Копань Наталья Александровна, учитель иностранных языков МБОУ СОШ № 2
План – конспект урока английского языка по теме «А World of Opportunities» («Мир возможностей»).
Цели урока:
1. Практические: формирование практических умений в чтении, аудировании и говорении.
2. Образовательные: обучение правильному употреблению языковых средств, построению фраз, повышение общей культуры выражения мысли.
3. Развивающие: развитие мышления, памяти, логики, воображения, самостоятельности.
4. Воспитательные: формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.
5. Достижение метапредметных результатов: развитие способности вычленять нужную информацию, классифицировать, разделять главное и второстепенное, развитие умения вероятностного прогнозирования, овладения универсальными учебными действиями (познавательными, коммуникационными), освоение принципов навигации в интернете, умение находить нужную информацию на сайте.
Оснащение урока: презентация, учебник К. Кауфман,М. Кауфман “Happy English.ru 11 класс”, памятки, материал для выполнения проекта.
Ход урока:
I.Начало урока: Приветствие. Установка к уроку.
Teacher: Hello, everybody. I’ m happy to see you and our guests today at the lesson.
It’s no wonder that the 21st century is regarded as technology, information and good education age. You are in the last year of high school and everything you do this year is important, but the most important task for you now is to decide what career to choose and what university to apply.
T.: But why do you think higher education is so important?
Pupils: It gives excellent social-life opportunities. It can help find a good job. It’s prestigious. …
II. Stating the problem (Постановка проблемы).
T.: You know, universities and especially old universities of Great Britain gives the best education recognized all over the world. Would you like to get into Oxford or Cambridge, for example? How do you think, is it real?
P.: Yes, we would. But it’s very difficult. I think, it’s unreal.
T.: Well, we’ll see it at the end of the lesson. Let’s state the problem: how to get into British university? What should a foreigner know to do it? I propose to you some steps of solving this problem.
III. Ways of solving a problem ( Пути решения проблемы).
Step 1. Finding information (Поиск информации).
T.: Firstly, let`s find information about British universities, their application procedures and admissions requirements. Where can we find information about it?
P.: In the Internet.
T.: Right you are. And we’ll do it a bit later in the forum of the social net www.livejournal.com.
T.: Now we need more information about British universities. Look at the screen: there are new words here. Repeat them after the speaker. (фонотработка новой лексики).
a) Look, we have new messages on camp Pineland forum. Skim the texts of messages in ex.7, p.54 in your textbooks and give the Russian equivalents for the words and expressions not translated in the exercise.
Step 2. Comparing and analysing information (Сравнение и анализ информации).
T.: We have already had some information on our topic. Let`s compare and analyze it.
b) Now scan the text and the comments and complete the phrases of ex.8, p.57 in your textbooks.
c) Analyse all information you’ve got and check yourselves. Look at the screen. Translate the phrases you’ve found into Russian.
IV.Using knowledge (Актуализация полученных знаний).
Step 3. Defending of your position (Защита своей позиции по проблеме).
T.: Now I want you to discuss opportunities of getting into British university. Work in groups. Express your opinion with the help of a model.
Step 4. Conclusions . Returning to the problem (Выводы . Возвращение к проблеме , поставленной в начале урока).
T.: Let`s return to our problem: Is it real to get into university in Britain?
S.: Yes, it is.
T.: How can you do it? Discuss conclusions of your group and let’s make a summary.
1. Find information about the university you like to apply, it’s application procedures and admissions requirements.
2. Discuss it on forums of social nets, if there are some questions.
3. Do your best to sit your NSE.
4. Apply your documents before the deadline.
5.Join a CFP (College Foundation Programme), recognized by your university and enjoy living on campus.
6.Pass IELTS or TOEFL.
T.: Brilliant. Well done. Now let`s form general principles how to solve the problem . Remember our steps of today`s lesson.
Tips: How to solve a problem
Step 1. Finding information.
Step 2. Comparing and analyzing information.
Step 3. Making conclusions.
Step 4. Using practical knowledge.
T.: I think these tips will help you to solve the problem not only in the lessons but in real life too.
Step 5. Using practical knowledge (Практическое применение полученных знаний).
T.: Now I want you to imagine yourselves journalists, editors, printers. In other words, people making a newspaper. Let`s make a project ”My University”. In groups, of course.
Step 6. Presenting projects (Представление и защита проектов).
(Представители от групп описывают свой проект).
T.: Friends, do you like these projects?
V.Окончание урока. Рефлексия.
T.: Thank you for your work. I`m pleased with it today and I hope that today`s lesson will help you to find information and solve problems. At home you will prepare a talk about any university. And now I want you to mark what was useful for you at the lesson. Fill in this table , please
Now I know
what I need to get into the university or college in Britain |
what is a College Foundation Programme |
how to find information |
how to solve a problem |
how to express your opinion |
Mark by plus + or minus -.
T.: Thank you. Good - bye.
Приложение 1
Now I know
what I need to get into the university or college in Britain |
what is a College Foundation Programme |
how to find information |
how to solve a problem |
how to express your opinion |
Mark by plus + or minus -.
Now I know
what I need to get into the university or college in Britain |
what is a College Foundation Programme |
how to find information |
how to solve a problem |
how to express your opinion |
Mark by plus + or minus -.
Now I know
what I need to get into the university or college in Britain |
what is a College Foundation Programme |
how to find information |
how to solve a problem |
how to express your opinion |
Mark by plus + or minus -.
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