Конспект урока домашнего чтения 8 класс английский язык по рассказу А. Грина "Зеленая лампа"
Оценка 4.8

Конспект урока домашнего чтения 8 класс английский язык по рассказу А. Грина "Зеленая лампа"

Оценка 4.8
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английский язык
8 кл—9 кл
Конспект урока домашнего чтения 8 класс английский язык по рассказу А. Грина "Зеленая лампа"
Конспект урока является демонстрацией моей практики по теме "Урок книга" ежегодно проводимой в школе, где преподаю английский язык. Суть мероприятия в том, что уроки даются всеми педагогами по определенному литературному произведению. В данном проекте урока представлен мой опыт по уроку на основе произведения А. Грина "Зеленая лампа"
конспект урока Макушкина ЕН.docx


ТЕМАУРОКА: “Choice of a job”


  • Воспитательная - повышение интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение внимательно слушать собеседника;
  • Развивающая - развитие познавательных и творческих  способностей  учащихся, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности логически излагать;
  • Познавательная - увеличение объема знаний о профессиях.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ:- конспект; - наглядности; - раздаточный материал; - мультимедийная презентация.




I Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения

1.     Организационный момент.


Good morning, students! Take your places. Glad to see you!  

- How are you today?

- Could you tell me, who is absent today?

- What is the date?

2. Сообщение темы

Ok! Thank you and now we could make a start. Today we are going to discuss the theme “Choice of a job”. This  theme  is  very  important  for  everybody  and  the  sooner  you  choose  your  job  the  better.  We have already spoken about this theme but today I want you to discuss a story by A. Green “Green Lamp”. The  author wrote this story in 1930 but today we steel think about the main problem of this story - the  meaning of life.

   I  hope  our  lesson  will  help  you  to  make  your  choice.

3.Фонетическая зарядка

Say, if you agree with the statement

Beggars cant be choosers.(нищие не могут выбирать будущее)

Give examples of some personalities who became successful people in life but were poor and suffered a lot in their young years. Use the example

I’m afraid I can’t agree with the statement. In fact there are many examples of the people who … . One of them is… . He/She came from a poor family but… . I believe that if you are determined to achieve your aims in life you will be able to do it with or without money.

II Работа с текстом  


1.So, guys, now I want you to read the text “Green Lamp”. But first of all, look at the screen; here you can see some new words for you.

to be determined to -  быть преисполненным решимости

to be decent – быть порядочным

a beggar – нищий  a tramp - бродяга

prevent – мешать

disgustedly - с отвращением

scavenging – падаль

a faint – обморок

 a waif- беспризорный

to seek employment – искать работу

an orphan – сирота

the owner of the City's mercantile warehouses –владелец торговых складов в Сити

night's lodging – ночлег

prosperity – благоденствие

gloomy – мрачный

outskirt – окраина

wild screams – дикие вопли

an emaciated face – истощенное лицо

2. So, guys,  I want you to read the text and say if the character of this story John Eve was also determined to achieve his aims of life and became successful.

Выполнение упражнений

Now guys, let’s do some exercise.

3. Please,  read the text again and answer the questions:

 1) Who are the main characters of the story?

2) Where was the setting?

3) Why had John come to England?

4) Why did Stilton decide to help John Eve?

5) How much money did Stilton give John?

6) What was Stilton’s plan?

7) Did his plan come true?

8) Why did he turn into a beggar?

9) Why did John Eve become a doctor?



2.  Complete the sentences using the missing words.

1.     In London, in the winter of 1920,  ….  stopped at the corner of Piccadilly Circus and a side street.

2.     "I'm hungry.".. And I'm alive, "  …  muttered, sitting up to look at Stilton, who was lost in thought.The fortress was handed … to the enemy.

3.     The poor guy's name …  John Eve.

4.     Listen: I'll give you  … on condition that you take a room in one of the main streets tomorrow, on the second floor, with a window facing the street.

5.     All right; give me … and know that tomorrow, at the address I've given you, John Eve will be lighting the window with a lamp!

6.     Indeed, the dark figure, leaning  …, was looking out   into the semi-darkness of the street, as if asking: "Who's there? What should I expect? Who's coming?"

3. Read the text again and agree or disagree with the statements. Give your reasons. Support them with the sentences from the text.

1) Stilton gave money to John Eve because he wanted to help him

2) John Eve was a beggar who was looking for a job.

3) Low well-being of John Eve prevented him from becoming a success in life.

4) High well-bеing of Stilton helped him to be decent.



Релаксационная пауза

Well done, guys, I suppose it’s high time for relax. Please may I have your attention, look at the screen.

III Управление тренировкой во владении материалом

Новая лексика из текста

So, guys, now I want you to read the text “Choosing a career”. But first of all, look at the screen; here you can see some new words for you. Let’s read it and translate.

• occupational - профессиональный

• aim – намерение, цель

• attempt – стараться, стремиться

• requirement – требование

weakness – слабость, недостаток

sufficient – достаточный, обоснованный

justification – оправдание

equip – оборудовать

to achieve – добиваться, достигать

leisure – досуг, свободное время

appeal – обращение, просьба

Текст о выборе профессии

Choosing a career

Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what your requirements are from a career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already may have suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training will equip you to do new things. A further point to consider is how far you will be willing to do for a time things which you do not like knowing that they are necessary to achieve your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirements. In particular, you can answer to important questions. First: what sort of life do you want to lead? For example, do you want to live in the country or in the town? Is leisure time of great importance to you? Is the size of your salary important? Do you want to put down roots or travel widely? Second: what sort of work do you want to do? For example, do you like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to you? Do you want to be an organizer of other people's activities? Do you want to develop new ideas and initiate changes?

Домашнее задание

I want you to write down your home task.

Итог урока

So guys, I think that our meeting was productive. I see you know the material well. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good – bye!!!





City's mercantile warehouses – владелец торговых складов в

City's mercantile warehouses – владелец торговых складов в

Who's there? What should I expect?

Who's there? What should I expect?
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