Lesson plan
Long-term plan Unit 6: home cooing Home |
School: Bumakol EKS |
Date: 19.02.2020 |
Teacher name: Mubinov Zh.Zh. |
Grade: 2 |
Number present: |
absent: |
Theme of the lesson: |
Home cooking |
Learning objectives(s) |
2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places and objects 2.S4 respond to basic supported questions about people, objects 2.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words
Lesson objectives |
All learners will be able to: - name the main vocabulary words; Most learners will be able to: - develop his or her ability to express likes and dislikes: Some learners will be able to: - complete all worksheets correctly.
Success criteria |
Learners have met this learning objective if they can: - say what kind of food he or she likes and dislikes - use structure Do you like…? And respond on a question; - do most of tasks correctly. |
Value links |
Ls will work together as a group showing respect and being polite with each other, respect to the tradition food of Kazakh people and customs |
Cross curricular links |
Primary Science |
ICT skills |
PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard |
Previous learning |
Home cooking |
Plan |
Planned timings |
Planned activities
Resources |
5 mins
Learners are introduced the success criteria of the lesson.
Warm up Teacher offers students to watch video in order to revise the theme of the lesson. (Food song) After watching video students are offered to work with memory cards (will use as a PPT ) to revise words or to learn them Remember the new words with Lepbook |
Lepbook |
7 mins
7 min
7 min
2 min
7 min |
Presentation New words Boil – қайнату Carve – бөлу Cut – кесу Chop – ұсақтау Slice – Ұсақтап турау Peel – тазалау, ашу Grate – теркадан өткізу Cook – пісіру1 Stew – бұқтыру Fry – қуыру Heat – қыздыру (в микроволновке) Warm up – қыздыру Unfreeze – еріту Pour – су құю Drain – суды ағызу
Watch video about kitchen activities. Repeat and remember the new words.
Students choose and take cards, then divide into 2 groups. The 1st group Fruits, 2nd group Vegetables.
Task 1. Group work Divide fruits and vegetables into 2 groups. First group of fruits. Second group of vegetables. Descriptor A learner • put the right words • reads the words appropriately; • work in group Assessment «Clap your hands»
Task 2. Pair work T give the recipe. P read the recipe and the P should put everything in places specified in the recipe. Descriptor A learner • put the right words • reads the words appropriately; • work in pair Assessment «Smile»
Physical time «Fruits dance»
Formative assessment Task 3. Personal work Read the sentence and spell the underlined word. Descriptor A learner • reads the words appropriately; • names the letters of the underlined words.
Assessment «The best students» |
Video https://youtu.be/bYWxlb6bFCc
Paper Pen
End 4 min
1 min |
Teacher gives feedback for learners. This might be done in oral form. Learners reflect on their learning: «Tree profit»
H/T: to learn the words |
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