Holiday activities 5 сыныпқа арналған тақырып. Бұл тақырып барысында оқушылар жұптық, топтық, жеке жұмыстарды орындайды.Тақырыпқа сай оқушыларға қалыптастырушы бағалау тапсырмалары беріледі. бағалау критерилары тақырыпқа сай орындалады. Балалар таұырыпты толық түсініп шықты.түрлі әдічс - тәсілдер мен бағалау түрлері сабақ барысында қолданылды.
Holiday activities.docx
Unit of a long term plan: Holidays
Lesson title
Learning objectives(s) that
this lesson is contributing to
(link to the Subject
Teacher name:
Number present:
Holiday activities
5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people, places and objects
5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning
on a limited range of familiar and curricular topics
Level of thinking skills
Lowerorder thinking skills
Lesson objectives
Assessment criteria
Values links
Crosscurricular links
Previous learning
All learners will be able to:
Read the text about Matt and find sentences in the Present
Continuous tense
Write sentences of Matt’s story
Most learners will be able to:
Make up sentences about holiday activities using Present Continuous
Some learners will be able to:
Write about their future trip using Present Continuous tense
Apply present continuous tense with present and future meaning in
their writing works
To be organized, patient and leading healthy lifestyle
Geography, Physical Education
Name of some Holidays, some activities related to Holidays
6 minutes
Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned
W Greeting: Teacher and learners stand in a circle.
Inner and Outer circle Activity
Ok. Then let’s begin our lesson with the revision of previous Lesson.
Pupils stand in an inner and outer circle and speak about “Their last year
Holiday”. Every student has 30 seconds to speak. For 1 round.
Dividing into 3 groups using magic cards with pictures
{1 groupcars; 2 group backpack; 3 group boats}
Warming up:
“Find the odd word out”Activity
Use words. (holiday, day off, weekend, day of rest)
Pictures of
back bags,
slides Middle
How do you think what theme have we got for today?
The learners find the odd word and identify lesson’s theme.
Teacher introduces lesson objectives and Assessment Criteria to the
Ind. Task1 “Hungry Tom” activity.
Read the text “Matt’s holiday?” Find new words in the text.
Pupils write new words on the stickers and put them on “Hungry Tom”
on the board.
Differentiation task for more able learners: find translation of these
words as quickly as possible.
Then Pupils read the text and recognize the main idea, specific
information of the text in a group.
AFL: Numbers speak questioning
G: Task 2. Missing words – Activity
Present simple
I watch TV every evening.
Present continuous
I am watching TV now
Message 2.
We live in the great hotel.
We’re living in a great
hotel now.
Teacher gives groups two envelopes with missing words in them, first
envelope with the Present Simple tense sentence and the second one is
with the Present Continuous tense. Students have to make right order of
the sentences and say what differences they see. Then make their own
sentences in the Present Continuous tense.
How do you think, how do we form the Present continuous tense?
What can you say about its structure? What auxiliary and general verbs
do we use?
Try to make up your own 3 sentences in the Present Continuous Tense
and write them down.
Descriptors: A learner:
Reads all the words
Makes right order
Says the differences
Makes a structure of the Present Continuous Tense
Makes up their own sentences.
nomination “Best work”.
AFL: Gallery
Task 3
Images Activity: what’s happening
(I).Look at the picture. Describe it. Write your sentences using the
Present continuous affirmative or negative forms. – Differentiation by
less support.
Differentiation by more support – Teacher gives these worksheets to Excel SB
p.112 ex.5
less able students.
1.Zhandos isn’t sleeping (sleep). He’s swimming.
2.Zhenya .......(run)................................
3.The two boys ........(swim).................
4.Aidos ..............(read) a book...............
5.Maira and Svetlana................(make) a
Descriptors A learner
Looks at the picture
Makes sentences using the present continuous negative
form or present continuous affirmative form.
Writes their sentences down
AFL – “Teacher and Expert Envoy” – Differentiation by ability
I: Task 4
Categorizing grid Activity
Write down 4 issues according to their importance that are very important
when you are going to have holidays.
Descriptors: A learner
Thinks up what four issues to choose
Writes them down
AFL – Gallery
Evaluation tree
Home task is …
Additional information
I have known how
to use the PrCn
tense and can
I want to know
more about how to
use the PrCn tense
I don’t understand how to
use the PrCn tense Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support? How
do you plan to challenge the
more able learners?
Assessment – how are you
planning to check learners’
Health and safety check
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer
the most relevant questions from the box on the left
about your lesson.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives
Did all the learners achieve the lesson
objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?:
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Holiday activities
Holiday activities
Holiday activities
Holiday activities
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