Run into someone = Встретить кого-то неожиданно
Run Out Of = Закончиться
Run After = Преследовать или бежать за кем-то/чем-то
He’s always running ………………………… all pretty girls.
I ran ……………………. my teacher at the shopping mall.
The car ran ……………………… gas.
I ran ………………… the bus, but it didn’t stop for me.
I‘m running ……………………. patience.
Give away – дарить (подарки), раздавать что-либо, выдавать (секрет)
Give back – возвращать, отдавать.
Give up – оставлять, отказываться, бросить, оставить (надежду), сдаваться (о преступнике).
He gave ……………….. his seat to her.
She gave ………………… all the money to the poor.
You were so late that we gave you …………………….. .
Give ………………………… the book you borrowed.
He gave ………………….. smoking.
They’re giving ……………. a CD with this magazine.
The murderer gave ……………… .
Go on – продолжай(те)!; продолжать(ся); происходить
Go with - сочетаться с
Go off – портиться; издавать громкий звук
The bomb could go ……………… at any moment.
Do go …………………., I am listening.
The skirt she's wearing doesn't really go ……………….. her blouse.
We began work at 12 and went ………………… till half-past one.
The milk went …………………. .
Look after - присматривать за
Look for – искать
Look forward to – ожидать с нетерпением; предвкушать (что-л.)
Look up – искать (что-л. в справочнике)
Hold on a sec, I’ll look this word …………………….. in the dictionary.
I look …………………. the office when my colleagues are away on business.
What are you looking ………………….?
I'm seeing him on Tuesday. I'm really looking …………………….. it.
I think I lost my car keys. Will you help me look ……………… them?
When my brother is out of town, I look ………………….. the cats.
I'm looking ……………. some warmer weather after this bitter winter.
He has been looking ………………………….. a job for ages now.
Come back – возвращаться (к прежнему состоянию)
Come across – случайно на что-то наткнуться, кого-то встретить.
Come round – приходить в гости, заскочить.
Come out – издаваться, выходить
Is the singer expected to come …………………………..?
She came ………………….. her sister when she was walking to the university.
Should David come …………………, tell him to call me.
When I was cleaning my room, I came …………………. my middle-school diaries.
He hopes his son will come ………………….. one day.
The band's new CD is COMING …………………… in September.
Turn in - ложиться спать
Turn into - превращаться
Turn off - выключать что-либо
Turn on - включить
Did you see the news last night? No, I turned ………………… early.
Turn …………………….. the TV. It's time for the news.
She kissed the frog, and it turned …………………… a handsome prince.
Don't forget to turn ……………….. the TV before you go to school.
'My father is terrible with computers. He can't even turn one …………………..!'
'I'm tired to stay up. I think I'll turn …………………….. .'
'Valera is a nice guy until he drinks alcohol. He then turns ………………… a monster!'
Make up - придумывать что-н.
Make out – понимать, различать
Make up with – помириться с кем-то после ссоры.
You have two options: either you forget about everything and make ……………… her or you will lose a friend.
My new teacher is talking too fast and unclear that I can hardly make something ………………….. .
He made ………………… a little poem about rain and wrote it on a piece of paper.
Anna cheated on me and destroyed everything we had been dreaming about, that’s why I will never make ………………………. her.
Take back - отнести обратно, вернуть
Take (something) off - снимать (одежду, обувь)
Take away – забирать с собой
Take sb out – приглашать с собой куда-либо
I took …………………….. my coat.
If I have time I’ll take you ………………… to the park.
The dress I bought was too small, so I took it ………………….. and exchanged it for a larger size.
I always take ………………. my shoes as soon as I get home.
Greg took me ……………………….. on Friday night to a nice restaurant.
Can I take my keys ………………………..?
A burger to take ………………….. , please.
Fall apart - разрушаться, разваливаться.
Fall behind - oтстать, не сделать вовремя, остаться позади.
Fall out with - ссориться с кем-либо
That chair is so old, it looks like it’ll fall …………………… if anyone sits on it.
Don’t fall ………………………. .
The house was so old, that fell ………………………. after a hurricane.
I had a falling ………………………… my sister last month and we haven't talked to each other since.
We fell ………………… on the project and finished it ten days late.
John left the company after falling ………………….. his business partner.
1. Fill in: after, out of, into.
Mike ran____ Nick on his way home. We ran ____ bread, so we went to buy some. The police are running ____ a robber.
2. Fill in: up, back, away.
Give me____ my pen, please. John gave ____ smoking last year. Jack gave ____ his toy cars to little brother.
3. Fill in: on, off, with.
Put the milk in the fridge or else it’ll go ___. This shirt goes really well ___ the jeans. Go ___. I didn’t mean to interrupt. The cat jumped onto the car and the alarm went ___.
4. Fill in: for, after, up, forward.
What are you looking ___? My English textbook. Look ___ the words you don’t know in the dictionary. Students are really looking ___ their summer holidays.
Who looks ___ your little sister when your parents are at work?
5. Fill in: back, out, across, round.
The new film is coming ___ next month. Come ___ to our house any time. I came ___ this book in the shop yesterday. They came ___ to the country a month ago.
6. Fill in: into, on, off, in.
Turn ___ the light when you leave the room. Can you turn ___ the news, please? In fairytales animals turn ___ people. It’s late. I think I’ll turn ___
7. Fill in: out, up.
She has made ___ with her sister after the quarrel. I can’t make ___ this handwriting. This is not a real story. He made it ___.
8. Fill in: away, out, off, back.
My patents always take us ___ on Saturdays. It was the wrong size, so I took it ___ to the shop. Can we eat a take ___ tonight? It’s hot here. Why don’t you take ___ your jumper?
9. Fill in: behind, out, apart.
It’s hurtful when you fall ___ with friends. That chair has fallen ___. It needs fixing.
If you revise regularly, you won’t fall ___ at school.
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