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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Unit of a long term plan School: Altynbike Bertyeva Date: 24.11.2017 Teacher name: G. Sadibekova CLASS: 5a Number present: absent: Lesson title What we value 2 Talking and writing about actions they value in friends and learning a song about friends. Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) 5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics 5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects Level of thinking skills Analysis, Application,Assessment Lesson objectives All will be able to listen and watch video two times and pronounce the words together with support Most will be able to make up sentences and stories using words from the video Some will be able to express their point of view with little support Assessment criteria Understands and uses new vocabulary and make up sentences using them Answers the questions from the fragment of the cartoon Writes the description of video looking at the animals Values links National unity , peace and harmony in our society. Cross-curricular links Self knowledge Previous learning What we value 1 Plan Planned timings Planned activities Descriptor Recourse Start 5 min Middle 2 min 3 min 3 min 2 min 3 min 7 min 3 min 2 min 5 min 5 min Organization moment. Good morning pupils! How are you? Look at the blackboard and what can you see on the blackboard? The circle What colour is this circle? Yellow Well done! And what is your association on this colour? The sun Very good! Now, Let’s make the sun with the best wishes. O’k Now let’s make a circle and say warm wishes to each other I wish you that our lesson wiil be like the sun! Sit down, please! O’k what was the home task for today? Ex 3 p 22 WB Look at the blackboard and let’s make a flower what we value? As you can see there are many values in our life. Today we are going to talk friendship. Let’s repeat the words Fun Helpful Kind Friendly Honest Loyal Play with ball What does it mean? Have you got a friend? Who is your best friend? Describe your friend. Pair work. Make a dialogue about your best friend. Have you got a friend? Yes, I have Who is your best friend? If the pupils made mistake during the speaking the teacher put the stickers on the back of their chairs O’k very good! Work with book Open your SB at page 38 Ex 2 Listen to the text and read it. Did you understand these texts? Everything is clear? What about this text? If you understand this text do the Work with the blackboard Ex 3 p 38 Are these sentences true or false? 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True Evaluate each pupil with traffic light Let’s have rest Warm up Clap clap Clap your hands together Stamp stamp Stamp your feet together Dance dance Dance with me together Group work Let’s make a group. Divide into two groups. Then make a poster about your friends using the vocabulary. Give an assessment to the groups with traffic light Individual work What is value? Some value are : Helping others Being honest Time Family Education Beauty Good health Pupils make the sun saying the best wishes to each others Pupils make a flower Pupils repeat the new words Pupils make a dialogue using the new words Pupils read the text then do the exercises They make a posters Picture of the sun Picture of the flower PB PB Feedback I like…… I don’t like ……………… Concluding the lesson Home task. Draw a card for your best friend. Good bye . Concluding the lesson Home task. Draw a card for your best friend. Good bye . Additional information Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Health and safety check Differentiated tasks will be given for watching activity at the end they all together can achieve the lesson aim Self- assessment will be used with descriptor. Presenting a criteria – based assessment on the table on sheets of paper for each group. Self assessment of their own group Do physical exercise Keep in mind TV manners Safety measurements when they use electronic devices Reflection Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why? Lesson and learning objectives worked together very well. Differentiated tasks were essential in an identification of students’ needs and motivation All learners achieved the lesson objectives very well. Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: Differentiated listening activity was fun 2: Less able students enjoyed working in a group together What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: To give more time to practice the usage of new words 2: Time was not enough to ask learners’ feedback for their learning. What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Иконка файла материала 5 a friendship
Unit of a long term plan Date: 24.11.2017 CLASS: 5a Lesson title Learning objectives(s)  that this lesson is  contributing to (link to  the Subject  programme) School: Altynbike Bertyeva Teacher name: G. Sadibekova Number present:  absent: What we value 2 Talking and writing about actions they value in friends and learning a song about friends. 5.L8  understand supported narratives, including some extended talk,  on an increasing range of  general and curricular topics 5.S3  give an opinion at sentence level on a limited  range of general  and curricular topics 5.W3  write with  support factual descriptions at text level which  describe people, places and objects Level of thinking skills Analysis, Application,Assessment Lesson objectives Assessment criteria Values links  Cross­curricular links Previous learning All will be able to listen and watch video two times and pronounce  the words together with support Most  will be able to make up sentences and stories using words from the video Some will be able to  express their point of view with little support Understands and uses new vocabulary and make up sentences using  them Answers the  questions from the fragment of the cartoon Writes the description of video looking at the animals National unity , peace and harmony in our society. Self knowledge What we value 1 Plan Planned timings Start Planned activities  Descriptor  Recourse  Organization moment. Good morning pupils! How are you?  Look at the blackboard and what can you see  on the blackboard? The circle5 min Middle  2 min  3 min 3 min 2 min 3 min  7 min What colour is this circle? Yellow Well done! And what is your association on  this colour? The sun Very good! Now, Let’s make the sun with the best wishes. O’k Now let’s make a circle and say warm  wishes to each other I wish you that our lesson wiil be like the  sun! Sit down, please! O’k what was the home task for today? Ex 3 p 22 WB Look at the blackboard and let’s make a  flower what we value?  As you can see there are many values in our  life. Today we are going to talk friendship. Let’s repeat the words Fun Helpful Kind Friendly Honest Loyal  Play with ball What does it mean? Have you got a friend? Who is your best friend? Describe your  friend. Pair work. Make a  dialogue about your  best friend. Have you got a friend? Yes, I have  Who is your best friend? If the pupils made mistake during the  speaking the teacher put the stickers on the  back of their chairs  O’k very good! Work with book   Pupils make the sun saying the best wishes to each others  Picture of the  sun  Pupils make a flower  Picture of the  flower  Pupils repeat the new words  PB Pupils make a dialogue using the new words3 min 2 min 5  min 5 min  Open your SB at page 38 Ex 2 Listen to the text and read it. Did you understand these texts? Everything is clear? What about this text? If you understand this text do the   Work  with the blackboard  Ex 3 p 38 Are these sentences true or false? PB Pupils read the text then do the exercises  They make a posters  1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True Evaluate each pupil  with traffic light  Let’s have rest  Warm up Clap clap  Clap  your hands together   Stamp stamp  Stamp your feet together  Dance dance Dance with me together  Group work  Let’s make a group. Divide into two  groups. Then make a poster about your  friends using the vocabulary. Give an assessment to the groups with  traffic light  Individual work What is value? Some value are : Helping others  Being honest Time  Family  Education  Beauty  Good healthFeedback   I like…… I don’t like ……………… Concluding the lesson Home task. Draw a card for your best  friend. Good bye . Concluding the lesson Home task. Draw a card for your best  friend. Good bye . Additional information Differentiation – how do  you plan to give more  support? How do you  plan to challenge the  more able learners? Differentiated tasks will be given for watching activity at the end they all together  can achieve the lesson aim Assessment – how are  you planning to check  learners’ learning? Self­ assessment will be  used with descriptor.  Presenting a criteria –  based assessment on the  table on sheets of paper for each group.                    Self assessment of their  own group Health and safety check Do physical exercise Keep in mind TV manners Safety measurements when they use  electronic devices  Reflection Lesson and learning objectives worked together very well. Differentiated  tasks were essential in an identification of students’ needs and motivation Were the lesson  objectives/learning objectives  realistic?All learners achieved the lesson objectives very well. Did all the  learners achieve  the lesson  objectives/  learning  objectives? If not,  why? Did my planned  differentiation  Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1: Differentiated listening activity was fun 2: Less able students enjoyed working in a group together What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?