урок повторение по теме "Казахстан-моя родина" на английском языке. Урок состоит из нескольких заданий. 1-задание проектная работа 2-задание Байге нужно ответить на вопросы 3-задание Полиглот нужно вставить пропущенные слова 4-задание модальные глаголы работа с карточками 5-задание работа с текстами и переводурок-повторение по теме ``Kazakhstan is my motherland`
Баймукашева Ж.Н. .docx
Ақтөбе ауылшаруашылық колледжінің ағылшын тілі пәнінің
оқытушысы Баймукашева Ж.Н.
Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме «Kazakhstan is my
The aims of the lesson:
to enrich the pupils’ knowledge giving them more information about Kazakhstan
to develop the pupils’ habits of activity, their skills of communication
to bring up pupils to be patriots of their motherland, to educate the feeling of love
towards our motherland Kazakhstan
to fix and systematize knowledge of culture, history, geography and literature of
Type of the lesson: revision
Equipment: books, cards, pictures
The procedure of the lesson:
The hymn of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1.Organization moment
Greeting students
Duty’s report
Good morning, dear students and guests. Glad to see you!
As you know we start our lesson with our national hymn because today we’re
going to revise the theme of «Kazakhstan is my motherland». We shall speak
about the territory of our country and its population, climate, wildlife, typical
animals and plants, the sights of Almaty, also the culture: customs and traditions,
the cuisine and traditional costumes.
By the way who knows about the authors of our national hymn?
2.Checking up the home task
Your home task was to prepare slides on a theme of «Kazakhstan is my
motherland». If you are ready, let’s begin.
Teacher: «Я очень рада вашему хорошему настроению. Вижу, что вы готовы к
работе. Мы отправимся в путешествия по родному Казахстану».
There are slides on the active board. Presentation.
The themes of pupils’ presentation:
1. The State Symbols. (Kumarova A.)
2. Geographical position of Kazakhstan. (V.Berezan)
3. Population. (with diagram) (Kumarova A.)
4.Landscape (Kacimova Z.)
5.Wildlife (Brykalova D.)
6. Typical Kazakhstan animals. (Korolenko D.)
7. Typical Kazakhstan plants.(Demidenko P.)
9. Almaty – is the city of apples. (Ann K.) 10. Nature of Almaty (Brykalova D.)
11. Kazakh Cuisine. (Kumarova A.)
12. National Games. (Berezan V.)
13. Traditional costumes. (Kacimova Z.)
Teacher: огромное спасибо всем студентам за подготовку слайдов, за
содержательные рассказы про нашу родину Казахстан.
Another part of our lesson I want to check your knowledge about our motherland
and that’s why I prepared some tasks for you.
3. Task №1. Unscramble the words (Расшифруйте слова и переведите на
русский язык)
thandlreom (motherlandродина)
zakahk (Kazakhказах)
ecnipedneden (independenceнезависимость)
numontme (monument)
retteha (theatre)
distamu (stadium)
liaparmetn (parliament)
umsemu (museum)
legalry (gallery)
nemaic (cinema)
aresqu (square)
Task №2. «Baiga» You must answer the questions given below:
1 What is the capital of Kazakhstan?(Astana)
2 What color is the state flag?(blue)
3 What are the symbols of Kazakhstan? (flag, anthem,
4 Who is the head of our country?(N.A.Nazarbaev)
5 What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know? (Almaty, Shymkent,
6 What do you know about the famous representatives of Kazakh culture?
(A.Kunanbaev., Sh.Ualikhanov., I.Altynsarin., Sh.Kudaibergenov.)
7 Who was the talented actor, the first director and head of the «Kazakhfilm»
studio? (Shaken Aimanov)
Task №3. «Polyglot». Put the missing words and translate into Russian,
Kazakh languages.
1 Kazakh’s believe that “the essence of food is in its ……” (salt –сольтұз)
2 Usually ………and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner
enjoy good health.(horse mainsгрива коняаттың жалы)
3 A …… …… cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and
the happiness of the child she is having. (pregnant womanбеременная
женщинааяғы ауыр әйел)
4 One can be senior in age but nobody is senior of ……. (Foodедатағам, ас)
5 Peaceful and generous, the land of the Kazakhs has always been famous for
its …….. (hospitalityгостеприимствоқонақжайлық)
4. It’s time to review our grammar rules “The modal verbs”. На слайдах
повторение модальных глаголов с примерами.
Task №4. «Work with cards»
Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы must,
may или сап.
Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may или must.
What ... we see on this map? 2. ... you speak Spanish? — No, unfortunately I... 3.
At what time ... you come to school? 4. ... I come in? 5. You ... not smoke here.
6. ... take your book? — I am afraid not: I need it. 7. He ... not speak English yet.
8. I have very little time: I ... go. 9. They ... not go to the park today because they
are busy. 10. You ... read this text: it is easy enough.
Task № 5. What about this text? Retell the text in your native language.
1 In Kazakh tradition the wedding lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking.
Either the fiancé sends matchmakers to his bride’s parents, or he abducts his
fiancées. In the first case the matchmakers, who are the fiancé’s relatives
bring rich gifts to the bride’s parents and ask their consent to the marriage.
This negotiation is called the cuda tusu. If the bride’s parents agree, then
they fix the date for the wedding day.
2 A legend tells about such a case. Abylai Khan fell in love with a beautiful
girl from a poor family. But she already has been intendedan ordinary
warrior. As do not hurt the Khan’s feelings and bring his anger on her
family, the girl asked the Khan to shoot an arrow beyond the mountain near
a lake. The girl went to a rock in the middle of the lake to watch the
competition. However the Khan tried to shoot the arrow high in the sky, it
would not rise beyond the mountain. Since then, the mountain is called
Okzhetpes which means ‘Not achievable with an arrow’ in Kokshetau. The
girl decided that if Khan fulfilled her task, she would jump from the rocky
island on to the stones. That is why the lake is called Zhumbaktas which
means ‘a riddlestone’.
3 When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another ancient ritethe hobbles
cutting. A hobble of rope round a child’s legs is tired. It looks like a figure
of eight. The child has to make a few steps and then the hobbles are cut
with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy
example. By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own
life more succesfully.
4. Conclusion.
Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание:
Teacher: Thank you. You are very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today.
Your marks for the lesson are: …
Kazakhstan is my motherland
Kazakhstan is my motherland
Kazakhstan is my motherland
Kazakhstan is my motherland
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