Information about Biology for kids
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Information about Biology for kids

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Information about Biology for kids
About Biology Biology is the "science of life." It is the study of living and once-living things, from submicroscopic structures in single-celled organisms to entire ecosystems with billions of interacting organisms; it further ranges in time focus from a single metabolic reaction inside a cell to the life history of one individual and on to the course of many species over eons of time. Biologists study the characteristics and behaviors of organisms, how species and individuals come into existence, and their interactions with each other and with the environment. The purview of biology extends from the origin of life to the fundamental nature of human beings and their relationship to all other forms of life. Biology, or "life science," offers a window into fundamental principles shared by living organisms. These principles reveal a harmony and unity of the living world operating simultaneously among a great diversity of species and even in the midst of competition both between and within species for scarce resources. The overlying harmony is seen at each level, from within a cell to the level of systems in individuals (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, etc.), the immediate interactions of one organism with others, and on to the complex of organisms and interactions comprising an ecosystem with a multitude of ecological niches each supporting one species. As the science dealing with all life, biology encompasses a broad spectrum of academic fields that have often been viewed as independent disciplines.About Biology
About Biology Biology is the "science of life." It is the study of living and once­living things, from submicroscopic structures in single­celled organisms to entire ecosystems with  billions of interacting organisms; it further ranges in time focus from a single  metabolic reaction inside a cell to the life history of one individual and on to the  course of many species over eons of time. Biologists study the characteristics and  behaviors of organisms, how species and individuals come into existence, and  their interactions with each other and with the environment. The purview of  biology extends from the origin of life to the fundamental nature of human  beings and their relationship to all other forms of life.    Biology, or "life science," offers a window into fundamental principles shared by living organisms. These principles reveal a harmony and unity of the living world  operating simultaneously among a great diversity of species and even in the midst  of competition both between and within species for scarce resources. The  overlying harmony is seen at each level, from within a cell to the level of systems  in individuals (nervous, circulatory, respiratory, etc.), the immediate interactions  of one organism with others, and on to the complex of organisms and interactions  comprising an ecosystem with a multitude of ecological niches each supporting  one species. As the science dealing with all life, biology encompasses a broad  spectrum of academic fields that have often been viewed as independent  disciplines. Among these are molecular biology, biochemistry, cell  biology, physiology, anatomy, developmental biology,  genetics, ecology, paleontology, and evolutionary biology. Biologists study the  structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.   There are generally considered to be at least nine “umbrella” fields of biology,  each of which consists of multiple subfields.      Biochemistry: the study of the material substances that make up living  things Botany: the study of plants, including agriculture Cellular biology: the study of the basic cellular units of living things Ecology: the study of how organisms interact with their environment Evolutionary biology: the study of the origins and changes in the diversity  of life over time Genetics: the study of heredity   Molecular biology: the study of biological molecules   Physiology: the study of the functions of organisms and their parts Zoology: the study of animals, including animal behavior 1 Adding to the complexity of this enormous idea is the fact that these fields  overlap. It is impossible to study zoology without knowing a great deal about  evolution, physiology and ecology. You can’t study cellular biology without  knowing biochemistry and molecular biology as well. Framework of understanding    All the branches of biology can be unified within a framework of five basic  understandings about living things. Studying the details of these five ideas  provides the endless fascination of biological research:      Cell Theory: There are three parts to cell theory — the cell is the basic unit  of life, all living things are composed of cells, and all cells arise from pre­ existing cells. Energy: All living things require energy, and energy flows between  organisms and between organisms and the environment. Heredity: All living things have DNA and genetic information codes the  structure and function of all cells. Equilibrium: All living things must maintain homeostasis, a state of  balanced equilibrium between the organism and its environment. Evolution: This is the overall unifying concept of biology. Evolution is the  change over time that is the engine of biological diversity. Тапсырмалар 1.Бос орындарды толтырыңыз: Biology is the "science of__________. B__________s study the characteristics and behaviors of organisms, how species  and individuals come into existence, and their interactions with each other and  with the ___________________. There are generally considered to be at least _____“umbrella” fields of biology,  each of which consists of multiple subfields. Adding to the complexity of this enormous idea is the fact that these  fields__________. Studying the details of these ________    __________provides the endless  fascination of biological research. 2 2.Төменде берілген сөздерді аударыңыз: Simultaneously                                                           overlap Immediate                                                                  fascination Heredity                                                                    equilibrium 3.Сәйкестендірңіз: Botany Ecology Physiology Genetics Energy Evolutionary biology Cell Theory the study of the functions of organisms  and their parts There are three parts to cell theory —  the cell is the basic unit of life, all living things are composed of cells, and all  cells arise from pre­existing cells. the study of heredity the study of the origins and changes in  the diversity of life over time the study of plants, including  agriculture All living things require energy, and  energy flows between organisms and  between organisms and the  environment. the study of how organisms interact  with their environment 4.Дұрыс әлде бұрыс екенін белгілеңіз: Biologists study the characteristics and behaviors of organisms, how  species and individuals come into existence, and their interactions with  each other and with the environment. There are generally considered to be at least seven “umbrella” fields  of biology, each of which consists of multiple subfields. Genetics is the study of DNA and evolution . As the science dealing with all life, biology encompasses a broad  spectrum of academic fields that have often been viewed as independent disciplines. Studying the details of these eight ideas provides the endless  fascination of biological research. 5.Төмендегі кестені толтырыңыз: 3 Мысалы (жоғарыдағы мәтін  ішінен алынады) Грамматика Infinitive Present Perfect Continuous V3 Present Simple 5 prepositions Past Simple 6.Етістіктерді Инфинитив және Герундий формаларына қойыңыз: NFINITIV To focus GERUND To study To reveal living knowing 7.Берілген аударманың ағылшын тіліндегі нұсқасын мәтіннен  жазыңыз: Как наука, изучающая все живое, биология охватывает широкий спектр  научных направлений, которые часто рассматриваются как  самостоятельные дисциплины. Среди них есть  молекулярная биология,  биохимия, клеточная биология, физиология, анатомия, биология  развития, генетика, экология, палеонтология и эволюционная биология. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ɪˈɔ əʤɪ l ˈ ːə ] сущ biology [ba eon [ i n] purview [ p vju ] сущ scarce resources [ ske s  r z ˈ ɜː ː ˈ ə ɪ ɪˈ ɔː ɪ s z] сущ 4 t r ] прил ˈ ɜː ʊ ə ə ɪ l circulatory [ s kj ɪə ə ə ɪ ɪ ˈ respiratory [r s pa r t r ] прил ˈ ʌ ɪ ː multitude [ m lt tju d] сущ ɪɒ ˈ ɒ əʤɪ paleontology [pæl n t evolutionary biology [i v lu n r  ba growth [gr ] сущ ːʃ ə ɪ l ː əˈ ] сущ əʊθ ˈ ɔ ə ɪ botany [ b t n ] сущ əʊˈɔ əʤɪ zoology [z l ] сущ ɪ ɪˈɔ əʤɪ ] сущ heredity [h red t ] сущ ɪə equilibrium [i kw l br m] сущ evolution [i v lu n] сущ simultaneously [s ml te n sl ] нареч ɪ ɪə ɪ ˈ ɪˈ ː ː əˈ physiology [f z l ɪ ɪ ɪˈ ɪ ːʃ ɪ ː ə immediate [ mi dj ɪ ɪ ɪˈ ɪˈ ɪˈ heredity [h red t ] сущ fascination [fæs ne n] сущ ɪʃ overlap [ v læp] сущ əʊ əˈ ːə ɪ DNA [ di ne ] сущ ˈ t] прил ɪˈɔ əʤɪ l ] сущ 5

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids

Information about Biology for kids
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