''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade
Оценка 4.7

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

Оценка 4.7
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7 кл
''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade
The theme of the lesson is Inside/Outside. To speak about directions. To develop students` reading and writing comprehension. To rise students` interests to English language. The lesson has a three parts. Introduction, Main part and Conclusion part. There is many grammar exercises in the plan.
7 th grade.docx
Күні: 27.01.2017ж Сынып: 7 «А» Тақырыбы: «Inside/outside» Мақсаты: Модуль аяқталғандықтан, өткен грамматикалық тақырыпты  қайталау, пысықтау. Ресурстар: АКТ, стикер, слайд, А4 парақшалар, карточкалар Оқыту әдісі: АКТ, топтық жұмыс, жекелeй жұмыс Тапсырмалар: ой қозғау (постер қорғау), мағынаны тану, бағалау, рефлексия І.Organization moment:  Teacher will great with students and ask about student`s absence and presence Students will great with teacher.  And answer all the questions.  II. Checking up home task Learn by heart new words A q r C H U R C H H g k P a P C t k k D s q t O M l A s R A N I S y W j I b M o e r e w e f S U U S U  R R K F d T E B E D R O O M E E g I g M M S H O p t i a B U d u G E A U m M b S k x O M f r N w S H O W E r c A g g b T e M I R R O R v T h r d l G A R D E n P n b j W g III.  Practice Teacher:  1. We will go  shopping,  buy some  things and divide  into  S T R t uncountable and countable nouns.  If you give right answer you will take star like  that. E E D T I t V t E f milk, water, juice, cheese, bread, butter, coffee Uncountable: Countable: flower, computer, pen, car, phone, candy, socks, potato. 2. Work with book Exercise­2, page 88 Singular Plural Uncountable egg apple sandwiches vegetables bread cheese Teacher: 3. Let’s remember! Structure there is/are.   Structure “there is/there are” means «бар». 1. There is a hospital in this street. 2. There are some chairs in the kitchen. Сөйлемнің құрылымы Не? Қай жерде? There is a computer on the table. There are two books in my school bag. Complete sentences with there is/ there are use things from these class. Poster. Draw. Complete. 4. Complete the sentences with can and can’t 5. School rules IV Conclusion ­Find the end of the sentence There are There is not  There is There is an You can  You mustn’t ­ Giving marks:  “5”­Excellent “4”­good “3”­satisfactory any lamp on the table. old church in this town. two monitors on the table eat in a class some milk in the bottle learn many things from books. Қаралды: ӘБ жетекшісі ___________С.Б. Майгарина 26.01.2017 жыл Келісілді:                                      Бекітілді: директордың оқу­ісі                    № 24 орта мектеп жөніндегі орынбасары                директоры ________З.К.Сагитова                ________Ғ.Н.Сүндетов 27.01.2017 жыл 27.01.2017 жыл Сабақтың тақырыбы: Inside/Outside Сынып: 5 «A» Мұғалм: С.Б.Майгарина 2016­2017 оқу жылы

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade

''Inside/outside'' the plan of the lesson 7th grade
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