly dangerous (quarantine) infections.Events for the sanitary protection of the territory of the country, carried out sanitary-epidemiological and specialized anti-epidemic agencies stationed in sea and river ports, airports, roads and railways are also important.Some examples of methods of prevention:- Take measures to fully identify and eliminate (isolate) infected animals,- Draw up the certificate of inspection of the complex with specific proposals on the implementation of measures to eliminate the source;- Receive and analyze the data of laboratory examination of animals in order to study the tactics of anti-epidemic measures;- Monitor the timeliness and completeness of animal health and anti-epizootic measures;Zoonoses. Preventive measures in relation to the source of infection in zoonoses have some features. If the source of infection are the pets that are carried out sanitary-veterinary measures for their rehabilitation. In cases where the source of infection are synanthropic animals - rodents (mice, rats), is carried out vermin. In natural foci, where the source of infection is wild animals, if necessary, their population reduced by destruction to a safe level, preventing human infection.








Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)












по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)





Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)










Раздел 3. Травматология.

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X-rays are high energy waves that are invisible. They are useful because they can pass through many things that normal light cannot. For example, doctors can see inside the human body and security guards at airports can see inside your handbag.


In 1895, a German scientist, Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered X-rays by accident. He called them X-rays because he hadn’t seen such a form of energy before. In mathematics X means something unknown. Roentgen took his first X-ray pictures of the bones of his hand. In 1901 he received the first Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery.  

X-Rays in Medicine

X-rays are valuable in medicine because they can see through certain parts of the body. Doctors can take pictures of bones, teeth and tissue. They use these pictures to see which bones are broken or to find out which teeth have holes in them.

To produce X-ray pictures you need two things: a special plate that can capture X-rays is placed behind a part of a person’s body. A machine that produces X-rays is put in front of the person.

The X-rays are strong enough to pass through the skin and muscles but they cannot pass through hard objects like bones. In the picture you see hard objects, like bones, as white areas. Objects that X-rays go through are dark.

There are some situations in which X-rays cannot give you a clear picture. Some organs, for example, may block X-rays from showing a broken bone. For this reason computed tomography (CT) was invented. A person is put inside a scanner, which is a large tube-shaped machine. Then he is X-rayed from all sides. A computer puts together all of these images and can show doctors more than a normal X-ray can. CTs are used for brain diseases and head injuries.

X-rays, however, can also do harm to your body. Patients must wear special protection for the parts of their body that are not X-rayed. Doctors and helpers who work with X-ray machines must wear lead aprons and stand behind screens.

X-rays are sometimes used to in the fight against cancer. Doctors often beam X-rays at cancer cells in order to destroy them.  

X-rays in science

Scientists often use X-rays to study the structure of other organisms or minerals that are in rock. By bombarding material with X-rays you can tell how old an object is.

Since the 1970s X-rays have been used to study stars and galaxies that are very far away. X-ray telescopes are put on board satellites that orbit far above the earth’s surface. They can see things that telescopes on earth cannot detect, because X-rays are absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere.  

Other uses

Factories use X-rays to find cracks in machines or in metal objects. At airports X-ray machines scan millions of handbags and suitcases for weapons like bombs, guns or knives.

One of the first uses people found for X rays was in medicine—and they're still best known as a medical tool, used in both diagnosis and treatment. Hard materials such as bones and teeth are very good at absorbing X rays, whereas soft tissues like skin and muscle allow the rays to pass straight through. That makes X-ray photographs (which look like shadows of the things inside your body) extremely useful for all kinds of medical diagnosis: they show up broken bones, tumors, and lung conditions such as tuberculosis and emphysema. Dentists also use X rays extensively to help them understand what's happening in parts of your mouth—inside your teeth and gums—that they could not otherwise see.

There's a limit to what a physician can understand from a two-dimensional photograph of your three-dimensional body, especially with so much packed inside such a small space, but 3D-scanning technology helps to overcome that. CT or CAT (computerized axial tomography) scanners draw what are effectively 3D, X-ray pictures on screens by firing pencil-thin beams of X rays through a patient's body and using computer technology to turn lots of 2D pictures into a single 3D image.

Since X rays are highly energetic, they can damage living tissue when they pass through it. On one hand, this means X rays have to be used cautiously and quite selectively—and X-ray technicians (known as radiographers) have to take precautions about absorbing too much of the radiation during their work. But on the other hand, X rays can also be used to sterilize medical equipment (because they destroy germs) and kill tumors in the treatment of cancer. This is known as X-ray therapy (also called radiation therapy and radiotherapy).















Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)












по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



     Тема: ХИРУРГИЯ


Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)










Раздел 4. Хирургия

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Anesthesia, also spelled anaesthesia, loss of physical sensation, with or without loss of consciousness, as artificially induced by the administration of drugs, inhalant gases, or other agents. The use of anesthetic gases in surgery was first proposed by British chemist Sir Humphrey Davy in 1798, following his observation that inhalation of nitrous oxide relieved pain. However, surgical anesthesia was not demonstrated with success publicly until 1846, when American surgeon William Morton used ether during an operation to remove a jaw tumour at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Another American surgeon, Crawford Williamson Long, had used ether four years earlier but did not make his findings public until 1849. An attempt at public demonstration of dental extraction under anesthesia with nitrous oxide was made by American dentist Horace Wells in 1845. Morton witnessed Wells’s attempt, which proved unsuccessful when the patient cried out during the extraction procedure.

Early anesthetic agents were usually gases such as nitrous oxide or vapours from such volatile liquids as ether or chloroform. Injectable anesthetics were introduced in 1872 by French surgeon Pierre-Cyprien Oré, who used chloral hydrate to produce general anesthesia. Cocaine was used as a local anesthetic beginning in 1884 and as a spinal anesthetic by German surgeon August Karl Gustav Bier in 1898. Synthetic agents began to be introduced in the middle of the 20th century, beginning with trichloroethylene in 1941.

Anesthetics are strong systemic poisons that can cause permanent injury or death if dosage is not carefully controlled, so cardiac and respiratory functions must be closely monitored during surgery under anesthesia. The first anesthesia was administered by simple devices consisting of glass or metal containers for sponges soaked in ether and allowed no control of dosage. Modern inhalant anesthetics are given in carefully measured doses through endotracheal tubes, usually following premedication with injectable drugs, such as sedatives or analgesic agents, to reduce patient anxiety and ease induction of anesthesia.

The mechanisms by which anesthetics produce their effects are not entirely understood. These agents have been shown to block the transmission of signals across nerve junctions (synapses) in the central nervous system without affecting peripheral nerves. There is evidence that inhalation anesthetics block synapses that participate in excitatory neuronal transmission, whereas some intravenous anesthetics primarily stimulate the activity of inhibitory neuronal transmission. Analgesic drugs, such as morphine, codeine, and fentanyl, act on natural receptors that already exist for the opioids.




Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)












по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)





Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)










Раздел 5. Неврология


Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy, a group of neurological disorders characterized by paralysis resulting from abnormal development of or damage to the brain either before birth or during the first years of life.

There are four types of cerebral palsy: spastic, athetoid, ataxic, and mixed. In the spastic type, there is a severe paralysis of voluntary movements, with spastic contractions of the extremities either on one side of the body (hemiplegia) or on both sides (diplegia). In spastic diplegia, spastic contractions and paralysis are usually more prominent in the lower extremities than in the arms and hands (Little diplegia), or only the legs may be affected (paraplegia). The cerebral damage causing spastic cerebral palsy primarily affects the neurons and connections of the cerebral cortex, either of one cerebral hemisphere (contralateral to paralysis), as in infantile hemiplegia, or of both hemispheres, as in diplegia.

In the athetoid type of cerebral palsy, paralysis of voluntary movements may not occur, and spastic contractions may be slight or absent. Instead, there are slow, involuntary spasms of the face, neck, and extremities, either on one side (hemiathetosis) or, more frequently, on both sides (double athetosis), with resulting involuntary movements in the whole body or its parts, facial grimacing, and inarticulate speech (dysarthria)—all of which increase under stress or excitement. Damage to the brain particularly affects the basal ganglia underlying the cerebral cortex.

Ataxic cerebral palsy is a rare form of the condition that is characterized by poor coordination, muscle weakness, an unsteady gait, and difficulty performing rapid or fine movements. If symptoms of two or more types are present, most often spastic and athetoid, an individual is diagnosed with mixed cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy does not necessarily include intellectual disability; many children affected with cerebral palsy are mentally competent. However, any cerebral disorder in early life may result in impairment, sometimes severe, of intellectual and emotional development. Epileptic attacks in the form of convulsive seizures, especially in the parts of the body affected by paralysis, occur in many children with cerebral palsy. In the spastic type of cerebral palsy, intellectual disability and epileptic attacks are particularly frequent. In the athetoid type, the incidence of severe intellectual disability is much lower, and occurrence of convulsive seizures is rare. Children affected with athetoid cerebral palsy may be perceptive and intelligent; however, because of the involuntary movements and dysarthria, they are often unable to communicate by intelligible words or signs.

The causes of cerebral palsy are multiple but basically involve a malfunctioning of the complex neuronal circuits of the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex. Heredity plays only a small role. It may manifest itself in malformations of neurons, interstitial tissues, or blood vessels of the brain that may produce tumours, or it may express itself in an abnormal chemistry of the brain. More common causes of the condition are fetal diseases and embryonic malformations of the brain. Incompatibility of blood types of the mother and fetus, leading to severe jaundice at birth, may cause brain damage and cerebral palsy. Respiratory problems of the fetus during birth may indicate earlier brain damage. Pediatric infections, severe head injuries, and poisoning are other less common causes of cerebral palsy.

There is no cure for cerebral palsy; treatment includes medications that relax the muscles and prevent seizures. The basic program of treatment aims at the psychological management, education, and training of the child to develop sensory, motor, and intellectual assets, in order to compensate for the physical liabilities of the disorder.




Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)












по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)





Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)










Раздел 6. Акушерство и гинекология.


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Кесарево сечение

Cesarean section

Cesarean section, also called C-section, cesarean also spelled caesarian, surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision.

Little is known of either the origin of the term or the history of the procedure. According to ancient sources, whose veracity has been challenged, the procedure takes its name from a branch of the ancient Roman family of the Julii whose cognomen, Caesar (Latin caedere, “to cut”), originated from a birth by this means. Roman law (Lex Caesarea) mandated the cutting out from the womb a child whose mother had died during labour. A common misperception holds that Julius Caesar himself was born in this fashion. However, since Caesar’s mother, Aurelia, is believed to have been alive when he was a grown man, it is widely held that he could not have been born in this way. The law was followed initially to comply with Roman ritual and religious custom, which forbade the burial of pregnant women, but the procedure was later pursued specifically in an attempt to save the child’s life.

The first documented cesarean section on a living woman was performed in 1610; she died 25 days after the surgery. Abdominal delivery was subsequently tried in many ways and under many conditions, but it almost invariably resulted in the death of the mother from sepsis (infection) or hemorrhage (bleeding). Even in the first half of the 19th century, the recorded mortality was about 75 percent, and fetal craniotomy—in which the life of the child is sacrificed to save that of the mother—was usually preferred. Eventually, however, improvements in surgical techniques, antibiotics, and blood transfusion and antiseptic procedures so reduced the mortality that cesarean section came to be frequently performed as an alternative to normal childbirth.

In modern obstetrical care, cesarean section usually is performed when the life of either the mother or the child would be endangered by attempting normal delivery. The medical decision is based on physical examination, special tests, and patient history. The examination includes consideration of any diseases the mother may have had in the past and disorders that may have arisen because of pregnancy. Special tests that might be performed include fetal scalp blood analysis and fetal heart rate monitoring. Common indications for cesarean section include obstructed labour, failure of labour to progress, placenta praevia (development of the placenta in an abnormally low position near the cervix), fetal distress, gestational diabetes mellitus, and improper positioning of the fetus for delivery. In addition, cesarean section is often used if the birth canal is too small for normal delivery. Sometimes when a woman has had a child by cesarean section, any children born after the first cesarean section are also delivered by that method, but vaginal delivery is often possible.

The risks of cesarean section are low but real. The operation constitutes major surgery. Compared with the risks of normal vaginal delivery, it is more dangerous for the mother. The risk of complications—such as infection, hemorrhage, blood clots, and injury to the bladder or intestines—is greater. If the baby is delivered by cesarean section planned in advance of labour, the infant can be premature, and it has been suggested that elective cesarean section may rob the infant of hormones and other substances released by the mother during labour. Researchers have also identified a correlation between infant birth by cesarean section and increased risk of childhood obesity.

In 1985 the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended an optimal cesarean section rate of 10 to 15 percent within a given population; if performed above this rate, the procedure was found by WHO to place an excessive burden on the resources necessary for the proper prenatal and postnatal care of mother and child, thereby increasing the number of women and infants exposed to the risks associated with the operation. Despite the recommendations set forth by WHO, by the late 20th century the incidence of cesarean section in the United States had risen dramatically, largely as a result of an increase in the number of malpractice suits brought against obstetricians for failing to operate if there was an indication of trouble in delivery. In the first decade of the 21st century, the rate of cesarean section far exceeded WHO’s recommendation in many other countries as well, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, and Italy. The rate had also increased in countries such as India, China, and Brazil.



























Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

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по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)



     Тема: ПЕДИАТРИЯ


Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)











Раздел 7. Педиатрия

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Детские болезни

Childhood disease and disorder, any illness, impairment, or abnormal condition that affects primarily infants and children—i.e., those in the age span that begins with the fetus and extends through adolescence.

Childhood is a period typified by change, both in the child and in the immediate environment. Changes in the child related to growth and development are so striking that it is almost as if the child were a series of distinct yet related individuals passing through infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Changes in the environment occur as the surroundings and contacts of a totally dependent infant become those of a progressively more independent child and adolescent. Health and disease during the period from conception to adolescence must be understood against this backdrop of changes.

Although, for the most part, the diseases of childhood are similar to those of the adult, there are several important differences. For example, certain specific disorders, such as precocious puberty, are unique to children; others, such as acute nephritis—inflammation of the kidney—are common in children and infrequent in adults. At the same time, some diseases that are common in adults are infrequent in children. These include essential hypertension (high blood pressure of unknown cause) and gout. Finally, a major segment of pediatric care concerns the treatment and prevention of congenital anomalies, both functional and structural.

Apart from variations in disease due to differences between children and adults, certain other features of diseases in children need to be emphasized. Infectious disorders are prevalent and remain a leading cause of death, although individual illnesses are often mild and of minor consequence. Most instances of the common communicable diseases, such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps, are encountered in childhood. Disorders of nutrition, still of great concern, especially but not exclusively in developing countries, are of extreme importance to the growing and developing child. The unique nutritional requirements of children make them unusually susceptible to deficiency states: vitamin-D deficiency causes rickets, a common disorder of children in developing countries, and only rarely causes any disease in adults. The major environmental hazards that endanger the health of young children are either unavoidable, as in air pollution, or accidental, as in poisoning and in traffic injuries. Older children, especially adolescents, are exposed, as are adults, to environmental hazards that they deliberately seek, such as cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol and other drugs.

This article reviews the scope of diseases that affect children, with particular emphasis on the ways in which the unique attributes of the growing child and special aspects of his environment serve to modify the course, effects, and treatment of particular diseases.



Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Вологодской области

«Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»

(БПОУ ВО «Череповецкий медицинский колледж имени Н.М. Амосова»)











по учебной дисциплине

ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)





Специальность 34.02.01 Сестринское дело (базовая подготовка)














Раздел 8. Экстренная и неотложная медицинская помощь

Переведите текст со словарем


Burn, damage caused to the body by contact with flames, hot substances, certain chemicals, radiation (sunlight, X rays, or ionizing radiation from radioactive materials), or electricity. The chief effects of contact with flame, hot water, steam, caustic chemicals, or electricity are apparent promptly. There is a delay of several hours before the full effects of sun or ultraviolet burns are apparent and a delay of 10 to 30 days before the full effects of ionizing radiation burns are apparent.

The severity of a burn depends largely on the depth of tissue destruction and the amount of body surface affected. Other factors—including the patient’s age and prior state of health, the location of the burn wound, and the seriousness of any associated injuries—can also influence recovery from a burn.

For an appreciation of how depth and size of a burn affect the severity of the injury, some understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the skin is necessary. Human skin is composed of two layers: an upper layer called the epidermis, and a lower layer known as the dermis (or corium). The largest of the body’s organs, skin performs a number of vital functions. Its foremost job is to separate the external environment from the body’s interior. The epidermis, the outer surface of which consists of dead, cornified cells, prevents infectious microorganisms and other harmful environmental agents from gaining entrance to the body. The dermis, by contrast, is made up of fibrous connective tissues that prevent the evaporation of body fluids. Embedded within the dermis and opening to the skin surface are the sweat glands. These secrete perspiration, the evaporation of which helps regulate body temperature. Perspiration also contains small amounts of sodium chloride, cholesterol, aluminum, and urea; it thus plays a role in regulating the composition of body fluids. The dermis also contains all of the skin’s blood vessels and nerves, including sensory nerve endings that respond to touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain. The skin therefore also serves as a sense organ that enables a person to adjust to changing environmental conditions. One final function of the skin is the synthesis of vitamin D, a compound essential to growth and maintenance, particularly of bone. Vitamin D is formed by the action of sunlight on certain cholesterol compounds in the dermis. Destruction of the skin by deep or extensive burns can disrupt all of these functions, subjecting the victim to serious complications.



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Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Фонд оценочных средств разработан на основе

Фонд оценочных средств разработан на основе





ОК 8 Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать и осуществлять повышение своей квалификации

ОК 8 Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать и осуществлять повышение своей квалификации

ПК 3.3 Взаимодействовать с членами профессиональной бригады и добровольными помощниками в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций

ПК 3.3 Взаимодействовать с членами профессиональной бригады и добровольными помощниками в условиях чрезвычайных ситуаций







Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 1. Части тела Контрольная работа

Раздел 1. Части тела Контрольная работа

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 2. Сердце. Кровь Контрольная работа

Раздел 2. Сердце. Кровь Контрольная работа

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык: 1

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 3. Диета Контрольная работа группа______________ФИ___________________________________________ 1

Раздел 3. Диета Контрольная работа группа______________ФИ___________________________________________ 1

Вставьте пропущенные слова. Переведите предложения: 1

Вставьте пропущенные слова. Переведите предложения: 1

You must take vitamin … to increase resistance to … and to recover after …

You must take vitamin … to increase resistance to … and to recover after …

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 4. Работа медсестры Контрольная работа

Раздел 4. Работа медсестры Контрольная работа

There……………..three nurses and a doctor on the surgery yesterday

There……………..three nurses and a doctor on the surgery yesterday

G_________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________

G_________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________

Doctor, can you prescribe……………………………………………

Doctor, can you prescribe……………………………………………

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 5. Первая помощь Контрольная работа

Раздел 5. Первая помощь Контрольная работа

Tomorrow our group …………………………………… part in the conference all day long

Tomorrow our group …………………………………… part in the conference all day long

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 6. Инфекционные болезни 1

Раздел 6. Инфекционные болезни 1

Tonsillitis The main symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, cough, sore throat

Tonsillitis The main symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, cough, sore throat

На основании следующей клинической картины определите, чем болел пациент?

На основании следующей клинической картины определите, чем болел пациент?

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Раздел 7. Лекарственные средства

Раздел 7. Лекарственные средства

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф

Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф

Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals you … find in fish, meat, fruits, milk, etc

Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals you … find in fish, meat, fruits, milk, etc

The nurses write down the temperature in … a) case-history b) table c) prescription d) temperature charts 2

The nurses write down the temperature in … a) case-history b) table c) prescription d) temperature charts 2

Erythromycin is used in … solutions for ear and nose infections

Erythromycin is used in … solutions for ear and nose infections

Cocaine was very effective as a local anaesthetic

Cocaine was very effective as a local anaesthetic

Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф

Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф

Daily we … some water. a) lost b) will be losing c) loost d) lose 2

Daily we … some water. a) lost b) will be losing c) loost d) lose 2

Nurse helps people to walk and takes them in a … a) toilet b) wheel-chair c) stretcher d) air-ring 2

Nurse helps people to walk and takes them in a … a) toilet b) wheel-chair c) stretcher d) air-ring 2

Auxiliary substances b)

Auxiliary substances b)

Some infectious diseases can be a cause of death and disability

Some infectious diseases can be a cause of death and disability

Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф

Итоговая зачётная работа. Группа____________Ф

It is very important to give … food to a patient with high temperature

It is very important to give … food to a patient with high temperature

Each … tells the doctor about her patients

Each … tells the doctor about her patients

A patient in delirium is very restless

A patient in delirium is very restless

Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very … a) fast b) careful c) attentively d) long 28

Hippocrates taught his pupils to examine the patient very … a) fast b) careful c) attentively d) long 28

Эталон к тесту В1

Эталон к тесту В1
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